You have seen the ways in which the SAT tests you on Punctuation in Writing & Language passages and the way an SAT expert approaches these types of questions.
Use the Kaplan Method for Writing & Language to answer the four questions that accompany the following Writing & Language passage excerpt. Remember to look at the strategic thinking questions that have been laid out for you—some of the answers have been filled in, but you will have to complete the answers to others.
Use your answers to the strategic thinking questions to select the correct answer, just as you will on Test Day.
Questions 7-10 are based on the following passage.
Questions | Strategic Thinking |
Step 1: Read the passage and identify the issue Are there any clues suggesting a grammatical issue? Yes, the underlined portion contains a series. What kind of punctuation is used to set off three or more items in a series or list? Commas. Where should these punctuation marks be placed? After every item that precedes the word “and.” Is there anything else a series or list should include? If so, what? A series or list should include the word “and” following the comma before the last item. Step 2: Eliminate answer choices that do not address the issue What answer choice(s) can you eliminate?
Step 3: Plug in the remaining answer choices and select the most correct, concise, and relevant one What is the correct answer?
Step 1: Read the passage and identify the issue What punctuation does the underlined segment include? A period. What is the issue?
Step 2: Eliminate answer choices that do not address the issue What answer choice(s) can you eliminate?
Step 3: Plug in the remaining answer choices and select the most correct, concise, and relevant one What is the correct answer?
Step 1: Read the passage and identify the issue What punctuation does the underlined segment include? Two commas surrounding the phrase “within the context of a group setting.” What purpose do two commas surrounding a phrase within a sentence serve?
Is the information set off by the commas in the underlined portion nonessential? Why or why not?
Step 2: Eliminate answer choices that do not address the issue What answer choice(s) can you eliminate?
Step 3: Plug in the remaining answer choices and select the most correct, concise, and relevant one What is the correct answer?
Step 1: Read the passage and identify the issue What punctuation does the underlined segment include?
What is this type of punctuation used for?
Step 2: Eliminate answer choices that do not address the issue What answer choice(s) can you eliminate?
Step 3: Plug in the remaining answer choices and select the most correct, concise, and relevant one What is the correct answer?