IN THE FIELD ROAST KITCHEN, we’re not trying to replicate animal-based sausages, roasts, or pâté. So, making a vegetarian product that tastes and reminds you of chicken or pork isn’t really our thing. Instead, what really excites us is focusing on the incredible plant-based flavors at the ready with vegetables, herbs, and spices. And the addition of wheat gives each of our recipes that characteristic “meaty” texture while also imparting a good bit of protein. Making vegan charcuterie isn’t difficult and our technique uses simple ingredients that you’ll be able to find at your favorite grocery store. Let’s get started!


Buying sausage at the store is certainly convenient, but making your own is supergratifying and you get the bonus of getting to choose exactly which flavors you’d like to feature. If you’re new to making sausage, here are a few quick tips to set you up for success right out of the gate:

1. Consider your workspace. Clear off your counters so they’re clutter-free, set up your equipment, and make sure to read the recipe all the way through so you have everything you need. The process is simple, but it does require a little space.

2. You’ll need casing to contain your meat grind into a sausage shape. If you have trouble finding casing, use a rectangle of waxed paper and some foil instead. Spray the waxed paper with oil, and form some dough into a sausage shape. Using the waxed paper, roll the dough like a cigar, making sure it’s evenly distributed throughout. Fold the ends of the paper inward to seal them off, and roll the foil around the outside to hold it all in place. Fold the ends of the foil up to seal them off—and now your sausage is all set for steaming.

3. Don’t try to cook too many sausages at once. You want to make sure your sausages have enough space to cook evenly and thoroughly, so avoid the temptation to save time. Cook them in batches instead.

4. Think ahead: while you’re at it, why not make some extras for the freezer? Store them in an airtight freezer bag, and they’ll keep for up to six months. You can also double your grind recipe and freeze it for future impromptu sausage-making.

5. Have fun and improvise. The first time you do something new in the kitchen, chances are you follow the recipe pretty closely. But after you become comfortable with the process, feel free to swap out vegetables and spices to create seasonal options that you really love. The possibilities are endless.



Making roasts at home requires less equipment than making sausage, and is a great first foray into making plant-based meat. If you’ve never tied a roast before, don’t worry—I’ll walk you through it. Allow yourself enough time so you don’t feel rushed and make sure you have a nice, clear workspace. Beyond that, here are a few tips to ensure your roasts are as tasty as ours:

1. When you’re mixing the meat together, there may be some excess liquid that is not absorbed by the dry ingredients. This is common and not a problem at all: you’ll want to just discard it at the very end.

2. The meat of the roast is going to be tough and elastic. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look perfect at first; once you get it wrapped and tied up, it will really start to look like a roast.

3. Make sure you spray your cheesecloth with oil (we use either sunflower, safflower, or canola) to ensure that it doesn’t stick to the roast.

4. Be sure not to tie the roast too tightly. The twine should be taut, but not cinched so tight that it creates ribs in the meat.

5. Don’t stress about your knots: If you’re not familiar with a butcher’s slipknot, use any simple slipknot, and space them every inch or so. A slipknot is created by making a P-shaped loop at one end of the string, then taking hold of the other end of the string and bringing it through the loop. Using the same end of the string, next make a knot around the P-shaped loop and pull tight on the opposite end to set it.
