“You must be joking!”
“The results plainly show....”
“Stuff and nonsense!” Samantha exclaimed. “The whole idea is so ludicrous.”
“Nevertheless, you are pregnant,” the doctor continued in a firm but gentle voice. “You are expecting a baby... a January baby. That’s nice.”
Nice...?” Samantha gasped. It wasn’t that she didn’t want a baby. It was just... well, she hadn’t even gotten around to thinking about marriage, children and all that stuff. That was part of life which, up to now, she’d always thought of as being an experience that lay ahead of her. Something to look foward to, in the future. Not when she’d just achieved the first, great success of her career. And most definitely not when her brief love affair with the baby’s father had proved so disastrously short.
But whatever happened, she definitely was going to keep her baby. Now for the One Million Dollar Question: what was she going to do about Matt?