This book is dedicated to all grandmothers who pass on sewing skills, encouraging creativity and a love of sewing in future generations.
Thank you so much to Ame for all your work in making this book happen, for liking what I do with fabric and asking if I’d like to write a book about it. Thank you to Charly for bringing it all together beautifully, Emma for co-ordinating everything and to Cheryl for your diligent editorial work. Thank you to Jane also. Thank you to Jack for your fabulous photography. Thank you to Katherine, wordsmith, I am awed by your way with words and am grateful for your willing contribution to this book. Will, for all your support and patience. Sophie and Lawrence lights of my life. Mum for teaching me to sew and inspiring a lifetime love of colour. My sister Helen for being awesome. To everyone at Alice Caroline: Anna, Caroline, Hils, Pauline, Sara and Sarah for all of your skills, dedication and fun.