Ralph was amazed that his outlook on life had changed so much in the weeks he’d been involved with Vanessa. Despite his frustration, her happiness was more important than his own. This love thing was more profound than he’d ever thought possible. His keen disappointment and bitterness eased a bit each and every time he saw her. The sparkle and joy that was so much a part of who she was seemed to be missing from her eyes. It was clear she wasn’t sleeping well. Aware that she had enough to deal with, he’d kept his promise not to pressure her for a response to his proposal.
With the first day of school only two weeks away, Vanessa had been busy getting them ready. Shopping for school supplies and new clothes had been only part of what she’d done. There had been doctor visits and long talks about what to expect and what was expected of them. Ralph was amazed by all the things he hadn’t even thought of, let alone considered necessary.
Ralph knew the approach of the upcoming school year signaled the end of long summer evenings spent laughing and talking to Vanessa on the sunporch. He had gained pleasure from the simple hum of the ceiling fan, the gentle sway of the swing, and the flicker of the pillar candles, highlighting the beauty of her dark brown skin.
Was it wishful thinking on his part? Or was she starting to care about him more each day? He tried to listen and give whatever she needed. He had no idea if he’d bolstered what he considered her tremendous courage. All he knew was that, if he was fortunate enough to someday have a child of his own, he wanted Vanessa to be the mother.
It was devastating to watch Vanessa’s hope of keeping the twins dim as time passed. He’d never felt more helpless. This custody lawsuit was slowly breaking her heart. The court-supervised visits had ended. Starting this coming Friday, the children would spend Friday and Saturday nights with the Cumminghams.
When the investigator’s report came in, he cheered. Finally, there was something he could do. Determined, Ralph went to see Cummingham with a copy of the report in his briefcase. And he had the foresight to make an appointment.
The instant Greg Cummingham realized Ralph’s business with him concerned the custody hearing, the man’s cordial façade vanished. Leaning back in his costly leather armchair, surrounded by opulence, Cummingham asked, “So, why are you here, Prescott? To show me that Ms. Grant has a wealthy, powerful supporter on her side? It has been duly noted. What does this have to do with you? Are you and Ms. Grant lovers?”
It took all of Ralph’s resolve to stay in his seat and not knock the pompous, patronizing smirk off the brother’s face. Although his hands balled into fists, home-training was all that kept him from throwing a punch. Instead he tossed the report on the desk. The top page was a detailed list of names.
“It’s over, Cummingham. You will find that my private investigator’s report is thorough. Names, address, and phone numbers of the three women you’ve not only had affairs with, but also impregnated and paid off. Who knows, there may be more? The judge will no doubt find it interesting reading, don’t you agree?”
Cummingham scowled as he quickly scanned the names and background details. When he finished, he shrugged narrow shoulders camouflaged with padding by an expert tailor. “So what? Last time I looked, sex between two consenting adults is still legal in all fifty states,” he sneered.
“Drop the case, Cummingham. If your wife was to receive a copy of this report, what do you think she will do? How sure are you she won’t walk? Would you care to risk it? That’s fine by me. The choice is yours, and the risk is yours.”
“You don’t know a damn thing about my wife! Her first loyalty is to me. She won’t be swayed by some bogus report!”
“Prove it.”
“I don’t have to prove anything to you. The law is on my side,” Cummingham huffed.
“Really? According to what this report says, Mrs. Cummingham has been trying to conceive for some time. Wonder how she will feel when she learns just how many little Cumminghams are running around? I’m betting she won’t be thrilled by the discovery. Wonder if she still wants to adopt the twins? She wanted a baby. It says here that Ms. Burton has two-year-old twin boys. Of course, there is distance, since Ms. Burton now lives in LA. Twins evidently run in your family. It says here that your dad was a twin.”
Greg Cummingham jumped to his feet. “Are you trying to threaten me, Prescott? I’m warning you, I will destroy you, if my wife ever receives a copy of this trash. Then I will go after Ms. Grant. She’ll never see those cute little twins again.”
Ralph would have laughed in the other man’s face if he thought it would make the coward throw the first punch. It was no secret that Cummingham was used to fighting dirty, only his arena was in the criminal courtroom.
Ralph said, as if the other man hadn’t even spoken, “Willing to take the risk, Cummingham? It will be interesting to see who comes out of this smelling like a rose.” But Ralph knew the decision was not his to make. “If it were up to me, this report would be in the Detroit News tonight, but it’s not my decision. Ms. Grant isn’t interested in your marriage or your career. All she wants is to raise her little brother and sister without interference from you, Cummingham. Call off the custody suit, and your secrets are safe.”
Ralph watched him pace restlessly behind his desk, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked downtown Detroit. The street far below was already crowded with rush-hour traffic. Deep in thought, Cummingham suddenly stopped, having lost some of that arrogance. “It’s too late. My wife has her heart set on the twins.” Sounding like a man between a rock and a hard place, he insisted, “My hands are tied! Perhaps if I met with Ms. Grant, she would be willing to accept a very generous visitation schedule? She can see them anytime she likes, but they would have to live with us.”
Ralph stiffened, imagining Vanessa’s volatile reaction to that offer. “I’ll discuss it with her and get back with you. But I seriously doubt she will agree. Those kids belong with her. She’s taken care of them since the day they came home from the hospital.”
“Prescott, remind her that she doesn’t have a prayer of winning this case. The most she can do is prolong the agony. I’m their biological father!”
“Tell me, something, Cummingham. Why are you so damn sure that none of these ladies are going to tell your wife the truth?”
He sank into his chair, a cocky grin on his face. Lifting his arms and anchoring his hands behind his head, he laughed. “They know better than to cross me. One word to anyone, and the money stops.”
Ralph shook his head, amazed by the sheer size of the man’s ego. How could one man be so blind to the risk he was senselessly taking, not only with his own health, but with that of his wife, whom he supposedly adored.
Ralph fired back with, “How accepting will your wife be when she learns just how many children you’ve fathered over the years? Or do you think that just because you weren’t married at the time, that makes up for it? And how comfortable will she be when she realizes you may have exposed her to HIV?”
“Now hold on, Prescott!” Infuriated, Greg Cummingham jumped to his feet. He was tall, evidently used to being head and shoulders above most men.
Ralph casually rose to his full height, easily towering over the other man. “We will get back to you after I’ve spoken to Ms. Grant.” He’d had enough of this arrogant jerk. So what if he was wealthy. Did he think because of his money he was a match for Ralph’s considerable income? If so, he was sadly mistaken. He’d made his money by using his body and brawn. He multiplied that many times over by using his brain to make wise investments. The airline was making money faster than they could count it.
But that hadn’t happened by chance. His uncle had made sure they not only knew how to make money but how to keep it. Up against all of the Prescotts’ combined incomes, Cummingham didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of beating them.
As he walked out, Ralph couldn’t believe how stupid one very intelligent man could be. Pushing the elevator button marked down, he scowled. He wasn’t looking forward to advising Vanessa to have the twins tested for HIV.
Vanessa could tell that something was going on with Ralph. He called her at work, highly unusual, then asked if she could meet him at his place. They needed to talk. She could tell by his tone that it was serious, and he wouldn’t tell her more. He reminded her to drive safely before he hung up.
She was curious rather than alarmed when she left work early. The front door was answered by a beautiful young woman who introduced herself as Madelyn Holmes, Mr. Prescott’s secretary. She was everything Vanessa was not, slim, lovely, and unencumbered by children. Vanessa caught herself. She was losing it, jealous of one of his employees. He didn’t need her help finding females. He was so attractive, they were naturally drawn to him.
“Ms. Grant?”
“Yes.” Vanessa managed to cover her surprise with a smile. She offered her hand and introduced herself, then followed her past the foyer and into her office. The small room was comfortable, decorated in blues and cream, very different than the deep bronze tones in Ralph’s office. “Have a seat, Ms. Grant. Mr. Prescott is on the telephone.” She motioned to one of the floral chairs in front of a maple desk. The matching sofa with a coffee table were placed against the wall, providing additional seating.
“Thank you. Please call me Vanessa,” she said as she made herself comfortable.
“And I’m Madelyn. May I get you something to drink? Coffee, ice tea?”
“No, but thanks.” Vanessa crossed her legs, wishing she’d gone home and changed into something pretty rather than the plain, long, denim skirt and white blouse she’d worn to work. She only took time to brush on blush and applied a fresh coat of lipstick. Pitiful! She imagined Laura and Brynne scolding her.
Smiling, the other woman took her place behind the cluttered desk. “I understand you work for Gavin. Do you like working out of a home office as much as I do? I don’t miss the big office routine one bit.”
Vanessa laughed. “I do enjoy it. It’s a huge difference having flexible hours and comfortable surroundings. Gavin trusts me to do my work without him leaning over my shoulders all day. I generally find that I work more hours because I don’t want to take advantage of his trust.”
“That’s how I feel.” Madeline laughed. “Most days, Ralph is out of the office, and I’m here on my own. I don’t mind. He’s a great boss.”
Vanessa laughed. “It beats being chased around the desk. How long have you worked for Ralph?”
“Two years. How about…”
“Hi, sweetheart. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” Smiling, Ralph seemed unconcerned by the endearment he let slip. Taking her hand, he pulled her out into the hall, pausing long enough to tell his secretary, “Madelyn, we’re done for the day. See you in the morning.” He ushered her down the central hallway.
“What’s going on?” Vanessa asked, but he didn’t stop until they reached the den.
Ralph gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, urging her inside. “Anything wrong with wanting to keep you to myself for a few hours?”
“Not a thing.” Vanessa smiled as she sat down on the deep-cushioned sectional sofa, crossing long, shapely legs.
He ran a finger along her soft cheek. “Give me a second to get us something to drink. What would you like? Mrs. Green left a pitcher of ice tea and one of cranberry punch. And there are always soft drinks and juice. What would you like?”
“Cranberry punch sounds good.” She smiled, curious if it was only her imagination or if he seemed uneasy.
“Be right back.”
Vanessa went to gaze out the French doors. She could see the paved basketball and tennis courts from that angle. Ralph had created a wonderful oasis for himself. There were putting greens and a bathhouse beside the outdoor pool. The soft hum of the ceiling fans throughout kept the large house pleasantly cool.
“Here we go,” he said, carrying in a tray. Besides the tall, frosted glasses of punch, he included a platter of corn chips covered with melted cheese, chives, peppers, and tomatoes.
“Thought you might need something to hold you until dinner. You’re staying for dinner, aren’t you.”
Vanessa laughed. “Maybe.” She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Leaning against him, she released a soft sigh. “I had no idea what you had in mind when you called. It really doesn’t matter. I’m just glad that we’ve found some time to be together.” Her plan was quite simple, to enjoy what time she had with him and not let anything intrude. With a smile, she decided he looked especially good in a crisp white shirt, teamed with a pair of well-worn jeans.
“Me too.” He rested his cheek against hers. “Mmm, you smell good.”
“Thank you.” She tilted her head back so she could study his dark features. “So tell me, Mr. Prescott. Exactly what do you have in mind? And don’t leave out any details.”
“Not even one,” he teased.
Delighted, she laughed softly, then placed a series of kisses at the base of his throat and collarbone. Opening the top three buttons lining his white shirtfront, her lips moved over the dark skin.
When she raised her head, he dropped his in order to cover her mouth with his own. Ralph took hot, lingering kisses…one after the other. Releasing a husky moan, he sighed, the sound deep and needy.
“Oh, yes,” she said in a small, breathless whisper. Just as she pressed the aching tips of her breasts into his chest, he groaned as he took a step back. Lifting heavy lids, she protested, “Honey…” She stopped suddenly. Forgetting her thoughts. Forgetting everything but the way he made her feel and the unmistakable proof of his desire for her.
Resting his forehead against hers, he said hoarsely, “I’m sorry, I lost it for a moment there. We have to talk.”
Vanessa didn’t want to talk; she wanted him to make love to her. She shook her head, but he held her away.
“I want…”
“I need to tell you what happened when I went to Greg Cummingham’s office today.”
Hearing the man’s name was like a face full of ice water. Startled, she quizzed, “What? What about Cummingham?”
“I received the private investigator’s report. I was determined to confront him and took the report to his office.”
“That’s why you asked me to come here?” Even as she asked the question, she knew she had no business feeling so disappointed. It wasn’t the end of the world. Yet she couldn’t help being upset. She thought he was as fed up as she was with the way things were going. They were both guilty of letting their busy schedules and lack of privacy keep them apart. She’d been thrilled that he’d wanted to spend the afternoon together, hopefully in his king-size bed.
It hurt knowing just how very wrong she’d been. He didn’t want to be alone with her, didn’t want to make love. What he wanted was to talk about her custody case.
With her spine stiff, she went over to the sofa, sat down, and crossed her legs and arms. Intent on hiding her hurt feelings, she asked calmly, “What did he say?”
Although she was aware of Ralph’s going over to the desk near the windows and opening the top drawer, Vanessa concentrated on maintaining her composure. Bursting into tears of frustration, while it might make her feel better for a few moments, was definitely not an option. She did have some pride.
She murmured thank you as he handed her a thick envelope. Ignoring the way her hands shook as she pulled out the report, she quickly read the document. Her heart rate picked up as she lifted hopeful eyes to meet his brooding gaze. She wasn’t conscious of dropping the pages onto the patterned carpet when she asked, “Is he going to drop the custody suit? Surely he doesn’t want this made public.”
Ralph said with a frown, “He’s not giving up. He’s more concerned with his wife’s reaction than this report being made public.”
Exasperated, she practically shouted, “Ralph! It’s all in here…sex, unwanted children all over the place. I can’t believe it. Besides his marriage, his reputation is on the line. Nobody is going to hire a lowlife dog to defend them, even if he’s the best. How has he managed to keep these women quiet?”
“Simple. He paid them off. If they want the money to keep coming, they have to maintain their silence.”
Vanessa stared at him in stunned dismay. Her heart sank as she realized she wouldn’t find help from any of the women, not with Cummingham paying them off. “How can he get away with this? He really is hateful, isn’t he?” she ended in an exasperated hiss.
“Without doubt.” He squatted until his eyes were level with hers. “He did waver a bit. He said he can’t drop the lawsuit without raising his wife’s suspicions, but he did offer to let you see the twins as often as you like.”
Vanessa was so angry, she let go with, “That’s supposed to make up for what? I’m not the one who did anything wrong. I don’t have kids all over the country because I can’t keep my pants zipped. What’s up with that? Hasn’t that jerk ever heard of HIV? Why didn’t he use a condom?”
“Makes no sense to me,” Ralph echoed. “He may be brilliant in the courtroom, but he does not have a bit of common sense. He has needlessly exposed not only his backward behind but his wife to all kinds of diseases.” Then he looked pointedly at her. “Speaking of HIV, have you considered…”
“Yes. The twins were tested before they left the hospital. My mother insisted on it. Thanks for asking.”
“I should have known you were on it.” Taking her hands in his, he said, “I wanted to bring you good news. I’m sorry it didn’t work out that way.”
“I still don’t get it. Why my twins and why now? It took six years for him to decide to play Daddy.”
“It’s in the last page of the report.” Ralph picked up the pages, then shuffled through them until he found what he wanted. As he sat down next to her, he said, “His wife has been unable to conceive, but she wants a baby.”
“So he’s willing to take the twins away from Lana and me to make her happy? Why can’t they see, the twins are happy where they are, as a part of our family. We’ve loved and cared for them since the day they were born.”
“Good question. I honestly don’t believe Cummingham cares about any of his children. Apparently, he has been so caught up in getting his own pleasure, he refused to use protection.” Ralph paused, then said, “I don’t know for sure, but my guess is he went after Courtney and Curtis because they’re right here in Detroit.”
“Lucky for us,” she huffed, folding her arms beneath her breasts.
“You’re angry.” He stated it as a matter of fact. “Because of the twins’ father? Or is there something else?”
Vanessa didn’t realize she was pouting until Ralph ran a caressing thumb over her bottom lip. She sucked it in, holding it with her small white teeth.
“Come on, beautiful. Tell me.”
“I’m not angry, just a little upset, about all this. That’s all. Look, I should be going. I’m in a lousy mood, and the kids will be expecting me,” she said, needing to put some distance between them…needing to sort out her feelings, to find out why she felt so vulnerable one minute, so hungry for him the next.
“Why? It’s barely four. I thought you were staying.”
She quirked a brow. “You don’t want me to stay, not in this crazy mood. You’re right! I am mad, at everyone and everything.”
“Oh, I want you all right,” he growled impatiently. “Stay. Let me hold you.”
She let out a surprised little squeal when he scooped her up into his lap as if she weighed next to nothing. “What are you doing?”
“Making you comfortable. We’re in this together, no matter what. I’ve missed you…missed this.” Ralph didn’t wait for an answer. He kissed his way up the side of her throat, pausing to suckle her earlobe.
Vanessa, while trying to ignore the heated shivers, managed to say, “That’s not why I’m here.” Yet she couldn’t control the desire that traveled along her nerve endings and settled in her feminine center.
“I’m not in a playful mood, love. I hurt with need for you. It has been too long since we last made love. If your answer is no, then come out with it, before this goes any further.”
She bit her lip, wanting to feel him deep within but too proud to admit how much she needed him. Her body and mind were at war. Staring into his eyes only seemed to increase the yearning.
Evidently tired of waiting, he said through tightly clenched white teeth, “Say something.”
“It was yes, until you told me your ‘only’ reason for inviting me here was to talk about the case.”
Nestling her neck, he inhaled her scent. “Only? Come on, beautiful.” He caressed her hips. “Not wanting you is definitely not our problem. It has been so long since we’ve been together.”
“I’ve missed you, too.” Before she could say more, he rose to his feet, taking her with him.
“What? You think I’m going to let you fall?” He put her on her feet, then used both hands to circle her waist.
“I don’t…” was all she got out. The next thing she knew he’d tossed her over his shoulder. She landed with her stomach against his shoulder. He’d hooked a supporting arm over the back of her legs. Vanessa let out a squeal, grabbing the back of his shirt to steady herself. “Ralph! Stop! This is not funny!”
He snapped, “Believe me, I am not laughing.” Using long, quick strides, he walked into the hall, heading toward the carpeted staircase.
“Put me down! Ralph!”
“Did you say something?” He kept going as if he hadn’t heard what she’d said.
“You heard what I said! Put me down right this minute!” Vanessa let out a frustrated screech when he increased his pace, jogging up the stairs with her bouncing against him.
“Ouch! You’re hurting my stomach.” She wiggled, trying to get away.
“Be still before you make me drop you.”
She would have punched him if she had not been afraid to let go of his shirt. She settled on mumbling beneath her breath, but she kept her eyes closed and held on as best she could. Her eyes flew open when he tossed her and she landed on her back in the center of his oversize bed.
After she caught her breath, she stared up at him. She looked into dark eyes, smoldering with desire. She could tell by the slight curve of his wide mouth that he thought he’d won that round. He was mistaken.
“No!” Satisfied that she’d finally gotten his undivided attention, she scooted to the edge of the bed.
He finished unbuttoning his shirt and tossed it in the general direction of the long, padded bench at the foot of the bed. Certain he’d heard her, she watched as he unsnapped faded jeans, then slowly eased the zipper down past the considerable bulge. Her breath caught in her throat, her heart rate increased. Annoyed by what she considered being taken for granted, she hissed, “I said, no.”
“I heard you.”
He rested his hand on a hip, his legs braced. His eyes were on her parted lips as she struggled to calm her breathing. She didn’t dare lift her eyes to that broad, beautifully sculpted chest. She had to curl her hands not to reach out and stroke his dark skin. She had no idea why she was clinging to this senseless need to win the game of words they were playing. If she didn’t get him, she didn’t win.
Stubbornly, she persisted, “Good. I thought I might have to call the paramedics to check your doggone ears.”
“You want to fight first? Then make love, beautiful?”
His dark eyes moved from the thick cloud of her dark curls surrounding her shoulders, down to her throat, overripe breasts and small waist, to her womanly hips and shapely legs. When he looked at her with such sizzling heat, she could read the need and knew he meant every word.
It still surprised her when he called her beautiful. She knew that was how he meant it, and that was how he genuinely saw her. She wanted him…needed him, now. She didn’t even know why they were fighting. It made no sense. Why was she wasting what they never seemed to have enough of…time alone?
Suddenly, all the fear, confusion, and fight drained out of her. She dropped her lids, whispering, “I want you to make love to me…but sometimes you, Ralph Prescott, are the most exasperating man.”
Vanessa got up and went to him. She smoothed her hand over the broad planes of his heavily muscled chest, wrapping an arm around his neck and lifting her face to lick his neck before she bit the taut skin.
“You weren’t in danger. I had you, baby. I won’t ever let you fall.” He released a deep groan.
Raining kisses over his dark skin, she confessed, “I was afraid you’d hurt yourself.”
“Carrying you? Never. You were made for me. Have you forgotten how perfectly we fit together?”