
Six short years ago I was writing the acknowledgments for my first printed book, marveling at the tremendous blessing of having a book, and thanking my readers for their kindness in being a part of my little online family.

I never dreamed I’d be doing the same thing for a third time, but time has taught me that I almost always underestimate the grace of God when it comes to my own life.

So here I am once more, and my heart is still singing prayers of thanksgiving for every single person who reads this text. I hope you have found encouragement here. I hope you have felt my heart in the words and my love in the recipes. Most important, I hope you’ve found a little something that reminds you of the sweetness in your own life.

I always try to remember to give thanks to God first, from whom all blessings flow. But that is followed shortly by thoughts of my precious family, who are my dream come true. I spent the first half of my life thus far hoping for a family of my own, and will spend the rest of my life being thankful for these people whom I love more than words, breath, or ink could ever express. Marrying my husband, Ricky, was the single best decision I ever made in my life. My son, Brady, has become the kind of young man my Granddaddy taught me to appreciate: tall, strong of character, and filled with wisdom. My daughter, Katy, is joy and light; so much beauty and compassion are in her heart that she causes me to be a better person just by knowing her. They are among my greatest gifts and I’m so blessed to see how God shares those gifts with the world.

I wake up each day and make the choice to have a good day—and I really have seen that it is that simple. So many people choose to have bad days without even seeing the decision they have made.

I don’t know what God has planned for my future but I sure do hope you are in it. May you be blessed with peace, joy, and the ability to always pick out the roses whenever you happen upon a patch of thorns.

Thank you for being here and for allowing me the honor of being a small part of your precious life.