Brynne and Devin shared the first car with Kelli and Wesley and Anna and Gavin, while the single ladies rode in the stretch limo with the unattached men.
Vanessa told herself she had no business feeling disappointed. She should take Laura’s advice and concentrate on having a good time. Didn’t matter who sat where or who danced with whom. All the guys were fun.
Yet later, when Ralph tapped Ron on the shoulder and insisted it was his dance, she laughed and went willingly into the other man’s arms.
It didn’t matter that her heart rate had suddenly accelerated and her breath had quickened. Even though all the men were tall, Ralph was the one who made her feel small. He towered over her, even in her heels. As his clean male scent enveloped her, and his warm chest pressed against her breasts, Vanessa found herself tongue-tied. It was as if her brain stopped working the minute he got too close.
“You are awfully quiet,” Ralph said in his deep, husky voice.
“What do you mean?”
“Whenever I am near, you seem to clam up, but when you’re with the other guys, including my cousins, you’re all sweet smiles. Do I need a breath mint? Or could it be my looks offend you?” he asked with a straight face.
“You are joking, aren’t you?” Vanessa blinked in dismay.
“Absolutely.” He smiled. “Do I make you nervous?”
Vanessa blushed. “A bit. You’re smooth. I can understand why women seem to throw themselves at you.”
“But not you.”
“What is this? I thought we were here to have fun? You make me feel as if I’m on the witness stand.”
Ralph smiled. “You’re right. So how do you like Atlanta?”
“I haven’t seen a lot of it, but so far it has been exciting. So much to do.”
“Enjoying the spa treatment?”
“Loved it. When we planned the trip, we didn’t expect you fellows to follow us,” she teased.
“It was a last-minute kind of thing. Good chance to relax, play some golf, and burn the candle at both ends.”
Vanessa nodded, keenly aware of his lean, long length against her as they moved easily in time to the music. The song ended, but rather than release her, Ralph kept her at his side.
“You’re a good dancer,” Ralph said quietly.
Before she could think of a response, Ron appeared at their side, just as the music started again.
“May I?” Ron asked.
Vanessa was looking at Ron, therefore missed the look of disappointment in Ralph’s dark eyes.
“Thank you,” Ralph said to her, dropping his hands as he stepped back.
Ralph swore as he mumbled to himself. The guy didn’t know when to stop. He suspected Vanessa wouldn’t understand if he cracked Ron’s jaw just to make a point. One wrong move, and Ron would be picking himself up off the floor. Rather than join the soon-to-be-newlyweds, who sat snuggled up in the corner of a banquet booth, Ralph headed for the bar.
“What can I get you?”
“A beer,” he grumbled, keeping his back to the dance floor. He would be fine as soon as he figured out what exactly was going on with him. He should have stayed in Detroit spending the weekend with any one of his female friends, taking care of business. But, no, he had to come chasing after Vanessa. Telling himself the woman needed someone to look out for her. She was like a goldfish in a pondful of sharks. Ron definitely had his eye on the statuesque beauty—a beauty who didn’t have a clue about her own sexual appeal. Talk about built for days–she had it all and then some.
And what was he doing? Counting the number of dances she had with other men? He was losing his mind. Why should he care? Vanessa was a grown woman who had taken care of herself, as well as her three siblings, for a number of years. If she wanted to dance with Ron or anyone else, who was he to object?
“Thanks.” He didn’t pick up the glass or move away, instead he stared broodingly into the frothy brew.
It had all started going a little crazy for him the night of the engagement party. It wasn’t like he’d just met the woman. He’d known Vanessa for several years, since she started working for Gavin well before Gavin and Anna got married. They had even talked on the telephone and planned that stupid party.
On that particular night he’d taken a long, hard look at Vanessa, as if really seeing her for the first time. There was no denying that she was gorgeous in a long, dark green dress, with a slit on one side, giving him a view of incredibly beautiful, long, sexy legs that seemed to go on forever.
Whenever he recalled that night, all he could think of was having those gorgeous legs wrapped around him and his shaft deep inside her sweet heat. He didn’t have a clue as to what she’d done to herself other than applied a little makeup and left her hair down to curl around her shoulders and pretty face.
Her dress had thin straps and a low-cut bodice that drew his eyes, like a starving man to a feast. Her breasts were high and ripe, her skin was as creamy as whipped, dark brown chocolate. When she smiled at him, his shaft suddenly lifted, hardening as if he hadn’t had sex in years. He was immediately hot and ready for whatever she was offering.
And he hadn’t been the only man in that blasted ballroom looking at her. Ron couldn’t take his eyes off her all night. Hell, Ron still hadn’t stopped chasing after her. Ralph’s jaw had clenched when Ron asked Vanessa to dance, then pulled her against his chest.
Like the other members of the bridal party, Ralph hadn’t brought a date. By now, they were all friends and always had a good time whenever they got together.
Stunned by his sudden interest in Vanessa, Ralph had even gone as far as to discreetly question his cousin, Anna. He had been determined to find out if Vanessa was involved with anyone. And on that he’d been lucky. Anna hadn’t caught on, which was a bonus. He would never have heard the end of it if Anna had realized.
Ralph had a reputation for never going after inexperienced women. Lucky for him the beautiful, Miss “V” practically had “inexperience” stamped all over her forehead.
Ignoring her that night had proven impossible once he had discovered from just a single slow dance that Vanessa’s six-foot, curvy frame fit his body perfectly…as if they were meant to be lovers. From that moment on, the wanting never seemed to stop.
Nevertheless, Ralph knew he was wrong for her. Vanessa was looking for a “forever” kind of guy. And he had no choice but to respect that and keep his distance. There wasn’t one woman on God’s green earth worth sacrificing his freedom. No way was he going down, not like his cousins and Gavin.
There were any number of women he could call to ease the ache in his jeans. When he got home he planned to pick up the telephone and take care of that problem.
“Something wrong, bro?” Devin asked as he joined Ralph at the bar.
“Not a thing.”
“Then why are you scowling?”
Ralph shrugged. Deciding a change in topic was called for, he asked, “Where is your fiancée? I haven’t seen you two apart in hours.”
“Ladies’ room. And you won’t.” Devin grinned. “See us apart, I mean.”
Ralph shook his head. “You got it bad. Why are you doing this man? There is still time to stop this insanity.”
“Insanity? Hardly. Love happens to most of us. Who knows, it could happen to you!” Devin grinned, sipping from his glass. “As wild as it might seem, you, too, are susceptible.”
“Hell no! Just because Wesley, you, and Gavin have gone under doesn’t mean I’m next.”
Devin roared with laughter. “It’s not a disease.”
“Devastating to life as I know it,” Ralph quipped with a frown, taking a long swallow of his beer. “Dev, you’re so far gone, you don’t even realize you are throwing your life away. One week to go. And that is it! No more fun and games.”
“I’m looking forward to it, not back. My lady has it all. Come on. Trenna and Brynne are at the table. So what do you think of her?”
Ralph lifted a brow, “Trenna? She gorgeous, just like all the ladies. So what?”
Devin shook his head. “Come on.”
Vanessa had no idea why she was uncomfortably aware of Ralph’s dark, brooding gaze when she and Ron rejoined the others.
“Enjoying yourself?” Laura asked as she sank into a chair.
Vanessa smiled. “Yes, how about you?”
Before she could answer, Devin said, “I don’t know about you guys, but Brynne and I are heading back. It’s after midnight, and the fellows and I have a 7:00 A.M. tee time. Can we do this again tomorrow night?”
“Absolutely,” everyone agreed.
“Why don’t we stay until closing, then walk back to the hotel?” Ralph suggested. “Drinks on me!”
The singles cheered while the married couples were ready to call it a night.
“Count us in,” Trenna said, referring to the ladies. After waving good night to the others, they were soon up on the dance floor doing the Electric Slide.
Later, the moon seemed to be hiding behind a ribbon of clouds, but the air was warm, with only a light breeze. After leaving the noise and excitement of the nightclub behind, Vanessa realized Ralph was only a few steps behind her.
“Nice night,” he said casually.
“I can’t believe how crowded the streets are. Does anyone ever sleep in this city?”
“This is Friday night of a holiday weekend. Sleep when you get back home,” he said, chuckling.
“How far?”
She had to look up to meet his eyes, unusual for her, a woman six feet in flats. Despite her three-inch heels, he topped her by a good four inches.
It was rare that she could look up at any man and feel utterly feminine. How could she not? He was such a macho male, all broad shoulders, trim waist, and long legs.
“A few blocks. Don’t tell me you’re tired?”
“Not at all. You’ve been here before?”
He smiled. “A few times.”
Vanessa almost asked for the name of the woman he’d traveled with, but decided against it. With Ralph, there were always women. A dozen questions entered her head, but she didn’t ask any of them. What was the point? His love life had nothing to do with her.
“Watch it.” Ralph caught her arm, keeping her from walking out into the busy intersection.
“Thanks. It would help if I watched where I was going.” Vanessa shivered with awareness as his large hand touched her bare skin. Goodness, there ought to be a law against that much sex appeal. The man was downright dangerous to her peace of mind.
“We’d like to keep you around,” he teased.
When he slowed his steps, she found herself doing the same. She watched as the distance between them and others increased.
“We should hurry,” she said, glancing anxiously at the others.
“You’re safe. I know where we are. Besides, I’d like to talk to you without being overheard.”
She glanced at him. “Sounds serious. Is something wrong between Devin and Brynne?”
He shook his head. “Nothing like that. Are you seeing anyone?”
“As if you don’t know. Dating anyone special?” he clarified.
“Why do you ask?”
“I’m curious. Well?”
“No, I’m not. How about you? Can’t say the same?” she teased.
“No one seriously. I don’t do serious. Besides, this isn’t about me.”
Feeling as if her stomach had dropped to her feet, Vanessa had to work to conceal her disappointment. She scolded herself. She knew what Ralph was…a player. No surprises there.
Not bothering to hide her annoyance, she said, “I don’t get it. You aren’t interested, so why the questions?”
“Ron is interested…more than interested in you. Have a care. He’s a womanizer.”
“Like you,” Vanessa reminded him.
“Yeah, but unlike me, I don’t go after innocents.”
Vanessa laughed, hoping to hide her dismay. “You know nothing about me.”
“I know you are looking for love, commitment, and happy-ever-after. Ron has been checking you out. He’s intrigued, and he likes a challenge. Watch yourself, he…”
She stiffened. “I’m no novice, nor am I a teenager. I didn’t ask for your help. I don’t need it.” She stomped off, not caring that she didn’t know where she was going.
Ralph caught her hand before she could move away. “I’m sorry. It came out all wrong. I just want you to watch yourself around Ron. That’s all.”
She quipped, “Is this where I’m supposed to say thank you?”
“Hell no,” he snapped. “Excuse me. I’m not looking for thanks. I just don’t want you hurt.”
Vanessa tilted her chin up a notch. “Ron can’t hurt me, Ralph. I’m not attracted to him.” She didn’t add that he was the only one who could.
He smiled as they turned onto the block of their hotel. “Good.”
“But let me ease your mind. I make my own decisions and my own mistakes. I don’t need help.”
It wasn’t until she tried to move away that she realized Ralph was still holding her hand. She pulled free, scowling at him.
“You’re a beautiful woman, Vanessa. I am not the only man in our group who noticed. You got it going on, with those long, sexy legs.”
“What is this? I told you, I don’t need your protection.” She was determined not to let his compliment go to her head. Why would she? It meant nothing to him.
He stood staring down at her, his lips tilted at the corners as he teased, “Don’t be angry. I thought we were friends. Friends look out for one another. Or at least that was my understanding.”
Vanessa sighed. “You’re right. We are friends. I certainly couldn’t have put that huge engagement party together without your help. Or combined the male-female formal wedding shower. With all your teasing, you made it fun. Let’s leave it at that. Good night.” She kissed his cheek before she hurried away.
Vanessa was conscious of his dark eyes on her back as she crossed the lobby to the bank of the elevators. Laura would have put an extra sway in her hips. Vanessa didn’t dare. She fought the urge to run back and tell him that as far as she was concerned none of the other men held the least bit of appeal for her.
Yet he was everything her mother had warned her to steer clear of in a man. Ralph had good looks, smooth talk, and plenty of charm. There was no doubt he knew his way around the bedroom. Was it any wonder that he filled her dreams?
When she let herself into the suite, Vanessa was not surprised to find her friends in the sitting room.
“Where is Brynne?” she asked as she dropped down on the sofa beside Maureen and kicked off her heels.
“I give you three guesses. And they all begin with the letter ‘D.’” Trenna laughed.
“What took you so long? Checking out the moonlight?” Laura teased.
“Very funny,” Vanessa said. “Did you ladies have a good time?”
“Remind me in the morning to kiss Brynne’s feet for insisting that Devin’s groomsmen be single.” Trenna giggled.
“Amen to that,” Laura echoed.
“It has been fun,” Maureen said before she teased, “Ron seems to be taken with you, Ms. Vanessa.”
“I don’t understand it. I haven’t encouraged him,” Vanessa confessed. “It’s embarrassing.”
“What difference does it make? The guy is a jock…and a millionaire,” Trenna insisted. “That’s what matters. He can take care of you like a queen.”
“They are all millionaires. So what?” Maureen observed.
“They’re good-looking and fun. It’s not like we’re looking for husbands.”
“Speak for yourself!” Laura worked her neck for emphasis and sent them all into a peal of laughter.
“I don’t know about you, ladies, but I’m exhausted.” Maureen yawned. “See you all at breakfast.”
“Sounds like a plan. ’Night,” Trenna said, giving out hugs before following Maureen.
Laura waited until she heard bedroom doors close, then asked, “Anything happen, you want to talk about?”
“Not really. Ralph seems to think Ron wants more than a few dances.”
“Really? That is interesting.”
“No, Laura. He thinks I needed to be warned. I’m ‘innocent,’ his word not mine.” Her exasperation was all over her face.
“So. Use it to your advantage.”
“How? I don’t need another brother.”
“If you want the man, go after him.” Laura smiled. “Good night.”
“That’s all you have to say?”
“Mmm-hmm.” Laura laughed before she went into the room they were sharing.
After releasing a frustrated sigh, Vanessa wandered around the beautifully appointed living/dining room. She didn’t so much as consider going to bed. Her thoughts were too jumbled to allow her to sleep. First she examined the jade figurine, then ran a finger over an etched crystal vase. Eventually, she stood in front of the window gazing out at the ink-dark sky. Could she do it? Did she have the nerve to go after Ralph? More important, what would she do with him if she caught him?
First she had to get over being shy, uncomfortably so, especially around him. She wasn’t like her friends. She’d never gone after a man. Ralph was right. She was an innocent. She might as well have it tattooed on her chest. And she wasn’t attracted to any of the other men…only Ralph. He was the one who filled her dreams and made her wake trembling with desire.
If she did nothing, the dreams would eventually be all she had. She would never know his kisses…his lovemaking. She nearly screamed “no.”
Frowning, Vanessa admitted to herself that she wanted to be like other women. She was tired of not knowing, tired of feeling less than other women. She wanted to flirt and tease the man she desired most. She wanted Ralph to be her lover.
She wasn’t looking for an engagement ring or any type of commitment for that matter. One special night would be enough. Surely, she could persuade him to give her one long, wonderful night? But how? What would she say?
She’d been shy her entire life. Now suddenly she was supposed to boldly ask him to sleep with her because she was curious. She wanted to know what the love songs were talking about, what the rest of the world was getting, and she wasn’t.