Men were there.

Ten steps below, two men, two strong-looking men, stood there in EMT uniforms looking up at her. Kit stood frozen, staring back at them with her mouth agape.

A radio suddenly went off, the tinny squawk loud off the concrete walls.

“We got her,” the shorter of the two men said with a wild-eyed grin as he lunged onto the stairs and headed up.

Kit’s phone slipped from her hand and clattered off down the stairs as she backpedaled. She actually came out of one of her shoes as she turned and started back up.

This can’t be happening, she thought as she struggled up the stairs. Not again. Please, not again.

She’d made the top of the landing, dizzy and shaking, when the man grabbed her ankle and yanked her feet out from underneath her. Black stars of pain flashed in her vision as her bad shoulder smacked into the hard landing.

As the evil medic hovered over her, she screamed as she swung with her good hand for the man’s balls with everything she had.

But at the last second, he shifted his hip gracefully and it felt like her pinkie broke as her fist smashed his thick thigh instead.

“Scrappy, huh? I like scrappy. Tomboys are my favorite,” he said in his New York accent.

Then he open-palm slapped her across the face hard enough to make her nose bleed.

She fell over on her side, her face on fire, dazed. She scraped her fingertips on the rough concrete floor. One of her nails snapped as she scrabbled with her free hand to get away.

“Help, Mike!” she screamed when she looked down the stairs and saw her phone at the bottom.

“Help! They got me! They got me! Two men. EMT uniforms!” she screamed.

The short man laughed as he threw a hard forearm up under her jaw. Terror pulsed through her like live voltage as there was a pinch on her backside. He was sticking her with something, she saw as she glanced down.


“Help me, Mike! They’re drugging me! Help!” she yelled again.

“On second thought, Mikey, don’t worry. We got her,” the short brute called out loudly as he pressed the plunger.

Kit felt the liquid going into her, hot in her veins.

“False alarm, Mikey. We’ll take it from here,” Kit heard the man say with a cackling laugh as the lights began to dim.