First you must set up a reading lamp and leave open a book of good poetry. You need the best poetry so that when an angel is flying by it will sense something and nip in secretly to read this curious dust — language. That is when, if you have put a trick ending on the poem, you can catch the foot of its spirit and slowly, with a blue buzz saw, cut off its wings. After you have removed the angel’s wings you can let it go. No need to kill it, for it is now just like a man or a woman and even though it is suffering agony and hating you for what you have done, it will prefer the long suffering of life again rather than another immediate death.
If you are truly kind, there is a powerful ointment very helpful for the pain of wing-stumps!
Now pick the feathers from the wings and when they are stripped, cut them into book-sized chunks. The wings at this point are very delicate and should not be handled too roughly, for the marks will show up later as bright blue welts on the steaks. You will notice that there are many streaks of colour in the delicate flesh of angel wings. If you can succeed in cutting your steaks along the lines of pigment change, then you can serve what is known as “The Rainbow Banquet.”
When the steaks are cut, roll them, while they are still puffy, in bread crumbs, then cook for 30 seconds in boiling honey.
One angel serves a banquet of 20.