“What’s your problem, cuz?” Wesley Prescott asked as he stretched his long legs out in front of him.
Gavin Mathis said, “Yeah, you’ve been scowling since we boarded the plane. Are you and Devin about to go under?”
“Not likely,” Ralph Prescott muttered. His sour disposition had nothing to do with the financial report on his laptop, showing another sizable increase in their quarterly profits. They’d made more than enough to add comfortably to their fleet of private planes.
Ralph had been fortunate. He was born into a loving family with both parents. Unfortunately, his folks had been killed when he was only twelve. He’d gone to live with his father’s younger brother, Lester and his wife Donna, and their children. The adjustment hadn’t been easy, but Ralph had eventually landed on his feet when he realized he was home…genuinely loved and accepted as one of Donna and Lester’s own.
When Devin and Ralph started their business, they had more money than either one of them knew what to do with. The private airline had been a sizable risk considering they knew next to nothing about planes or running an airline. The small commuter airline business had nearly been bankrupt when they took it over. Since professional help was needed, the first thing they’d done was hire an old friend of Lester’s, Carl Snyder. He’d been a crack pilot in the military for a number of years. He was interested in starting his own business but lacked the necessary capital. It had been Devin’s idea to turn it into a private air service for the wealthy. With Carl’s knowledge, combined with Ralph’s and Devin’s business skills and celebrity connections, they soon had the business up and running. Together, the three men had turned the small operation completely around.
One of the first things they’d done was make sure that even a man of Ralph’s size, six feet, seven inches, 190 pounds of solid muscle, was comfortable in the compact space of a Learjet. Whatever creature comforts their wealthy clientele, many of whom were professional athletes, required were available. The jet’s main cabin contained a small granite-tiled galley kitchen, a fully stocked bar, a built-in mahogany desk, complete with telephone, computer, and fax machine, plush leather armchairs and sofa. The rear of the cabin housed a luxuriously appointed bedroom-and-bath suite.
“Well?” Gavin prompted.
Ralph acknowledged, “Our little business has been growing so fast that Devin and I are going to have to sit down and take a hard look at what we want to do next. Carl manages the aeronautical aspects of the business, and since I’m no longer playing basketball, the day-to-day responsibility of running the business has fallen on my shoulders.”
The business was also cutting into Ralph’s assistant coaching career at the University of Detroit, as well as the work he enjoyed doing for low-income boys at the community center. And then there was his active social life.
Wesley teased, “Lighten up, cuz. You should be on top of the world with a weekend of fun and golf, as well as real Southern food. Plus you’ve got your pick between the four beautiful single ladies in the wedding party. Chill out, you won’t see Gavin and me working this weekend.”
Ralph was determined to ignore both men, who were relaxing in matching leather armchairs across the aisle, with soft drinks in hand. Wesley and Gavin not only played football for the Detroit Lions but had been best friends since their college days. The two also co-owned a successful string of sporting goods stores across the country.
“You two started this mess,” Ralph snapped. “You’re nothing more than a couple of ‘sell-outs.’ Giving up your freedom and bachelorhood. If that wasn’t bad enough, my main man will be joining your sorry ranks in a little over a week. It’s a disgrace that I’m the only bachelor left in this family, other than fourteen-year-old Wayne.”
Wesley and Gavin roared with laughter.
It was Gavin who sobered enough to say, “You don’t know what you’re missing, my man.”
“Yeah, sure,” Ralph grumbled.
“May I get something for you, Mr. Prescott?” the pretty flight attendant asked Ralph with a hopeful smile.
“No thanks,” he mumbled, aware of the other two looking on with knowing grins.
It wasn’t business, his coaching job, lack of time, or his traveling buddies that had put the scowl on Ralph’s face. He had been fine until Devin called last night to invite him, along with the other groomsmen, to fly down to surprise the ladies.
The fact that Alex, Marvin, and Ron were tagging along with Devin and were known “players,” shouldn’t have bothered Ralph, especially considering his own slightly tarnished reputation. The single guys were understandably looking to have a good time with Brynne’s lovely bridesmaids.
Clearly Devin was missing Brynne. And Wesley and Gavin were not going to let their wives leave them behind.
No, what was really bugging Ralph was Ron’s interest in Brynne’s maid of honor, Vanessa Grant.
It had been obvious to anyone with eyes in their head that since the engagement party, Ron had gone out of his way to monopolize Vanessa. That meant it was up to Ralph to see that Ron didn’t take advantage of her.
Vanessa was what his uncle would call a “good girl.” A decent man didn’t mess with her unless he was ready to walk down the aisle. Ralph swore beneath his breath, infuriated by the mere thought of it.
Evidently Wesley heard the comment. “Come on, Ralph. You can’t be upset that Devin is finally getting his family? He has been crazy in love with Brynne for more than four years.”
“No! I’m glad for him. He won’t be able to breathe easy until after the ceremony, and she’s signed on the dotted line,” Ralph grudgingly admitted.
Gavin asked, “Then what’s got your nose out of joint?”
“Has to be a woman,” Wesley surmised. “Who is she, Ralph?”
“I don’t have a female problem. I leave that to you married guys. All I’m trying to do is get some work done.”
“Working on a holiday weekend? That’s not like you. Wes, you could be right.” Gavin laughed. “Tell us more. Who is she? This is one lady I’ve got to meet.”
“Absolutely,” Wesley put in.
“Very funny,” Ralph snapped.
Wesley surmised, “You’d think with four beautiful single women on the trip, he’d be in hog heaven.”
Ralph wasn’t about to admit that his traveling companions had hit the mark. He was on edge because of a special lady, only she wasn’t his. Somehow, Vanessa had managed to do what no woman, outside of his family, had done…brought out his protective instincts.
He’d be the first to acknowledge that when it came to women he was just as susceptible as the next guy. He’d adored females from the time he was old enough to understand there was a difference. It was no secret that he liked everything about them, from the smell of their skin, their soft curves, and their sexy voices, to their small feet. Short, tall, slim, plump, none of that mattered to him, as long as they were female. He even found the puzzling way women viewed the world fascinating.
Unlike the women he and Ron enjoyed, Vanessa wasn’t out there using her beauty and sexuality to trap a man. Both men considered the male-female maneuvers as nothing more than a game, and in the end if said male and female ended up in bed together, then both sides could claim victory.
Ron had to see that Vanessa wasn’t like the party girls who followed the teams or hung around the trendy clubs “on the ready.” There was no doubt in Ralph’s mind that Vanessa didn’t have the experience required to stand against a smooth brother like Ron. If he put on a full-court press, she would end up right where Ron wanted her…in his bed.
Why hadn’t Devin asked Ralph’s old friend, Scott Hendricks, to be his groomsman? The NBA player was from Detroit, and he was single. More important, he respected the rules. Unlike Ron, who considered all women fair game.
Ralph bit back an expletive. He didn’t have a clue why the matter weighed on his conscience. Vanessa, although beautiful, didn’t draw men to her in droves. And it wasn’t as if he thought she was sporting a halo. Odds were she’d been involved with at least one guy, someone who apparently had taken advantage of her innocence. Ralph would be willing to bet that after getting what he wanted, the lowlife had moved on. It would explain why she had been off men for so long.
Obviously, Vanessa was so caught up in raising her family and her job that she wouldn’t know what hit her until it was too late. Like some lame black knight, Ralph was chasing after her to make sure he’d be on hand, just in case she needed his help.
Ralph couldn’t help wondering if he was going soft in his old age, not that thirty-one was old. What he should have been doing was trying to figure out why he felt the need to play hero.
It didn’t bother him that the women he dated were out for what they could get. It was part of the game. His lady friends thoroughly enjoyed the expensive restaurants or the gifts of fine jewelry or elaborate trips in private planes and limousine rides. He could afford to indulge them because he was assured of getting what he wanted, a beautiful woman in his bed for a time.
“Mr. Prescott, is something wrong? Is there anything I can get for you?” The flight attendant was once again at Ralph’s side. They’d hired her as much for her good looks as her skills. All of the employees at Prescott Air were topnotch.
Annoyed when he caught Wesley and Gavin exchanging knowing grins, Ralph hastily said, “Nothing, thank you. When do we land?”
“In twenty minutes, sir.” Smiling seductively, she was practically purring when she whispered, “Are you sure, I can’t get you…something?”
Ralph stared at her for a long moment. She was certainly gorgeous, with short black curls, creamy pale brown skin, dark eyes, and full, painted lips. Oh, the girl definitely had it going on, yet his body didn’t stir. Frustrated because he genuinely wasn’t interested, he shook his head, no. Although he made a practice of not messing around with the hired help…decidedly bad for business…that didn’t account for the change in him.
Ralph hadn’t had sex in weeks, not since that blasted engagement party. Although he wasn’t about to share that information with anyone, certainly not his traveling companions. Not that they would believe it. He could hardly believe it himself!
Trying to relax, Ralph leaned back in the large leather armchair and stretched his long legs out in front of him. The former Los Angeles Lakers’ star forward had been at the top of his game when he’d gotten hurt. He’d gone up for a rebound and ended up on the bottom of the heap, with a broken shoulder and collarbone. The injury had ended his career, and he’d left the bright lights of LA and the game he loved.
Ralph had gone back to the University of Detroit, where he did graduate work to complete a master’s degree in finance and business. Before he knew it, he was working with his former college basketball coach as his assistant and found he enjoyed helping aspiring college athletes. Most of them dreamed of playing pro ball but had no idea how to handle what came with it…the money, the fame…and the women that inevitably were part of the multimillion-dollar contract. For Ralph, the NBA had not been about any of those things, only the sheer love of the sport. The money was a sweet added bonus.
A large number of the kids he worked with came from single-parent households and didn’t have positive males in their lives. In an effort to make a difference, he often spoke at both middle schools and high schools around the city, as well as volunteering his time at the city’s community centers.
Unfortunately, Ron wasn’t the only problem Ralph was having with Vanessa. If only he could get her out of his mind! It started so unexpectedly. His body hardened each and every time he recalled her incredible softness while they’d slow-danced at that blasted engagement party. The scent of her dark, silky skin, the texture of her thick black hair, and the sound of her voice had him aching with need whenever he so much as thought of her. And he thought of her too doggone often for his peace of mind.
“It can’t be me!” Vanessa whispered aloud.
She gazed into the bathroom mirror, turning her head from side to side, not quite believing what she saw. Her dark, creamy skin looked beautiful, and she had never, even once, thought of herself as beautiful.
Their minivacation had been a wonderful idea, and she was having the time of her life. Vanessa couldn’t get over the exquisitely appointed suite they were sharing. There were four bedrooms and baths, a spacious living/dining room, as well as a fully equipped kitchen.
After breakfast, they’d spent the day enjoying the spa facilities. Nothing had been overlooked. Lunch had been brought to them as they’d been pampered from head to toe. When they returned to their suite, Brynne had arranged both a makeup artist and hairstylist to help them prepare for an evening out on the town.
Vanessa’s long and thick black hair had been curled to frame her face, while the back had been left to flow down her back.
“What’s all that noise?” Vanessa asked as she entered the bedroom she was sharing with Laura.
“You will never believe it!” Laura said excitedly as she tossed her robe on the end of one of the queen-size beds. In a cream satin teddy, Laura picked up the cream dress waiting for her. “Devin just arrived. He came to surprise Brynne. You should have seen the girl’s face!”
“Really?” Vanessa laughed.
“Yes! And he didn’t come alone. All of his groomsmen are with him. They’re all dressed in custom-made suits, ready to take us out on the town. Girl, can you believe it!”
“Ralph is here!” Vanessa nearly screamed as she sank down into the nearest armchair.
“Ralph, Alex, and…” Laura stopped, to stare at her friend.
“I wish I could have seen Brynne’s face when Devin walked in,” Vanessa said, trying to calm her racing heart.
“Well, well, well.” Laura grinned.
“What?” Vanessa hedged as she stepped into the black knit dress that she knew would cling to her generous hips and show too much thigh with its uneven hem. Frowning, she wished she had bought another dress…something that would cover her from neck to toes. Unfortunately, it was the only dress she’d packed. She recalled the red, off-the-shoulder evening gown, she had sketched. She imagined wearing it while on Ralph’s arm. Too bad it was only just a pretty fantasy…not real.
“No wonder you were questioning me about Ralph. You’ve got a crush on him!” Laura laughed. “I can’t believe it! And to think, whenever you’ve heard his name in the past, you acted as if he was the number one dog in the pound. Why all the secrecy?”
Staring down at her French manicure nails, Vanessa said miserably, “Because I knew you would do just what you did. Laugh!”
“Aw, honey lamb.” Laura came over and gave her a hug.
“I was just playing with you. There isn’t one single thing wrong with the man. Are you kidding? Half the women in Detroit are chasing after Ralph Prescott.”
“My point exactly! And he’s probably slept with all of them at least once!” Vanessa exclaimed, while anxiously smoothing the fabric covering her hips.
“Oh, come on. The man is gorgeous and rich. Of course women are chasing him down. We’d both think something was wrong if they weren’t after his gorgeous behind.”
“I’m not looking for a man. And if I were, it wouldn’t be a low-down, womanizer like Ralph Prescott,” Vanessa said bitterly.
What she didn’t say was that he was too much like Gregory Cummingham, the twins’ heartless father, for her peace of mind. She wasn’t about to repeat her mother’s mistakes. No way was she going down that dead-end road.
“And what are you going to do if he approaches you?” Laura asked as she zipped Vanessa’s dress.
“Run!” Vanessa quipped. “Besides, it doesn’t matter. The kids come first with me. Even multimillionaires wouldn’t want to be saddled with a ready-made family.”
“Girl, you are too much. I’m talking about a date, not a lifetime commitment. Loosen up, will you? Have some fun for a change. You are twenty-six, not a hundred and six. Enjoy yourself!” Laura gripped Vanessa’s shoulders. “If he asks you to dance, say yes. Okay?”
Vanessa smiled sheepishly. “Okay. I know, I’m overreacting. Thanks.”
She gave Laura a hug before moving to stand in front of the mirrored dresser. She turned, checking out the front and back views. Frowning at the way the vee neckline dipped low enough to bare her ample cleavage.
Why had she gone shopping with Brynne and Laura? Those two had convinced her she could not only wear something sexy but look good in it. Why had she listened? Now she was stuck. The dress cost too much to throw out. If it hadn’t been on the clearance rack, she could have returned it. Who was she kidding?
If it hadn’t been on sale, she never could have been able to afford it, not on her tight budget. As much as she loved to design and sew, the clothes she made were for the children.
For herself, she daydreamed and sketched, but that’s as far as it went in the family. The majority of the evening gowns she sketched were for small, elegant women, like Laura and Brynne. She’d sketched a few gowns with Kelli in mind, but had never shown them to her.
Not that she didn’t think full-figured women deserve lovely things. Yet when it came to herself, it would be a waste. She wasn’t going to need the red evening gown or a wedding dress. She certainly couldn’t wear either to the grocery store or work.
“Laura, tell me the truth. Do you think I should change? I brought an off-the-shoulder white blouse and jeans for tomorrow night.”
“Stop it! You look great! We all do. How could we not look good, with all the work we’ve had today?” Laura giggled as she presented her back to Vanessa. “We have to hurry. Now zip me up, please.”
Vanessa was still undecided as she helped Laura with her dress.
Picking up her small evening bag, Laura smiled. “Now, stop stalling. Our escorts for the evening are waiting.”
Vanessa’s heart was pounding as she took her own small, plain black purse and followed the other woman into the living room.
There was laughter and chatter. Everyone was there and seemed to be having a great time. Laura hadn’t exaggerated. The men looked fabulous and were dressed for an evening out. Vanessa’s smile was forced as she did her level best not to so much as glance at Ralph Prescott.
“Look who’s here.” Brynne beamed. One look at her twinkling eyes told the whole story. Devin stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her tiny waist.
They all laughed.
“You ladies look beautiful.” Ralph grinned. His dark eyes moved from Kelli and Anna to Trenna and Maureen, then Laura and Brynne, before they eventually rested on Vanessa.
Blushing, Vanessa wondered if it were her imagination or if Ralph’s gaze had truly lingered on her. She was uncomfortably aware of him as she fought for composure. Even though Ralph was among over six-foot-tall, broad-shouldered, and attractive men, he alone held her gaze. He was incredibly male, with his rich brown skin, bold African features, and, close-cut black hair. Unlike the other women, who were all laughing and talking, Vanessa shyly dropped her lids, unable to meet Ralph’s dark eyes.
Laura asked, “So what gives? We weren’t expecting you very handsome men.”
“Yeah,” Trenna and Maureen put in, while Vanessa was busy studying the toes of her black pumps.
Alex Goodman, a smooth-talking linebacker for the St. Louis Rams, grinned. “We wouldn’t dream of disappointing you beautiful ladies. We can’t have you here without proper escorts to show you the town. How does a scrumptious dinner, followed by dancing all night long, sound to you ladies?”
Boisterous feminine cheers went up then, and everyone seemed to be talking at once.
“You look hot,” Ron Daniels, smiling widely, said close to Vanessa’s ear.
The Rams’ wide receiver was one fine man. Yet there was something about him that Vanessa didn’t like. He was too good-looking. She had no illusions as to what he wanted from her…sex. On more than one occasion, she had nearly set him straight and told him the answer was no. But then she would realize she could be wrong, and it was best to simply let it go.
“Thank you. How have you been, Ron?”
“Can’t complain,” he said. His beautiful light brown eyes gleamed. “Save me a slow dance?”
She smiled, nodding, annoyed that her fantasies were about one man…the one who hadn’t so much as approached her.
“Let’s go, everybody,” Devin called out. “We have two limousines waiting for us.” He led the way with Brynne’s small hand clasped in his.
As they walked to the elevator, Laura asked Vanessa in a whisper, “You okay?”
Vanessa whispered back, “I’m fine. Just had a bad case of nerves for a few minutes there.”
“Ron’s right. You do look hot, but watch your step with that one. He’s slick. Knows all the right moves,” Laura cautioned.
Vanessa laughed. “You got that right.”
She had no comeback when Laura revealed, “You-know-who has had his eyes on you the entire time.”