CRAIG PARSHALL is a fiction writer who has authored or coauthored twelve suspense novels. His fiction work has appeared on the New York Times Best Seller List and on the CBA bestseller list.

Craig is also a current events columnist and has coauthored several nonfiction books with his wife, Janet, a national syndicated radio talk show host on Moody Radio. As a constitutional attorney, Craig serves as special counsel to the American Center for Law and Justice on matters before the US Supreme Court, on Capitol Hill, and before state supreme courts.

Craig is also a commentator on issues involving culture, faith, freedom, law, media, and technology, and he frequently debates the most controversial and engaging issues of the day with atheist groups, separation-of-church-and-state leaders, and cultural pundits. He also speaks nationally on topics such as Washington policy and politics, religious liberty, Internet freedom of speech, and worldview, as well as debating artistic and creative issues with movie directors in Hollywood.

On constitutional matters, Craig has testified frequently before committees of the US Senate and House of Representatives, as well as before the Federal Communications Commission on broadcasting freedoms and the future of media. As a veteran trial and appellate attorney, Parshall has represented clients in civil liberty and church/state cases before the US Supreme Court, the majority of US Courts of Appeal across the United States, and numerous federal trial courts and state supreme courts.

Craig was the founding director of the John Milton Project for Free Speech, a pioneering venture advocating for freedom of speech and religious liberty on the Internet that he launched in his previous capacity as senior vice president, general counsel, and senior adviser for law and policy for National Religious Broadcasters.

Craig’s appearances before national media as a fiction author, cultural commentator, and constitutional attorney have included television and radio interviews on FOX News, CBS, CNN, NBC’s Today Show, Inside Edition, PBS, NPR, CBN News, and Court TV, among numerous others. He has been interviewed or featured in major newspapers and magazines including the New York Times, National Law Journal, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Boston Herald, Boston Globe, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Charlotte Observer, Des Moines Register, Newsweek, and US News and World Report.

Catch Craig on his website (CraigParshallAuthor.com), on Facebook (Craig Parshall Author), on Twitter (@CraigParshall), or on LinkedIn (Craig Parshall —Principal at Parshall Policy).