
Vanessa stepped out of the patio doors off Donna and Lester’s crowded family room, onto the snow-cleared veranda. Gazing up into the dark blue sky, with only a deep red cashmere shawl that matched her turtleneck sweater and cream leather slacks, she ignored the cold. She sought a few moments alone to whisper a grateful, heart-filled prayer.

Christmas with the Prescotts was even more wonderful than Vanessa had imagined. She teared up whenever she recalled how, from the very first, everyone in Ralph’s family had welcomed and accepted her and the children into their family.

This Christmas had been the best ever, from the moment she’d opened her eyes and found herself wrapped in her husband’s arms. The house had been filled with joy, from the children gleefully opening their gifts to sharing a cheery breakfast around the kitchen table.

Vanessa smiled, remembering the few minutes alone with her husband while the children were getting ready for church. Ralph had found her in their family room, checking to make sure they didn’t leave a single gaily wrapped gift behind. Laughing softly, she recalled how he’d teased her about her long list, asking if she was the same woman who didn’t intend to use any of the money he routinely deposited in her checking account.

But she’d teased him right back that he was spoiling them rotten with the expensive gifts he’d piled under the Christmas tree for all of them, but especially her. She still hadn’t gotten over the thrilling surprise he’d given her. A honeymoon cruise on the Queen Mary 2, a week starting tomorrow. They would be flying out in the morning to meet the ship in New York for a six-day cruise ending in Southampton, England, with the promise that their family would take the entire cruise next summer.

But what he spoiled them with was love…so much love. And the love they shared seemed to keep growing, making her wonder how much joy she could stand. Every morning and night he made a point of thanking her for marrying him and making an honest man out of him. Since their October wedding, not a day had passed that Ralph didn’t tell her how much he loved her and vowed to love only her. And he never forgot to remind her how genuinely happy he was that they were a family. She often felt like pinching herself to make sure she was not dreaming. She had done the impossible, she’d found a man who had not hesitated to gain a ready-made family.

All those fears and doubts that had nearly torn them apart during the summer had vanished. She no longer worried about his ability to commit to her or her family. With love came trust.

Their marriage had not been all sunshine and roses. There had been tons of adjustment for all of them from the instant they moved into his huge house in Southfield. The children adored their new rooms, especially Lana. She had a teenage girl’s dream with her own telephone, bathroom, and I-pod. All the children liked their new school and teachers, and they were making new friends. And all three of them loved their new brother-in-law.

They also had adjusted surprisingly well to the changes that Prescotts brought into their lives. Ralph’s aunt and uncle insisted that Lana and the twins call them Grannie and Grandpa, like their other grandchildren.

Their plan to adopt the children was moving full speed ahead, thanks to Greg Cummingham’s cooperation. For now he continued to pay child support, but had bowed out of all parental rights including visitation. Vanessa was grateful that the twins didn’t miss what they’d never had…their father’s love.

With Ralph’s support, Vanessa, after giving her notice, was busy designing evening and bridal gowns full-time. In that department, things were going better than she’d dreamed possible. The orders were coming in droves from her sisters-in-law and their society friends. She was getting to the point where she was going to have to decide if she wanted to open her own boutique or go back to college to earn her degree in business. She was leaning toward opening the boutique, especially if she could find a good location close to home. The last few weeks, she enjoyed working in the beautiful home office her husband had set up for her. She especially liked being close to her family.

Had she ever been happier?

“Hey, beautiful. It’s cold out here,” Ralph said as he stepped outside, closing the door behind him. “Looking for a little peace and quiet?”

“Something like that.” She smiled as she felt him drop his sport coat, still warm from his body, over her shoulders before he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

Closing her eyes, Vanessa leaned back against him. “Did your aunt send you out here to find me?”

“Nope. I missed you. Do you mind a little company?” he said, close to her ear.

Familiar shivers of desire raced up and down her spine. “Mind your company? Never. I was wondering when you’d remember me.”

“I never forgot you, sweetheart. How could I when you’re my heart? Everything all right?”

“Perfect. I just needed a quiet place to say a thankful prayer.”

“Mmm, Good Christmas?”

“Wonderful, marvelous, magical Christmas. I’m trying to decide if I’ve ever been happier.”

His voice was rough with emotion, when he asked, “What did you decide?”

“I’ve never been happier. You do that for me just by being you, sweet man,” she whispered, tilting her head back for his kiss. He didn’t hesitate. His lips were warm and giving.

“How about you? Have you been happier?”

“Never. Not since you and the kids made a family man out of me. Have I told you how much I love you today?”

“Of course. But don’t let that stop you,” she teased.

He chuckled, before whispering, “I love you, Vanessa Grant Prescott.”

“Thank you, because I love you, Mr. Ralph Prescott. Thank you for my fabulous gift.”

“You’re welcome. Can you be ready to go tomorrow. Or do you want to wait another day to get ready? The kids are packed to stay with my folks.”

“No delays. We are leaving in the morning. I can sleep on the ship. How did you manage to keep the twins quiet about this?”

He laughed. “Believe me, it was not easy. I was sure Curtis was going to cave in and tell you. He has been so proud of himself for keeping quiet.”

“He had a right to be proud. When did you tell him?”

“Day before yesterday. The girls have known all long. Lana helped Curtis and Courtney get packed, so you don’t have to worry that they have everything they need, including clean underwear. Besides, the folks have keys. They can bring them back to the house if they forgot something.”

“That is so much trouble for your folks. Are you sure they want to keep all of the grandkids over the holiday?” Vanessa questioned.

“Stop worrying. My folks have had plenty of practice. They are looking forward to it. And you and I can spend as much time as we like in bed.” He squeezed her waist.

Vanessa laughed. “Why do I get the impression you are looking forward to it?”

“Because I am. How about you?”

“Without a doubt,” she said, rubbing the back of his hand.

“Remember, it was your idea to take the kids with us on our honeymoon.”

He chuckled, “Universal in Orlando was more a family vacation than a honeymoon. Besides, it was too soon for the kids to be away from you. They had enough adjustments to make.”

Vanessa turned, wrapping her arms around his waist. She lifted her face to kiss him. “I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”

Chuckling, he covered her lips with his.

“Behave,” she scolded him tenderly, before asking, “Any regrets?”

He stared into her eyes. “Not even one. I didn’t know what happiness was until you became my bride.” He felt her shivers. “We’d better go in. I don’t want you catching a cold.”

Vanessa nodded. He caught her hand and escorted her back into the spacious family room, where everyone was seated.

The tall spruce had been beautifully decorated with ornaments that held sentimental value to the family; most had been made when the boys and Anna were children. A fire blazed in the brick fireplace, and the mantel was crowded with family photographs, as was the top of the old upright piano that had once belonged to Donna’s grandmother.

“You’re just in time to help us sing,” Donna said from where she sat at the piano bench, her husband, Lester, beside her.

The children were all seated around the piano on the beautifully patterned area rug.

“Let’s hope your side of the family can sing,” Anna teased from her place beside Gavin on the love seat.

Everyone laughed, including Lester. At Vanessa’s blank look, Lester explained, “Donna and Anna are the only Prescotts who have any musical talent. Both our ladies play the piano and sing beautifully. Unfortunately, the boys and I can’t carry a tune, but that hasn’t stopped my beautiful wife from insisting we try.”

“We’ve been lucky,” Devin said from where he was seated on a floor pillow with Shanna in his lap and Brynne seated in the armchair beside them.

Wesley interrupted, “That our wives can sing. That way they can drown us out.” He was seated at one end of the sectional sofa with his wife, Kelli, beside him. Keleea was in her grandfather’s lap, clapping her hands eagerly.

Vanessa laughed. “I’ll do my best.” She smiled at the twins seated side by side at the piano, eager to join in.

Despite the empty seats on the sofa, Ralph took the armchair and pulled Vanessa down onto his lap. Just then Lana and Kyle and Wayne came in carrying bowls of microwave popcorn. They grabbed pillows and squeezed in on the floor.

“Are we ready,” Donna called as she began playing the chorus for “Jingle Bells.”

Looking around the room filled with love, Vanessa snuggled against Ralph, truly content with her life.

The Prescott children had gifts waiting for them under the brightly lit tree from their aunts, uncles, and grandparents. The adults had not exchanged gifts, but donated the money they would have spent to a selected homeless shelter. The families would receive Christmas gifts for their children that included toys and warm clothing for all of them, with the added assurance that they would have food and a warm safe place to sleep during the winter months.

As Vanessa joined the Christmas caroling, her gaze rested on Kelli and Wesley. They held hands, both thrilled that they were expecting a second baby in the new year. While Kelli was hoping for a boy, Wes insisted he didn’t care as long as both the baby and Kelli were healthy.

Brynne curled with her arms on Devin’s shoulders. Her dream of founding a women’s crisis center in St. Louis was moving forward. They had not only selected the building, but if all went as planned, they would open their doors by June 1.

Brynne and Devin had never been happier. Shanna was thrilled to have Curtis, Courtney, and Lana as her new cousins.

Everyone was happy for Anna and Gavin as they awaited their first baby, especially Donna. Gavin was thrilled. The couple was also looking forward to their first anniversary in February. Gavin’s brother, Kyle, while pleased to be an uncle, was excited that he and his best friend, Wayne, would get their driver’s licenses in the new year.

Lester and Donna were clearly still very much in love and proud of all their children. They were delighted to have the children and grandchildren all together to celebrate the holiday.

When Ralph lifted Vanessa’s hand and placed a kiss in the center of her palm, Vanessa sighed contentedly. She was looking forward to a future filled with love and joy.

Author’s Note

Dear Readers,

I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for all the prayers, letters, e-mail, cards of encouragement, and support that you have sent on my behalf. You have no idea how much they mean to me.

Can’t Say No is the last book in the three-book Prescott Series. Ralph and Vanessa are an unlikely pair who fall in love around the backdrop of his cousin and her best friend’s wedding. I hope you enjoyed it. Unforgettable is Anna and Gavin’s story and An Everlasting Love is Brynne and Devin’s story. As always, I’m looking forward to hearing from you. You may write to me in care of Avon Books. Visit my website at www.bette-ford.com. Thanks again.

Best wishes,

Bette Ford