Chapter 21
As far as the public at large knew, I was still on the run. As for Mikey, the same went for him. Now unless he and Sakou’s connections were that great, nobody knew shit about the new favor I was doing. I was wired up and ready for war against the people who tried to fuck me. It was only right that I did them back even dirtier.
“I hear you went up to see Sabrina last week. How come you didn’t let me know?”Sakou asked.
I responded, “Remember you said don’t contact you, you’d contact me?”
We were inside Sakou’s Connecticut home discussing the layout for a new hit he had on his to-do list.
“There”s so much money involved in this hit, you won’t have to ever worry about me again after this.”
It was bugging me out the way this nigga could just sit there and be so ordinary about everything. “I heard that one before. Why you set me up with the murder weapon that killed Tawana?” I blurted out. “Sabrina told me she gave you back your gun. And then you gave it to me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”He turned on the radio and raised the volume. Then he pulled out his gun. “Stand up and lift your shirt.”He pushed the gun into my chest.
“You bugging, man. Why?”
“Just do it.”He cocked the gun.
I slowly pulled my shirt over my head, titties hanging and everything. There was nothing, so he turned the radio back down and patted me on the shoulder. “Never can be too sure,”he said. “You come up in here talking that crazy shit. Don’t you know you can get that head blown off?”
“How I know when we do this last job, you’re going to let me be?”
“Bitch, you don’t. You’re just going to have to take my word.”
Take his word? His word? Yeah, right. “Who we hitting?”
Sakou looked down at his watch. “Mikey Sarionni.”
“What’s the matter?”
“My wife was supposed to be back here an hour ago. She just loves to get out there and spend my money until every last dime is gone.”
“Call her.”
“I already did. Three damn times.”
“No answer. She’s got five more minutes then I gots to go.”
Sakou had no idea he was driving right into a trap constructed by Detective Shudemall.
I could feel the wire I was wearing giving me miniscule shocks in between my thighs, causing me to twitch uncomfortably as I drove to Westbury. “So why exactly are we hitting Mikey? Isn’t he how you make your bread and butter?”
“He’s going to turn on me. I need to take care of him before he takes care of me.”
“And you really think that you can just walk up in his house and start shooting? How you think you’re going to pull that off?”
“What’s the matter with you?”Sakou asked suspiciously.
I honked the horn of my truck at Mikey’s gate, but no one was there to respond.
Rinngg. Rinngg.
Sakou looked at his cell phone. “Doesn’t she have perfect fucking timing? ... Where you at? I told you I had important business to handle today.”
“Sakou,”Mikey Sarionni calmly said into the phone.
Sakou pressed Speaker On.
“Hello?”he said, not sure who he was speaking with.
“Sakou, this is Mikey. Your wife and son are all right for the time being, but won’t be if you don’t follow my instructions. Do you have a problem with that?”
Sakou’s wife was not supposed to have anything to do with this. I guess she was picked up as insurance, to be certain that Sakou showed up. The only fucked-up thing about that was his three-year-old son was taken as a hostage too.
“No. Just tell me where you at. If anything happens to either one of them, you’re a dead man.”
“At a time like this, Sakou, I would not be threatening me. Bring me the money you stole from Max’s bank accounts. I know you have it.”
“I will kill you if anything happens to my family.”
“Here is where I want you to meet me at. You bring any police, and the deal is off. You hear that? The deal is off, and your family is fucking dead—d-e-a-d, dead.”
Mikey had a funny feeling about Sakou, so in exchange for a pardon and a large sum of money, he’d revealed to the mob lieutenant whose son had been accidentally killed who the true shooter was. This was a good look for me because Detective Shudemall would be getting more than he bargained for, everyone would be locked up, and I’d have a chance at beginning life anew, no strings attached.
After Mikey explained to him the location to meet him, Sakou ended the call and looked at me.
“He’s got my family. Now he really got to go. He’s a fucking memory, man. A fucking memory.” Sakou pulled the clip from his gun then stuck it back into place.