I was sick all night. Sick because of the things I said to Brewer, but mostly sick that I pushed him away. I barely made it in to work today, thinking about everything I said to him and the hurt on his face.
At lunch time, I think Christie had enough. She clocked us both out and pushed me out to her car. We drove down the street to a little soup place and she ordered us both soup and sandwiches when I told her I wasn’t hungry.
When she sets down the tray, I start into my story. I tell her everything. I tell her about the night before and all the things he made me feel. I told her about me sneaking out on him and how it was probably a good thing I pushed him away before he could cheat on me like my ex, James, did. I told her everything. Probably more than I should have.
She sits there quietly, looking at me. When I finish, my heart is racing and I feel that I’ve been on a rollercoaster, experiencing it all again.
She reaches across our uneaten food and puts her hand on mine. “Maggie, James was a dick. He didn’t deserve you, but not every man is like that. They don’t all cheat.”
“Yeah, but…” I start, but she interrupts me with her hand held up.
“He admitted to you he was a player before you slept with him. The next day, he tracks you down, obviously claiming you. Oh, and don’t forget, he put new tires on your car because he wanted you ‘safe’ – his words, right?”
I nod my head at her.
She lets go of my hand and picks up her sandwich. She takes a small bite, chews it and swallows it. “So I already know, but I’m wondering if you’ve figured it out yet.”
My forehead creases with confusion. “What?”
She takes her sweet time answering me and I’m on the edge of my seat waiting, like she’s about to bestow some life-changing knowledge on me. “How do you feel about him?”
I sit back in my seat. What she’s asking me should be simple. It’s on the tip of my tongue to say, “nothing.” But just thinking it, I know I would be lying. Nope, I definitely don’t feel “nothing” for him. I feel so much more. I try to talk myself out of it. I try to reason with myself, telling me that I just met him, he’s a player and he’s too young for me. But when it comes down to it, none of that means anything. Because it doesn’t explain how I feel abut him. Nope, because I’m pretty sure I love him. As soon as I think it, I say it out loud.
“I love him,” I tell her. “Oh my God, Christie, this is crazy, but I’m in love with him. I don’t even know him.”
She just nods her head. “Honey, you know enough. He wants you, he wants to protect you and he seems to be an honest man. What more do you want?”
Deflated, I sit back in my seat. “Love. I want him to love me.”
She covers my hand with hers. “Maggie, you just met him. He probably doesn’t even know how he feels.” She looks at my face, and then smiles softly at me. “But you have to give him a chance. I think he’s earned it… don’t you?”
I think back to the last few days and I know I’ve been happier in those few days than I have been in a long time. Finally, I nod my head. She’s right. I didn’t even give him a chance.
The rest of the day, I worry about facing him. I know he’s probably not going to come to me, so as soon as I get off work I’m going to go by the shop and find him.

* * *
I wake up the next morning with the hangover of all hangovers. I walk out into the clubhouse and sit down in the corner with a beer in my hand. Nothing like curing a hangover with some beer, I think to myself. Even if it’s just one. I still have to go to work later.
Rider comes storming in and sits down at the bar. With his head in his hands, I just leave him be. I can pretty much guess his problem. Keeper, on the other hand, isn’t so easygoing. I hear him talking to Rider, and the only thing I can hear is Keeper giving him a hard time before he turns to me.
Keeper sets a bottle of water in front of Rider and turns to me. “What about you? Aren’t you supposed to be at the repair shop today?”
I just tip my bottle at him. “You know, Keep, regardless of what everyone thinks, I’m not a child.”
Keeper just laughs. “You two having woman problems or what?”
He starts talking to Rider and I know they’re talking about Willow. Everyone knows that Rider just needs to man up. It isn’t long before Rider gets up and walks out the door.
I then hear Keeper talking about how he needs to work but he’s having to deal with pansy-ass men that don’t know how to handle love. He walks over to me and sets a bottle of water down. “All right, let’s have it.”
I peel the label off the bottle and set it down. “Have what?”
He laughs and leans forward. “What’s up with you? And save me and you both some time, don’t tell me nothing.”
I shrug my shoulders. “I met a girl.”
“Great, and you fucked her and dumped her.” He gets up from the table and starts to walk away.
I'm angry now, because I can’t believe what everyone seems to think of me. Yep, I’ve been around, but I never cheated or lied to get what I wanted. I was always honest, sometimes probably too honest. “No, Keep. I made love to a woman and then she dumped me, said I was too young, a player, whatever.”
I get up from the table and start to walk away, but stop and turn around when Keeper says ominously, “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”
I bang my hand on the counter. “What the fuck does that even mean? It seems like everyone thinks I deserve this. I mean, fuck, this shit hurts, Keep. I don’t need my brothers giving me shit about it.”
“Okay, okay,” he says, walking toward me with his hands up. “So did you tell her how you feel?”
I about walk out then, but realize I need to talk this shit out. “No, I couldn’t. She fucking wouldn’t let me. She was too busy trying to get the fuck away from me.”
Keeper slaps his hands together. “See, Brewer, that’s where you messed up. You need to start with that. You need to tell her how you feel, then if she walks away, well, that’s on her.”
I look up at him with hope in my eyes. “You think?”
“Fuck, Brew, seeing you like this, well, it’s worth a shot, right?”