THE IDEAS IN New Slow City bubbled up from fifteen years of exploring the Leisure Ethic in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and North America. I thank the innumerable people and communities around the globe who have fed these pages.

Thank you to John de Graaf, Vicki Robin, David Abram, and Louisa Putnam for your inspiring ideas and exchanges, and also to Tom Hodgkinson (for ideas in chapter 2), and Carl Honoré (for ideas in chapter 3). I am grateful to my bright and enthusiastic New York University students. Much appreciation to Amanbir, Harinam, and the other quality teachers at Golden Bridge NYC.

Thank you, Eric Morrissey and Lucy Flood, for your creativity in helping shape this book.

I am grateful to the World Policy Institute’s president, Michele Wucker, and the director of development, Kate Maloff, for your strong support.

New World Library’s extraordinary team has helped make this book go live. A special thank you to Jason Gardner, my editor, as well as Monique Muhlenkamp, Munro Magruder, Ami Parkerson, and Jonathan Wichmann. Copyeditor Jeff Campbell, as always, is fantastic. Thank you to my agent, Michael Bourret of Dystel and Goderich.

For retreat space during this book’s writing, I am grateful to John and Lucy Draper (Santa Fe and Cape Cod), Phil and Jeanie Kithil (Santa Fe), Pieter and Marga at La Vispera organic farm (Bolivia), Nancy Romer and Lew Friedman (Park Slope), Kate and Andy Hilton (New Hampshire), and these generous Vermonters for opening up their quiet homes: my sister, Amy, and brother-in-law, Andrew; Cath and Earnie; Robin and Greg; Eve and David; and Jon-by-the-Winooski.

Thank you to my mother and father for your love and encouragement, a foundation from which all the adventures and ideas have sprung. And also to my late grandparents, Nana and Pop, for starting the Victory Garden and carving out a home for our family in the big city, even before it hit high speed.

Thank you, Amaya and Clea, for your love, hugs, and “crazy hour” fun.

Above all, my gratitude to Melissa — skilled editor, eternal optimist, love of my life.