
Vanessa worried her bottom lip. “I don’t have your confidence, Anna. I’ve hurt him. I know I have. And I hate it. He really shocked me when he admitted he hasn’t had sex with anyone else since we made love.”

Although she looked stunned, Anna asked, “Do you believe him?”

“I don’t know. I called him a liar. I kept remembering the woman he brought to the Fourth of July picnic. He insisted he didn’t sleep with her.”

“I repeat, do you believe him?” Anna reminded her. “He’s the same man who put his needs aside to help you. Tell me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t he been at your side through the worst of it?” Before Vanessa could respond, Anna said, “He’s the man who never turned his back on you. We were raised to be proud of the Prescott name. It’s a name we have to live up to. Although all the Prescott men are strong, they also have big hearts and an amazing supply of love and loyalty. Once given, the Prescotts never break their word. If you don’t believe me, then all you have to do is call Kelli, Brynne, and my mother. They also not only love Prescott men, but have exchanged vows with them. Also, they had to decide if they loved and believed in each man enough to risk it all. You already know that Ralph loves and believes in you enough to take the big risk.”

As Vanessa silently asked herself if she loved and believed in Ralph enough to take the ultimate risk, tears slowly filled her eyes. They slowly ran down her cheeks to drip onto her chin. Using her hands, she tried but failed to wipe them away.

Absently, she thanked Anna for giving her a napkin. Deep in her heart she knew that everything Anne said was true. Ralph had never lied to her. He never really broke a promise. He’d come after her because she hadn’t kept her word that first night.

The problem was hers alone.

She was the one with the doubts, not the children or Ralph. Did she have the courage to gamble on love? Did she? Or was she going to run? Was she strong enough to stick and stay to the bitter end? Would she be able to fight for what she wanted? Because that was what it would take to get him to even listen to what she had to say. How badly did she want him? Was love enough?

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m not going to let Ralph Prescott get away without a fight. Can you tell me where he’s gone?”

“Ralph’s in Dallas.” Anna grinned. “Now stop wasting time. Pick up the phone and call him.”

Vanessa shook her head. “I can’t do this over the telephone. I have to face him when I tell him how I feel.” Her heart was galloping like a runaway bronco when she asked, “Do you know where he’s staying?”

She couldn’t help wondering if she could do this. But what choice did she have? He was both angry and hurt. She’d be lucky if he even let her speak to him.

Smiling, Anna said, “No, but I can find out.” She went over to her desk and picked up the telephone.

Vanessa didn’t listen to Anna’s end of the conversation. She was suffering from a bad case of nerves. She nearly jumped when Anna held out a slip of paper.

At her questioning look, Anna said, “I called my mother. This is his hotel. I also called my brother, Devin. In two hours there will be a plane waiting for you at the airport.” Anna beamed in satisfaction. “And don’t worry about the kids. I’ll be happy to look after them until you get back.”

“Are you sure? When I said I wanted to see him, I didn’t take time to figure out all the details. I just…”

Anna interrupted. “It’s no trouble at all. This house is so big, we have plenty of room. And Kyle is here to help entertain Lana and the twins. Besides, it will be good practice for me.” Anna’s eyes were sparkling with pleasure when she admitted, “Gavin and I are pregnant. I’m only a few months along, but we’re excited.”

“Oh, Anna! That’s wonderful news!” Vanessa hugged her, genuinely happy for her.

Anna gushed. “Thank you. We decided to keep the news to ourselves for a little while. You’re the first person I’ve told. My mother doesn’t even know yet.”

Vanessa smiled. “I’m honored. I promise not to tell.”

Anna laughed. “Don’t worry about that. We’re going to tell the whole family at dinner this coming Sunday. Maybe you and Ralph will be back by then?”

At the mention of Ralph’s name, all of Vanessa’s worries returned with a vengeance. She said unhappily, “Anna, I don’t know. I could be making a huge mistake. What if Ralph doesn’t want to hear anything I have to say? He was so upset when he left. He might not want to talk to me.”

“Stop that! You’re only scaring yourself. Ralph has had days to think and cool down. Hopefully, he’s ready to listen to what you have to say. Besides, you don’t have time to worry. You have too much to do. You’ve got to go home, and get you and the kids packed, then find something to wear that’s going to make his head spin. Plus, you have to drop the kids off and drive to the airport. There is no time to waste.”

Vanessa kissed Anna’s cheek. “Thanks for everything. I love you. Bye.” She waved, then hurried to the side door. Anna was right. She didn’t have a moment to waste.


As Vanessa made herself comfortable in one of the plush leather armchairs in the main cabin of the private plane, she felt as if she’d been caught in a whirlwind. The good thing about getting herself and the kids ready so quickly was that she hadn’t had time to worry or reconsider her decision.

Surprisingly, Lana hadn’t asked a single question when Vanessa told her she was flying to Dallas for a few days. For a moment, Vanessa had been tempted to lie, to say she would be visiting a newly discovered relative. Looking back, she was thankful she had decided against it. Lana was a smart girl. Besides, Vanessa respected her sister enough to tell her the truth, that she was going to see Ralph.

Vanessa hadn’t known that Lana suspected that something was wrong between her and Ralph. It wasn’t until she’d taken the kids to Anna and Gavin’s and Lana had kissed her good-bye, that Lana made a point of wishing her good luck. Knowing Vanessa had her sister’s support helped.

“Would you care for a magazine, Ms. Grant?” Jan Blackman, the attractive, smiling flight attendant, had introduced herself the instant Vanessa stepped on the plane. She held a selection for Vanessa, the only passenger, to choose from.

“No, thank you, Jan.” Vanessa nervously smoothed the skirt of her red suit. It was Ralph’s favorite. She assured herself it didn’t matter if she’d worn it the last time he’d taken her to church.

“May I get you something to eat or drink before we take off, Ms. Grant?”

Already tense, Vanessa was uncomfortable with the attention, pasted a smile on her face. “No, but thank you.”

“If you need anything at all, just let me know.”

Just then a bell chimed, and the seat belt sign came on. Vanessa automatically clicked hers in place. The flight attendant smiled before moving to the front of the cabin and taking her own seat.

Vanessa was too self-absorbed to notice the beauty and luxury of her surroundings. As she stared out the window with her hands clasped in her lap, she told herself it was a good thing she’d turned Ralph’s proposal down. She’d never become accustomed to the opulent lifestyle he took for granted.

Yet despite his wealth, he was levelheaded and down-to-earth. He was a good person with a quiet strength she couldn’t help but admire. For so long, she’d done her best not to fall in love with him. She had no idea how it had happened or when. But there was no doubt in her mind that she loved him with all her heart.

Vanessa smiled as the plane rose into the late-afternoon sky. Ralph had a wonderful family. And she had no trouble understanding why Ralph and his cousins were so successful. They’d patterned themselves after two strong yet loving parents. Lester loved his wife and family. Most important, he was not afraid to show that love.

She had no trouble picturing Ralph someday, surrounded by a large family of his own. And she desperately wanted to be included. How could she have been so incredibly blind? She had stood in his face and practically told him he was no different than Greg Cummingham. Talk about an insult!

Covering her face with her hands, she shook her head in despair. If he never spoke to her again, she wouldn’t blame him. It was a credit to the fine man he was that he hadn’t thrown her and the kids out of his house and into the street. Instead he had left.

She bit her bottom lip, determined not to cry. Here she sat, like one of his exes, hoping that he would reconsider and take her back.

“Ms. Grant, a telephone call for you.”

Vanessa murmured a thank-you, as she put the receiver to her ear. Assuming it was Anna checking on her, she said, “Hello, Anna.”

“It’s not Anna. Hi, girlfriend.”

“Brynne!” She laughed. “It’s so good to hear your voice. Anna told you.”

“Of course, we’re sisters now. I hear you’re going to be a Prescott soon,” Brynne teased.

Vanessa couldn’t find even a tiny bit of humor in this situation. Instead she was struggling not to cry. “Oh, Brynne he has to hate me. I made such a mess of things.”

“Vanessa…stop! Ralph is crazy about you. Do you know of any other woman he’s proposed to?”

Vanessa covered her mouth as if that would muffle the scream rising in her throat. “Was there anything Anna left out of our conversation?”

“I sure hope not. You, Miss should-have-told-me-your-own-self, what’s with the secrets? You know I love you and those babies. Devin and I would never have gotten back together without your encouraging me every step of the way.

“Now, I really know you’re exaggerating. You were in love with that man before you moved back to Detroit. How’s my little Shanna doing?”

“She’s fine, getting bigger every day. But this call isn’t about me and mine. How are you holding it together?”

“I’m a mess. And I can’t stop shaking,” she whispered, careful not to be overheard. She went on to tell Brynne about their argument, then ended with, “So you see why there is a good chance he won’t open his hotel door.”

“He’ll let you in. If for no other reason than to let you know how angry he is with you. That’s when you use your best weapon.”

“I don’t have any weapons,” Vanessa insisted.

“Sure you do. At times like this, you have to play dirty and walk right into his arms and press up against him.”

Vanessa broke into a peal of laughter. “You are so wrong. But I like how you think. If all else fails, go for the sex appeal.”

“That’s right. You’re packing the kind of heat he finds irresistible. That man may be angry, but he still wants you. I saw the way he could not take his eyes off you at the family picnic. He was checking you out, my friend.”

Vanessa couldn’t help smiling at the bittersweet memory. “It seems so long ago. I never expected to fall in love with him. I fought it as long as I could, but nothing helped. I don’t know if I should kiss you or hit you for starting this mess by asking me to be your maid of honor.”

“A kiss, of course. Don’t forget Devin’s part. My honey asked Ralph to be his best man.”

“Oh Brynne, what am I going to do if he says no? What if he doesn’t give us another chance?” Vanessa sniffed, searching until she found a tissue in her purse.

“He will. But if he’s stubborn enough to say no, don’t worry. You know where he lives. You even know all of his relatives. And you are too smart to give up. You just keep on talking until you wear him down and get him to listen. Right?”

“Right,” Vanessa repeated with less conviction. “Wish me luck.”

“You’ve got it, girlfriend. Call me when you can?”

“I will. Bye, Brynne. I love you.”

“I love you, too. Bye.”

Vanessa leaned back against the seat, closing her eyes to review the words she planned to say to him. If only she could convince him to listen. She hoped that Devin had not called Ralph to warn him that she was coming.


Ralph had just returned to the hotel after a business dinner when Devin called to tell him that Vanessa was flying in to see him. He swore angrily, but it didn’t release the tension inside of him.

What he could not figure out was why she was coming. What did she hope to gain by rehashing their argument? There was not a doubt in his mind that it would be more of the same. He certainly hadn’t changed his mind, and he would be willing to bet that the stubborn beauty hadn’t changed her mind, either.

So what if she was on her way. That didn’t mean he would open the door and let her anywhere near him. Damn her for following him! Why couldn’t she leave it alone? She’d hurt him enough to last for a lifetime. What was she trying to do? Grind what little pride he had left to dust? He didn’t need to be reminded of what he couldn’t have.

First she’d tempted him to take what he could never have. Why? Why had she let him inside her sweet body? She’d given him a slice of heaven only to plunge him in to hell when he discovered she was a virgin. That night of lovemaking had turned into his own personal nightmare. No matter how desperately he wanted her, he’d never have touched her if he had known. When she approached him, she deliberately kept that bit of choice information to herself. And he didn’t like it. At least that’s what he told himself.

After that first time, he found he could not stay away from her. But she could have easily stopped him with a simple no. Yet she let him wear her down, all the while knowing that he couldn’t get enough of her sweetness. Each taste of her left him mad with hunger for even more. For the first time in his life, no other woman would do. There could be no substitution for his Nessa.

Swearing bitterly, he paced the confines of the sitting room of the luxury suite. He sat down at the desk with his laptop but found he couldn’t concentrate.

He should have insisted she marry him as soon as he realized that she was an innocent. It would have been the honorable thing to do. He should not have backed down but kept at it. Eventually, he’d have worn her down, and she would have seen it was their only recourse, under the circumstances. She might even be pregnant by now. It certainly would have saved him months of heartache. Her kids needed a man in their lives, a stabilizing influence.

None of that was important now. She had refused his proposals. Whatever might have been was not destined. Once she said whatever she’d come to say, they would be done.

When she was gone, he would face and deal with the heartache alone, then move on. If he never saw her again, it would be too soon. He wanted nothing from her. Not even the time of day. Why couldn’t she see that she was wasting both of their time by coming here? Not even for her precious kids would he put himself through this kind of hell ever again. It was over.

He’d heard the best way to get over one woman was a new woman. He planned to get out his Blackberry, call the first cutie willing to go out with him, and hopefully sleep with her. Certain of what he needed to do to get his life back on track, he decided to end the night hitting the hotel’s night spots.

“Sounds like a plan,” he said aloud.

At the sound of the brass knocker hitting the door, he smoothed his damp palms down his thighs and began moving toward the door. As he reached the doorknob, Ralph straightened his shoulders and took a deep breath.

After swinging one of the double doors open, his large frame blocked the entrance. With powerful arms folded across his chest, he waited. Vanessa stared up at him, not saying a word. Her large beautiful eyes were velvety brown, her full, glossy, red-tinted mouth was lush and looked good enough to taste.

He swore beneath his breath as he slowly checked out how good she looked in that short red skirt suit and the red strappy heels that showed off those incredible, long, shapely, bare brown legs. Talk about unfair, she’d left her thick, hair down to curl, framing her beautiful face. She was made up and clearly loaded for bear. What was she trying to do, bring him to his knees? No way! As he stiffened his spine, another part of his anatomy was hardening.

Despite the fact his shaft pulsated with need, he silently repeated I am in control again and again. He intended to make sure it stayed that way. This wasn’t about desire. They both knew he wanted her. That wasn’t exactly news.

Determined to stand his ground, he said impatiently, “Say what you came to say and leave. I have plans for the evening.”


Shaken, Vanessa lifted her chin, determined not to turn and run. “You obviously were expecting me. Someone told you. Who was it? Who told you I was coming?”

“Devin. What did you expect? Devin and I jointly own the jet on which you flew out here. You evidently played on Anna’s sympathy. What I don’t understand is why you bothered to come.”

“May I come in?” she asked politely.

Ralph’s frown hadn’t eased, but he stepped back and allowed her to enter.

Although she was shaking so badly that she feared her legs would give out, she made it to the sofa and took a seat. She barely glanced around the expensively furnished room.

He coldly repeated, “Vanessa? As far as I’m concerned, we said it all the other night.”

Determined to ignore the way her stomach hurt from nerves, she crossed her legs and held her clasped hands in her lap. Having rehearsed her speech so she wouldn’t leave anything out, she said, “I know I should have told you all this on Sunday night, but I couldn’t seem to get the words out. In fact, I never told anyone this because I was too embarrassed to admit the truth.”

She quickly went on to say, “I’ve made a point hiding it all this time. I didn’t want you to know I’ve been infatuated with you for years. Your face and strong body have played repeatedly in my dreams. You’re my fantasy man. I’ve imagined you making love to me hundreds of times. Getting to know you before the wedding made it worse.”

“What?” Ralph said in disbelief as he sat down on the arm of the love seat across from her.

“You heard me. And it’s true. That’s why when we were in Atlanta I finally found the courage to tell you I wanted you. Being away also helped. And I decided to take advantage of what felt like a golden opportunity. I found the courage to ask you to be my lover.”

Reading the doubt in his eyes, she whispered, “You don’t believe me, do you?”

“I don’t know what I believe.” He shook his head as if to clear it. “You’ve certainly surprised me. Why are you telling me all this now?”

She released a nervous laugh. “I didn’t have much choice. You walked away. It was now or never.”

He still looked doubtful, confused. He admitted, “I’m not sure I know what to believe. We spent most of the summer together. Not once have you even hinted you felt this way.”