They picked from a choice of five luxurious bedrooms with en suite bathrooms. Ralph’s master suite was at the end of the hallway.
After the Grant family unpacked and washed up, they went down to prepare dinner. Ralph, with Curtis’s help, grilled hamburgers and steaks outside on the patio, while Courtney and Lana prepared a large chef salad, and Vanessa prepared deep-fried potato wedges as well as a banana pudding for dessert.
Over dinner, outside on the veranda, Vanessa explained the Prescott house rules while an amused Ralph quietly listened. No one was allowed in the pool area, the gym, the garage, or Ralph’s office without his permission.
He was careful not to display how deeply relieved he was that they were here and out of harm’s way. He was amazed that the huge house that he’d bought as an investment felt like a home. When Vanessa had called, he had been touched by the request. In fact he was genuinely grateful that, for a few days, there would be no need to worry about the Grants’ safety. They were out of harm’s way.
As his feelings deepened for Vanessa, so had his concern for her and her family. They lived too far away for his peace of mind. Between break-ins, the Cummingham situation, plus whatever his fertile mind would come up with, Ralph knew he would sleep better while they were under his roof. The idea of a herd of reporters outside their door irritated him no end. Vanessa didn’t need that kind of stress, and Lana and the twins certainly had never done anything to deserve such treatment. This entire mess was Cummingham’s doing.
“Ralph?” Vanessa asked expectantly. At his blank look, she repeated, “Do you have anything to add to the list of rules? What about the game and theater rooms? Are the children allowed in there?”
“Absolutely. I will show you and Lana how to run the machines. There is also an indoor basketball court and bowling alley. Would you like to try your hand at bowling after dinner?”
The kids cheered excitedly. They were ready to go right then.
“You have your own bowling alley?” Vanessa asked in astonishment.
He chuckled. “I do, but only one lane.”
“Can we play?” Courtney and Curtis pleaded.
Smiling, she said, “Sounds like fun.”
After cleaning up the kitchen, they all went downstairs to what Ralph called the fun house. He explained to Lana and Vanessa that he liked to host parties for family and friends. After four years apart, Brynne and Devin had been reacquainted at one of his parties.
The bowling alley proved to be highly entertaining. Ralph particularly loved watching Vanessa enjoy herself, her fear of losing the twins temporarily forgotten. Courtney had the highest score and was thrilled to have beaten everyone, especially her twin.
In an effort to spend a few minutes alone with Vanessa, Ralph didn’t shut off the equipment and lights but followed her. Before she could climb the stairs with the others, he caught her hand, holding her back. Her sweet smile had his heart racing with excitement.
“Yes?” She paused, her face turned up toward his.
He knew he had no business even getting close to her, especially when his need was so pronounced, but he couldn’t help himself. He had to at least taste her sweetness. Dropping his head until he could inhale her scent, he sampled her full, so-soft lips in a hard, but painfully brief, kiss.
“Ralph, if one of the kids saw you,” she scolded softly.
Smiling, he whispered, “I know, but I couldn’t help myself. Don’t worry. I’m not expecting you to sneak into my room tonight.” He squeezed her hand. “Beautiful, I’m sorry. I certainly don’t want you to feel as if I expect anything from you. I’m just glad to have you and the kids here…glad that you trusted me enough to turn to me when you needed help. It means a lot.”
Vanessa smiled, then stood on tiptoe to brush her lips against his. “Sweet man, of course, I turned to you. You have been my rock through all this. As for tonight, I can’t promise to come to you. It depends…”
He stopped her. “No, don’t worry about me. The kids come first. We can wait for a more appropriate time. Go on up before you’re missed. I’ve got some things to take care of down here before I turn in. ’Night.”
She whispered, “Not good night…later.” After playfully placing a kiss on his chin, she hurried up the stairs.
Determined not to get his hopes up and to cool his body down, Ralph went into the pool area. Quickly stripping down, he didn’t flip the switch to heat the water but dove into the deep end and began swimming laps. He kept going until his arms felt like wet noodles. When he climbed out of the pool, he took a hot shower and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt from the sports clothes he kept stored in one of the changing rooms. His towels and other things went into the hamper. After turning off the equipment and the lights, he headed up to the main floor. Ralph locked up and set the alarm system, but instead of going to bed, he went into his office.
It was after midnight when he went up to his room. All was quiet as he passed the closed guest rooms the children had selected. He paused outside Vanessa’s partially open doorway. He couldn’t help himself, he peeked inside.
The beside lamp had been turned off, but a night-light from the bathroom had been left on. Vanessa lay in the middle of the king-size bed; Courtney and Curtis were sleeping on her right side, while Lana slept on her left. Her pretty brown gaze met his, and she mouthed the word “sorry.” Holding back the chuckle rising in his throat, he smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and whispered good night before quietly slipping out.
He continued on into his room and closed the door quietly behind him. Absently, he moved around in the spacious room that suddenly felt empty.
He acknowledged the unvarnished truth. He wasn’t falling. No, he was completely and irrevocably in love with Vanessa Grant. And he was done with fighting what was in his heart.
Restless, he paced in front of the French doors. It took him long enough to figure it out. Finally, he understood what had been going on with him for weeks. The first time he’d proposed marriage, it hadn’t been about helping her out of a difficult spot. The next time he’d asked hadn’t been about incredible desire eating away at him. Both times had nothing to do with the excuses he’d been tossing around. He’d come up with a boatload of them, all of them centering on improving hers and the children’s lives.
Now he saw that his reasons for proposing had been no different than the other Prescott males. He was in love. More than anything else in the world, he wanted to spend his life making her happy.
He would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit her refusal had crushed him to his heart. He’d tried to hide it, and he’d hidden it well. She believed his offers were about her need, not his love. Hell, the last time, she hadn’t even bothered to refuse. She acted as if his proposal didn’t merit an answer. And how had he responded? Like an angry bull. Yet he kept coming back, again and again, like a love-starved fool.
Simple truth was, he couldn’t stay away from her. He’d even gone so far as trying to convince himself that he continued to see her for the sake of the kids. Unfortunately, even he wasn’t buying that one. He’d stayed because he couldn’t bear being away from her.
What was he supposed to do about this love thing? If asked, he wouldn’t recommend it to even his worst enemy. His cousins were all married and very much in love. Just because it had worked out for them didn’t mean it would for him. He was beginning to wonder what in the hell was wrong with him? There was no doubt in his mind that he’d picked the right person for him. Vanessa was perfect in every way.
He’d never known a warmer, more genuine, giving, and loving woman. Which didn’t change the fact that she was not in love with him. Nor did she trust him.
“So what are you going to do, bud?” he mumbled aloud. Was he going to give up and keep on stepping? Or was he going to keep on fighting for what he longed for more than anything else in the world…that special place in her heart? The memory of her responses to his lovemaking was the only thing that kept him going. Unfortunately, it didn’t ease the hurt deep inside. He longed for her love.
No matter how badly he wanted their problem resolved, he had no choice but to wait until the mess with Cummingham was cleared up. In the meantime, his plan was a simple one. He was going to enjoy what time they had together.
“Are you absolutely positive you don’t need my help?” she asked for the third time, her chin propped on her fist. Relaxed after enjoying the huge breakfast that Ralph insisted on preparing, Vanessa felt like a lazy slug for not helping him load the dishwasher.
“Positive,” he said with a grin. Pausing, he added, “It’s kinda quiet around here. Where are the kids?”
“In the theater watching the new Shrek release.”
“Yeah. It’s a particular favorite.”
“So, we’re alone.” He wiggled a brow suggestively.
Laughing, she teased, “What do you have in mind?”
“Nessa! Telephone!” Courtney yelled as she skipped into the kitchen. She passed the ringing cellular phone. She quickly added, before Vanessa could scold her, “I didn’t go into your purse. You left it on the dresser in your room.”
It stopped ringing before Vanessa could press the TALK button. She gave her little sister a hug. “Thank you, sweetie. I thought you were watching the movie?” Vanessa said absently, while trying to remember how to activate the caller ID feature.
Blushing, Courtney glanced at Ralph, then said in a loud whisper, “I had to use the restroom.”
Vanessa and Ralph shared an amused smile.
“Ralph, may I please have some fruit punch?” Courtney asked.
He nodded, motioning to the refrigerated drawer built into a cabinet that he kept filled with cans of juice and soft drinks.
Vanessa waited until they were alone before she went over to where he was washing a frying pan at the sink. Her smile was gone, replaced by apprehension. “The call was from my lawyer. What do you think he wants? He’s never called on Sunday before.”
Drying his soapy hands, he cautioned, “Don’t start worrying. He could be calling for something as simple as checking on you and the kids.” Kissing her cheek, he said, “Call him.”
Vanessa’s fingers weren’t steady as she punched in the numbers. “Hello, Mr. Jones, this is Vanessa Grant.” She wasn’t aware of slipping her hand into Ralph’s. She listened intently. Then said, “Are you sure? There is no possibility of a mistake? Thank you! Thank you, so very much.”
Vanessa didn’t remember closing the small phone. All she was aware of was Ralph’s strong arms around her waist. She held on to him, needing his support. Her eyes were swimming with tears when she said, “The Cumminghams have dropped their lawsuit! The twins are all mine and Lana’s. Oh, Ralph…oh Ralph,” she cried.
Ralph swept her up in his arms and whirled her around, releasing a heartfelt shout of pure joy. Vanessa held on tight.
“I can’t believe it!” She was laughing through her tears.
“Neither can I. Did he say why?”
“He doesn’t know. He got a call from their lawyer with the news. It’s over, Ralph. It’s finally over.” She leaned up to kiss him, a warm, lingering kiss. “I’m so happy! It’s over!”
Grinning down at her, he gave her a tight squeeze. “Finally! And so quickly! Incredible!”
She clung to him, feeling wonderfully safe and secure. “We did it! We did it!”
“No beautiful…not we. You did it. You never gave up, or lost faith.” Easing back, until he could gaze into her eyes.
“I’m so proud of you.”
The sincerity in his eyes gave her an extraordinary sense of well-being. She shook her head firmly. “No, sweet man. I could not have done it without you. You were there every step of the way. Hiring that investigator. Keeping me grounded. When I think of all you’ve done to support…”
She blinked, stopping in midsentence at the tightening of his lips. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He smiled suddenly, then asked, “How are we going to celebrate?”
Relieved to see that smile return, she assured herself that she’d only imagined the flash of anger in his eyes. His relief and genuine pleasure for her was all over his handsome face. He wanted the twins to be with her as much as she wanted it.
She smiled up at him. “How would you like to celebrate? I know I would like some time alone with you.”
He joined in her laughter. His dark eyes were smoldering with desire. “I’d like that, too. Maybe we can stop by my folks. Drop the kids off there. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a visit.”
Vanessa giggled, shaking her head. “I couldn’t ask that of them. Besides, the embarrassment of every one knowing what we’re up to. No, it wouldn’t be right to try to get rid of the twins even for a few hours. We should spend the day together as a family.” She reached up and brushed her lips against his. “Tell me you understand?”
He grinned, somewhat sheepishly. “I understand. And you’re right. Today is for family.”
“Nessa!” Curtis yelled at the top of his lungs as he raced down the hallway.
“Movie is over!” Courtney was right behind him.
“I told you two to stop running!” Lana yelled, only a few steps behind the others.
Vanessa, hands on hips, said as all three entered the kitchen archway on the run. “Do you have to yell? Ralph and I can hear you.”
“Sorry,” Courtney and Curtis said at the same time.
“Are we going to eat with the Prescotts today?” Lana asked hopefully. “Wayne promised to let me play his new video game the next time we came over. I beat him and Kyle!” She laughed, clearly pleased by the thought.
Vanessa wanted to grab her sister and shout the exciting news that their family was safe, but knew she had to wait until they were alone. With an arm around both twins, she settled for kissing a cheek rather than covering their faces with kisses.
It was revealing that both of the twins weren’t bothered that they hadn’t seen their father this weekend. In fact, they hadn’t asked about him. Yet when they didn’t see Ralph in more than a day, they’d bombard her with questions about him, wanting to know where he was and when he was coming for a visit.
“Well?” Lana prompted.
Vanessa looked at Ralph. “What do you think?”
He nodded! “Let’s go.”
“I’m ready!” Curtis beamed.
“We’re not,” Lana called, as she and her sisters headed for the stairs.
Vanessa said, from over her shoulder, “Give us a half hour.”
Ralph and Curtis exchanged a surprised look. They were comfortable in jeans and sport shirts.
“Want to read the funnies while we wait?” Ralph suggested.
Curtis giggled. “I can’t read!”
“I can.” Ralph grinned. “Let’s go.”
They amused themselves in the den. With Curtis in his lap, Ralph read his favorite Sunday funnies. Half an hour turned into an hour before the ladies returned.
“We’re ready!” Courtney announced, twirling to show off her dress.
Lana had changed into a pink skirt and blouse trimmed in a white border of embroidered flowers, Courtney was in a pink dress, embroidered in white daisies with a ruffled hem. And Vanessa was also in a pink sundress with a long straight skirt, split on both sides, and around her waist were embroidered white tulips. Vanessa had made all three outfits, and each sister wore white sandals.
Grinning, Ralph said, “Wow! You three look so pretty.” He tapped Curtis on the shoulder. “Don’t they, Curtis?”
Baffled, the boy had forgotten their man-to-man talk. He looked from Ralph to his sisters, then back at Ralph. When Ralph motioned toward the ladies and mouthed the word “pretty,” Curtis nodded eagerly before saying, “Yeah, you all look pretty!” After he received the pleased smiles from his sisters, Curtis puffed out his small chest and grinned up at Ralph, who patted his shoulder.
“We’re ready,” Vanessa announced, trying not to laugh at how pleased the two males were with themselves.
It was an enjoyable yet relaxing afternoon. The Prescotts were genuinely thrilled by Lana and Vanessa’s news. The two families shared a small but endearing celebration. Although the twins had no idea why everyone was so happy, they enjoyed their sisters’ warm smiles. After dinner, Lester insisted on opening a bottle of champagne. The youngsters were included; they each received a champagne glass filled with sparkling apple juice.
Vanessa was touched by the Prescotts’ good wishes. It was a struggle not to give in to happy tears, and, equally relieved, Lana couldn’t stop smiling. The added bonus was that there was no longer a threat to Lana’s college fund.
With Ralph at her side, Vanessa decided life was especially good. Despite his denials, he had a great deal to do with their success. And she was determined to find a private moment to show him how much she appreciated his kindness.
On the way back to his home, Vanessa asked him to swing by her house to check things out. Evidently the reporters were not aware that the custody suit had been dropped. She recognized two of the three cars parked near the house. One was bold enough actually to park in her drive.
Although furious, she held back her reaction, not wanting to upset the kids. Ralph patted her hand, encouraging her to give it a few more days. Vanessa nodded her agreement.
Once the children were settled for the night, Vanessa came downstairs looking for Ralph. She found him in his office, working on his laptop.
“Last I heard, it was against the law to work on Sunday,” she teased, crossing the plush carpet to sit on the corner of his desk.
Stretching his arms over his head, chuckling, he said, “Oh, really.” He leaned back in the chair and took her hands and tugged her gently toward him. His laugh was deep and husky when she landed across his muscled thighs. Nuzzling her soft neck, he kissed her soft dark skin. Whispering against her warm, scented throat, he hummed, “Mmm, this is better for me. How about you, gorgeous.”
“Gorgeous? I like it.” She gazed dreamily into his velvet-dark eyes.
“I adore you.” He kissed her tenderly, then asked, “Are the kids asleep?”
“Yeah.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry, you’re stuck with us, for at least another night…maybe two?”
“Stuck? That’s not how I see it.” He dropped his head to brush her raspberry-tinted lips with his.
Vanessa sighed, opening her mouth to the hot caress of his tongue. The kiss was tender, giving, just like the man who held her. He’d been so wonderful, especially patient with her family. Her heart swelled with emotion, overwhelmed by his generosity.
“Oh Ralph.” She shivered as his firm, smooth mouth warmed the side of her throat before he laved the base and moved to the valley between her breasts, left bare by her neckline. She rained kisses on his forehead, his straight, bold nose, and cheeks. “How did I get so lucky? To find such a thoughtful, caring man? I know you don’t like me to say it, but, honey, I simply have to tell you how much I appreciate you.”
Immediately, she felt his body stiffen. “You’re right, you don’t have to tell me. I did what any man worth the label would do for the woman in his life. No more…no less,” he ended gruffly.
“Ralph, you have to let me say this. And then I promise to shut up and never, not ever, bring this up again. Fair enough?”
He insisted, “No. It’s not necessary. All that needs to be said has been said.”
She tried to laugh it off, but when she met his dark gaze, she saw that he was serious. The ready charm and playful sense of humor that was so much a part of his personality was notably absent.
Tenderly, she stroked his cheek. “Please, honey. You have been my angel and deserve the words. But more importantly, I wouldn’t feel right keeping this locked inside.”
“There’s nothing faulty about my memory, Vanessa. You’ve told on more than one occasion how you feel. Please, let it go.” Although his voice was quiet, it was also firm.
Vanessa wasn’t having it. She rushed ahead with, “You’ve done so much for us, from the very beginning.”
When he parted his lips to what she assumed to be a protest, she lifted her chin, placing her mouth against his. He released a husky moan when she licked his bottom lip before she took it into her mouth to suck. Measuring his response by his hungry groan, she knew she had captured his complete attention.
She kissed him deeply before she eased back to whisper, “Sweet man, you’ve been so patient with the twins. You’ve actually listened to Lana and answered her questions about going away to college and how to handle boys. You were open and honest while still being encouraging. I couldn’t have asked for more. And when I got that first letter from Cummingham’s lawyer, it sent me in a panic. You, Ralph, calmed me down while assuring me it wasn’t the end of the world.”
Barely taking time for a much-needed breath, she hurried ahead with, “…then you found a lawyer, as well as making the appointment. And you were prepared to pay for it, too. How could anyone ask for more? Goodness, you’ve done it all, including opening your home to us…no questions asked. Ralph, I adore you. You’re simply wonderful, and I just have to let you know show how much I genuinely…”
“Enough!” he growled, in a hard voice brimming with a combination of what sounded like bitterness and resentment.
Alarm warred with confusion as she threw up her hands in disbelief. “No! You aren’t making any sense! I appreciate every single thing you’ve done this summer for me and my family.”
He didn’t say a word, but his dark eyes flashed sparks of sheer rage as his large hands clasped her waist and lifted her off his lap and onto her feet. Then he stood and just stared down at her, a hand resting on one hip.
Swearing beneath his breath, he snapped, “Why Vanessa? Why did you do it?” Not giving her time to respond, he went on to hiss between clenched teeth, “What I don’t get was, why you just couldn’t leave it the hell alone?”