
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

ABB, 97

Abbott, Tony, 50

Abengoa, 80

Africa. See also specific countries

Congo River hydropower projects, 125–26

geothermal resources of Great Rift Valley, 100, 109–10

renewable energy installations in 2014, 4

African Development Bank, 125


climate change affecting, 5–6

geothermal energy, use of, 102, 103, 104

hydropower and, 120, 121

wind energy as double-cropping technique, 86–87

air pollution

from coal, 35–36, 38, 48, 142–43

as driver of energy transition, 5–6

Alstom, 97

American Association of Railroads, 38

American Legislative Exchange Council, 77

American Wind Energy Association, 91

Anschutz, Philip, 98, 144

Apple (software company), 145

aquaculture and geothermal energy, 102–04

Arab oil embargo (1973), 67

Arch Coal, 46

Areva, 57

Arizona Public Service, 77

Asia. See also specific countries

geothermal resources of Ring of Fire, 100

hydropower investment in, 124

oil use in, 23

transportation in, 27, 31

Aswan High Dam, Egypt, 129

Austin Energy, 77–78


coal exports, 49–50

geothermal energy in, 112

solar energy in, 4, 71

wind energy in, 3–4


hydropower in, 116

solar water heaters in, 82

automobiles. See transportation

Baker, Bill John, 92–93

Ball State University, geothermal energy at, 104

Ban Ki-moon, 36


Chinese dam building and, 127

solar power in, 81–82

Barclays, 77

Baxandall, Phineas, 25


nuclear power in, 63

wind energy in, 94

Bell Labs, 67

Bernstein, Stuart, 143

Beyond Coal campaign (Sierra Club), 8, 41–44, 51, 144

Bhutan, hydropower in, 117–18

bicycles and bike-sharing, 26–29

bird deaths from wind turbines, 89

Birr, Thomas, 76

black lung disease, 34–35

Bloomberg, Michael, 43, 144

Blue Lagoon, Iceland, 101

Boeing, 145–46

Boise State University, geothermal energy at, 104

BP, 19, 20


hydropower in, 116–17, 121, 123–24

oil use in, 22

solar water heaters in, 82

transportation in, 30

wind energy in, 93

Bridge to India, 81

Brown, Jerry, 136

Brune, Michael, 43

Buffett, Warren, 78, 92, 107, 143

Bush, George W., 43, 137, 144

business use of renewable energy, 143–46

Byrd, Stephen, 88

CalEnergy, 107

Cambodia, hydropower in, 128


carbon tax in, 138

coal use in, 38

geothermal energy in, 100

hydropower in, 116, 117, 131

solar power in, 69

tar sands in, 14, 21

wind energy in, 85

cap-and-trade programs, 138–39

carbon tax, 136–38

Carbon Tracker, Unburnable Carbon (2011), 13

cars. See transportation

Central American Electrical Interconnection System, 130

Chernobyl nuclear meltdown (1986), 63–64

Chevron, 10–11, 22


solar energy in, 80

wind energy in, 93


cap-and-trade programs, 138

coal use in, 9, 35–36, 46, 48–50, 142–43

geothermal energy in, 102–03

health burdens and air pollution from use of coal in, 35–36, 142–43

hydropower in, 114–16, 117, 122, 123, 127–28, 131

hydropower investment by, 124–25, 126, 129

nuclear power in, 15, 54, 55, 65, 150

oil use in, 22, 23

photovoltaic manufacturing in, 68

solar energy in, 3–4, 70–71, 79, 82

transportation in, 26, 28, 30, 148

wind energy in, 3–4, 15, 65, 84, 90–91, 95, 150

Chokecherry and Sierra Madre Wind Energy Project, 98

Citi Bike program, New York City, 28

Citi Research, 48–49


automobile use in, 25–26, 29, 134–35

renewable energy goals in, 141–42

Clean Line Energy Partners, 98

climate change

coal use and, 36–37, 43

as driver of energy transition, 5–6

hydropower and dams, climate impact of, 121–22

kerosene, solar energy replacing, 81

stranded assets and, 13

Clinton Global Initiative America, 92

coal, 34–52

air pollution from, 35–36, 38, 48, 142–43

coal (continued)

climate change and, 36–37, 43

closing of plants, 37–41, 76

college and university coal-free commitments, 44–45

in developing world, 46–49

exporting countries, 49–51

health burdens from use of, 34–36, 37, 48

investment in, 38, 45–46

peak coal, 9, 48–49

as percentage of global electricity sources, 34

profit margins, drop in, 36, 45–46

Sierra Club campaigns on, 8, 42–45, 51, 144

stranded assets and, 13–14

transitioning from, 8–9

water supply and use of, 9, 41–42, 46

Coal India, 47, 140–141

colleges and universities

coal-free commitments, 44–45

divestment movement and, 16–17, 149

use of renewable energy by, 104, 146

compact fluorescent bulbs, 81, 139

concentrating solar power technology, 79–80

Congo River hydropower projects, 125–26

Contact (power company), 108–09

Cooke, Kieran, 12–13

Cooper, Mark, 57

corporate investment in energy. See investment in energy

corporate use of renewable energy, 143–46

Costa Rica, geothermal energy in, 105, 110

Crooks, Ed, 20

Cyprus, solar water heaters in, 83

Deepwater Horizon oil spill (2010), 19


bicycle commuting in, 27

coal use in, 37

wind energy in, 3, 4, 85–86, 89, 94, 96, 141, 149–50

Deutsche Bank, 69

divestment movement, 16–17, 149

Dominion Resources, 56

Duke Energy, 56

earthquakes and seismic activity

dams leading to, 122

fracking leading to, 41

Fukushima nuclear meltdown (2011) and, 60–62

Ecuador, hydropower in, 116

EDF, 56, 57

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 53

El Salvador, geothermal energy in, 105, 110

Elwha Dam, Washington State, 120

Enel Green Power, 110

energy efficiency and energy reduction programs, 139–40

energy transition, 3–18, 133–51

beginnings of new energy economy, 3–4 (See also geothermal energy; hydropower; solar energy; wind energy)

corporate use of renewable energy, 143–46

divestment movement, 16–17, 149

drivers of, 5–6, 133, 135

energy efficiency and energy reduction mechanisms, 139–40

government policy and, 135–43, 147–48

government use of renewable energy, 147

localization of energy economy and, 134

move away from fossil fuels, 8–12, 133 (See also coal; natural gas; oil)

nuclear power, decline of, 14–15 (See also nuclear power)

persons involved in, 133–34

speed of, 6–8, 17, 149–51

stranded assets, 13–14, 15–16

transportation as driver of, 133, 135, 147–49 (See also transportation)

winners and losers in, 134

Engelking, Betsy, 78

enhanced geothermal systems technology, 111–13

Eni, 11, 21

E.ON, 57, 76

Epstein, Paul, 36

Ericson, Tim, 28


geothermal energy in, 110

hydropower in, 116, 128–29

transportation in, 30

European Investment Bank, 46

Europe/European Union. See also specific countries

coal use in, 37

feed-in tariffs in, 135

solar water heaters in, 82

supergrid for renewable power sources, 97

transportation in, 27, 29, 31

wind energy in, 85–86

ExxonMobil, 10–11, 12, 20, 21

farming. See agriculture

feed-in tariffs, 135

Finland, nuclear power in, 56

First Solar, 78, 79

fish farming, use of geothermal energy for, 102–04

fisheries and hydropower, 120, 121, 128

Ford, Bill, 28

FORGE initiative, 112–13


enhanced geothermal systems technology adapted from, 111–12

natural gas, 8–9, 40–41

oil, 20, 21–22


coal use in, 37

geothermal energy in, 103, 112

hydropower and dam removal in, 116, 120

nuclear power in, 15, 53–57, 65–66

transportation in, 30

wind energy in, 15, 66, 85, 89

Froggatt, Antony, 54, 60

Frost and Sullivan research group, 31

Fukushima nuclear meltdown (2011), 14, 54, 60–62, 63, 71–72, 108, 142

General Electric, 97

General Motors, 28

geothermal energy, 100–13

for agriculture and aquaculture, 102–04

binary plants, 106

costs of, 111

developmental potential, 106–11

as electricity source, 102, 105–06

enhanced geothermal systems technology, 111–13

FORGE initiative, 112–13

global distribution of resources, 100–05

as heat source, 102–05

investment in, 107

Geothermal Energy Association, 106, 107, 111


coal use in, 37

geothermal energy in, 103, 106

nuclear power in, 14, 57, 62

oil use in, 22, 23

photovoltaic manufacturing in, 67–68

renewable energy goals in, 141

solar energy in, 7, 14, 68, 69, 70, 75–76

solar water heaters in, 82

traditional utilities forced to revise business models in, 7–8

transportation in, 30

wind energy in, 14, 15, 84, 85, 89, 94, 96–97, 142

Ghana, hydropower in, 118

Ghawar oil field, Saudi Arabia, 19

Gillingham, Kenneth, 74

Glines Canyon Dam, Washington State, 120

Goldman Sachs, 45, 51, 143

Google, 145, 146

government policy and energy transition, 135–43, 147–48

government use of renewable energy, 147

Grand Coolee Dam, Washington State, 118, 119

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, 116, 128–29

Grand Inga hydropower project, 125–26

Granholm, Jennifer, 41

Gregoire, Christine, 43

GTM Research, 73, 74

Halsey, Ashley, III, 25

health burdens

from coal use, 35–36, 37, 48, 142–43

from nuclear accidents, 61, 63–64

Herron, Caroline, 92

high-voltage alternating current cables, 96

high-voltage direct current lines, 96–97, 98

Holmes, Ingrid, 46

Hoover Dam, Nevada, 118


coal use in, 37

geothermal energy in, 103–04

hydropower, 114–32

benefits and drawbacks of, 114–15, 120–23, 124, 125–26, 128–29, 132

development potential of existing dams, 119–20

economic hazards of, 122–23

exports of, 117–18

global use of, 115–19

inter-country water rights and, 127–30

investment in, 123–29

as percentage of global electricity sources, 34

pumped storage, 131

removal of existing dams, 120

small-scale projects, 126–27

solar energy and, 120, 126, 128, 132

tidal and wave energy, 130–31

wind energy and, 120, 132


geothermal energy in, 100–02, 103, 105

hydropower in, 101

Ichijo Co., 72


coal use in, 46–48

feed-in tariffs in, 135

hydropower in, 116, 117, 127

nuclear power in, 54, 65

oil use in, 22

renewable portfolio standards in, 136

solar energy in, 72, 79, 80–81, 140–41

transportation in, 30

wind energy in, 15, 65, 84, 89, 93


coal exports, 49

geothermal energy in, 105, 107–08

offshore drilling project, 22

oil production and use in, 22–23, 108

Inter-American Development Bank, 130

International Centre for Environmental Management, 128

International Energy Agency, 69, 123, 139

International Rivers, 125

investment in energy

coal, 38, 45–46

divestment movement, 16–17, 149

geothermal energy, 107

hydropower, 123–29

nuclear power, 57

oil, 10–12, 14, 21, 22

solar energy, 5, 71, 72, 78–79

stranded assets, 13–16

wind energy, 5, 87, 125

Iowa Wind Energy Association, 87

Iran, nuclear power in, 54


carbon tax in, 138

wind energy in, 3, 85, 141

irrigation systems in India, 140

Israel, geothermal energy in, 104

Itaipu Dam, Brazil, 116–17, 122


bicycling in, 27

coal use in, 37

geothermal energy in, 103, 109

nuclear power in, 62–63

solar power in, 70

wind energy in, 85, 89


Fukushima nuclear meltdown (2011), 14, 54, 60–62, 63, 71–72, 108, 142

geothermal energy in, 103, 108

hydropower in, 116, 131

oil use in, 22, 23

solar cells, pioneering uses of, 67–68

solar energy in, 69, 71–72

Top Runner Program, 139–40

transportation in, 29–30

wind energy in, 142

Japan International Cooperation Agency, 110

JBC Energy Markets, 22

Jewell, Sally, 95

Johnson Controls, 146

Kashagan oil field, Kazakhstan, 11, 20–21

Kearns, Cesia, 51

Kenya, geothermal energy in, 105, 109–10

kerosene, solar energy replacing, 80–81

Kimes, Christine E., 82

Kitzhaber, John, 51

Klose, Christian, 122

Kyocera, 67–68

Kyte, Rachel, 126

La Geo, 110

Latin America. See also specific countries

geothermal resources of Ring of Fire, 100

renewable energy installations in 2014, 4

LEDs, 81, 139

Lennar, 73–74

Liebreich, Michael, 16

lightbulbs, 81, 139

localization of energy economy, 134

Lockheed Martin, 131

Lovins, Amory, 134

Lowe, Jim, 104

Lummi Nation, 51

Lumsdon, Alexander, 123

Mankiw, N. Gregory, 137

Mao Zedong, 114

Markey, Ed, 119

McKibben, Bill, 149

mercury toxicity, 35

Merkel, Angela, 14, 62

Mexico, Water Treaty (1994) with U.S., 129–30

MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, 78, 92, 107

Mighty River Power, 109

Modi, Naranda, 47, 93

molten salts, energy storage in, 79–80

Moore, Joseph, 112

Moran, Jim, 40

Morgan Stanley, 143

National Household Travel Survey, 25

Native Americans

on coal exports, 51

wind energy and, 92–93

natural gas

fracking, 8–9, 40–41

as percentage of global electricity sources, 34

transitioning from, 8–9, 40–41, 76, 108–09

Natural Resources Defense Council, 51

Navigant Research, 88, 96

net metering, 77

Netherlands, wind power in, 94–95

New Zealand

coal use in, 37

geothermal energy in, 105, 108–09

hydropower in, 116

Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, 39

Nigeria, hydropower in, 121

Nile River Basin, 116, 128–29

Nilles, Bruce, 43

Northland Power Inc., 94


hydropower in, 116

transportation in, 32, 148

nuclear power, 53–66

accidents, risk of, 60–62, 63–65

nuclear power (continued)

closure of plants, 56–58

compared with alternative energy, 14–15, 65–66

costs of, 53–57, 59–60, 65

decline in use of, 14–15, 53–54, 66

disposal of nuclear waste, 58–59

investment in, 57

as percentage of global electricity sources, 34

plant construction and maintenance, 15, 54–56

transitioning from, 62–63

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 119–20

Obama, Barack, 46, 147

Ohio State University, wind energy at, 146

oil, 19–33

Arab oil embargo (1973), 67

corporate profits, drop in, 10–12, 20–21, 22

fracking, 20, 21–22

global oil use trends, 22–23

government subsidies for, 11–12

investment in, 10–12, 14, 21, 22

peak oil, 22

production constraints, 19–21

from tar sands, 14, 20, 21, 22

transitioning from, 9–12, 108

transportation, changes in, 23–33 (See also transportation)

Oklahoma State University, wind energy at, 146

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 23

Orka Energy, 102

Ormat Technologies Inc., 112

Pacific Aquafarms, 104

Pacific Intertie, 98

Paraguay, hydropower in, 116, 117

Park Jiyoung, 59

Parker, Kevin, 45

Parkinson, Giles, 71

Patrick, Deval, 95–96

Paulson, Hank, 144

Peabody Energy, 46

peak coal, 9, 48–49

peak oil, 22

Pertamina, 107

Peru, hydropower in, 116

Philippines, geothermal energy in, 105, 107

photovoltaic technology, 67–68, 78–79. See also solar energy


transportation in, 30

wind energy in, 93–94

Portugal, wind energy in, 3, 85

Potsdam Institute, 13

Prius, 32, 139

Rajagopal, Surabhi, 81

Recurrent Energy, 77

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative program, 138–39

renewable portfolio standards, 135–36

Richter, Alexander, 109

Ring of Fire, 100

rising sea levels, 5, 6

Risky Business, 144

Rittenhouse, Ryan, 42

Rockefeller Brothers Fund divestment campaign, 17

Rockefeller, John D., 17

Romania, wind energy in, 94

Rosneft, 20


Chernobyl nuclear meltdown (1986), 63–64

hydropower in, 116, 118

nuclear power in, 54, 55

RWE, 76

Ryan, Eamon, 138

Sadik-Khan, Janette, 28

Salton Sea, California, 107

Sandia National Laboratories, 65

Saudi Arabia

Ghawar oil field, 19

solar energy in, 73, 141, 144

Saudi Aramco, 20

Schneider, Mycle, 54–55, 60


renewable energy goals, 141

tidal energy in, 131

SELCO Solar, 80–81

Sharp, 67–68

Shell, 10–11, 12, 21, 22

Siemens, 96, 97, 130–31

Sierra Club’s anti-coal campaigns, 8, 42–45, 51, 144

Simmons, Stuart, 112

Simon, Bill, 145

Sinopec Green Energy Geothermal Development Co., Ltd., 102

Sivak, Michael, 24, 25

Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Oxford University, 17

Solar Electric Light Fund, 80–81

solar energy, 67–83

beginnings of new energy economy and, 4

community solar options, 75

concentrating solar power technology, 79–80

corporate use of, 143, 144–46

costs of, 7, 68–71, 73–74, 77–78, 80, 81–82, 134

early uses of, 67–68

electrical utilities and, 75–79

global expansion in use of, 7–8, 68–75

government investment in, 140–41

grid, bypassing, 80–83

hydropower and, 120, 126, 128, 132

investment in, 5, 71, 72, 78–79

irrigation systems in India, 140

kerosene replaced by, 80–81

leased versus direct-owned installations, 74

molten salts, energy storage in, 79–80

net metering, 77

new home construction and, 72, 74–75, 82

nuclear power compared, 14–15, 65–66

as percentage of global electricity sources, 34

photovoltaic technology, 67–68, 78–79

speed of assembly of solar arrays, 15

tax credits for, 136

thin-film PV, 78, 79

transportation, electrical power for, 33, 148–49

water heaters, 4, 82–83

Solar Energy Corporation of India, 141

South Africa

coal use in, 37

solar power in, 70

South Korea

nuclear power in, 54

nuclear waste disposal in, 59

Southeastern Anatolia Project, 129

Southern California Edison, 56

Southern Power, 78, 143


hydropower and dam removal in, 120

solar energy in, 79

transportation in, 27, 30

wind energy in, 3, 15, 84, 85, 89

Stanford University divestment campaign, 16–17

Statoil, 22

Steyer, Tom, 144

Stowe Global Coal Index, 45

stranded assets, 13–16

Summers, Lawrence, 137

Sun Yat-sen, 114

SunShot program, 80

Sweden, nuclear power in, 57


hydropower in, 116

nuclear power in, 62

Tan Sang, 128

tar sands, 14, 20, 21, 22

tax credits, 88, 136, 137, 147–48

Teng Fei, 36

Tennessee Valley Authority, 38

TenneT, 96, 97


Tesla Model S, 32, 109

Thorp, Holden, 44–45, 149

Three Gorges Corporation, 124

Three Gorges Dam, China, 114–15, 117

Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown (1979), 63

tidal and wave energy, 130–31

Tockner, Klement, 127

Tonle Sap, Cambodia, 128

Top Runner Program, Japan, 139–40

Total (oil company), 11, 14, 20, 21, 22

Toyota Prius, 32, 139

transportation, 23–33

bicycles and bike-sharing, 26–29

car-sharing, 31

as driver of energy transition, 133, 135, 147–49

electrification of, 10, 16, 32–33, 147–49

fuel efficiency standards for new cars, 31–32

gas stations, as stranded assets, 15–16

global fleet numbers, 29–31

public transit, increase in use of, 24

solar power and, 33, 148–49

urban environment and, 25–26, 29, 134–35

U.S. car culture, changes in, 23–25

TransWest Express transmission line, 98

Tres Amigas Superstation electricity hub, 98–99

Tresaugue, Matthew, 42

Tri Global Energy, 91


geothermal energy in, 103, 109

hydropower in, 129

wind energy in, 94

Turner, Ted, 78, 143

UBS, 148, 149


Chernobyl nuclear meltdown (1986), 63–64

nuclear power in, 54

United Arab Emirates, solar energy in, 79

United Kingdom

coal use in, 37, 150

nuclear power in, 56, 58

transportation in, 30

wind energy in, 3, 85, 86, 89, 94, 96, 150

United States. See also entries at U.S.

bicycles and bike-sharing in, 26–27, 28–29

car culture, changes in, 23–25

car-sharing in, 31

coal exports, 50–51

coal use in, 8, 38–40, 46

fracking in, 21–22

fuel efficiency standards in, 31–32

geothermal energy in, 100, 104, 106–07, 112

health burdens from use of coal in, 34–35

hydropower in, 116, 117, 118–20, 129–30, 131

natural gas production in, 8–9

nuclear power in, 53–58, 64–65

nuclear waste disposal in, 58–59

number of licensed vehicles in, 29, 30

oil use in, 9–10, 22, 23, 24

Price-Anderson Act, 64–65

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative program, 138–39

renewable portfolio standards in, 136

solar cells, pioneering uses of, 67–68

solar energy in, 4, 8, 69–70, 73–75, 77, 79, 80

solar water heaters in, 82

Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown (1979), 63

Water Treaty (1944) with Mexico, 129–30

wind energy in, 4, 15, 84, 88–93, 95–96, 97–99, 142

universities. See colleges and universities

University of Illinois coal-free commitment, 44

University of North Carolina coal-free commitment, 44

University of Oklahoma, wind energy at, 146

urban environments

automobile use in, 25–26, 29, 134–35

renewable energy goals in, 141–42

U.S. Clean Air Act, 35, 40

U.S. Department of Energy, 59, 80, 112

U.S. Department of the Interior, 95–96

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 39, 45, 51, 145, 146

U.S. Federal Transit Administration, 24

U.S. Geological Survey, 107, 112

U.S. PIRG Education Fund, 24

van Beurden, Ben, 11

Venezuela, hydropower in, 116

Verizon, 144–45

Vestas, 86

Vietnam, hydropower, and dam building, 128

Villaraigosa, Antonio, 44

Wald, Matthew, 57

Walmart, 145

water heaters, solar, 4, 82–83

water supply

coal use and, 9, 41–42, 46

fracking and, 41

Fukushima nuclear meltdown (2011) and, 61

hydropower affecting, 120, 121

hydropower and inter-country water rights, 127–30

irrigation systems in India, 140

wind energy and, 88

Watson John, 20

wave and tidal energy, 130–31

Wind Base program, China, 15, 90

wind energy, 84–99

beginnings of new energy economy and, 3–4

bird deaths and, 89

corporate use of, 144, 146

costs of, 88

government investment in, 141

hydropower and, 120, 132

investment in, 5, 87, 125

land efficiency and yield per acre, 86–87

nuclear power compared with, 14–15, 65–66

offshore facilities, 94–97

as percentage of global electricity sources, 34

popularity of, 87–88

rapid global expansion in use of, 84–87, 89–94

replacement of older turbines, 99

speed of assembly of wind farms, 15, 89

tax credits for, 88, 136

transmission of, 96–99

transportation, electrical power for, 33

variability issues, 89

water supply and, 88

Wolkonowicz, John, 23–24

Wong, Edward, 35–36

World Bank, 28, 81–82, 125, 126, 138

Zagster, 28

Zarfl, Christiane, 123

Zimbabwe. hydropower in, 118

Zindler, Ethan, 93

Zipcar, 31