The following is a list of the main sources consulted during the preparation of this work. It is not exhaustive and does not do true justice to the Alpine Journal, which figures rather ignominiously in the section ‘Periodicals, Newspapers, etc.’ First issued in the early 1860s, the AJ is not so much a journal as a small book. It is still in publication and its many volumes are invaluable to anyone interested in the history of the Alps or mountain/glacier exploration.
Agassiz, C. (ed.) – Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence (2 vols.). Macmillan, London, 1885.
Agassiz, L. – Etudes sur les Glaciers. Nicolet, Neuchatel, 1840.
Annan, N. – Leslie Stephen: the Godless Victorian. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1984.
Auldjo, J. – Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc. Longman, London, 1828.
Bailey, R. – Glacier. Time-Life Books, Alexandria Va., 1982.
Ball, J.(ed.) – Peaks, Passes and Glaciers. Longman, London, 1859.
Baxter, G. and MacGregor, J. – The Ascent of Mont Blanc. Privately published, 1855.
Bennett, G. – Beyond Endurance. Secker & Warburg, London, 1983.
Bernard, P. –Rush To The Alps. East European Quarterly, Boulder, 1978
Bicknell, J. (ed.) – Selected Letters of Leslie Stephen (2 vols.). Macmillan, London, 1996.
Bonney, T. – The Hiqh Alps of Dauphin. Longman, London, 1865.
———Memories of a Long Life. Metcalfe, Cambridge, 1921.
Bourrit, M-T. (trans. Cha. and Fred. Davy) – A Relation of a Journey in the Glaciers in the Duchy of Savoy. Beatniffe, Norwich, 1777.
———Nouvelle Description des Glacieres et Glaciers de Savoy. Paul Barde, Geneva, 1785.
———Nouvelle Description des Alpes (2 vols.). Paule Barde. Geneva, 1783.
———Description des Cols ou Passages des Alpes (2 vols.). Manget, Geneva, 1803.
Brockedon, W. – Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps (2 vols.). London, 1828.
———Journals of Excursions in the Alps. James Duncan, London, 1833.
Browne, G. –Recollections of a Bishop. Smith, Elder, London, 1915.
Clark, J. and Hughes, T. – The Life and Letters of Adam Sedgwick. (2 vols.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1890.
Clark, R. –An Eccentric in the Alps. Museum Press, London, 1959.
———The Early Alpine Guides. Phoenix, London, 1949.
———The Victorian Mountaineers. Batsford, London, 1953.
———The Alps. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1973.
Conway, W. – The Alps from End to End. Constable, London, 1895.
———The Alps. Adam and Charles Black, London, 1904.
———Mountain Memories. Cassell, London, 1920.
———Episodes in a Varied Life. Country Life, London, 1932.
Coolidge, W. – Swiss Travel and Swiss Guide Books. Longman, Green & co., London, 1889.
———A Run Through the Dolomites in 1876. Ben Johnson, York, 1902.
———Josias Simleret les Origines de l’Alpinisme. Imprimerie Allier Freres, Grenoble, 1904.
———The Central Alps of the Dauphiny. Fisher Unwin, London, 1905.
———The Alpine Career (1868-1914) of Frederick Gardiner. Privately printed, 1920.
———Alpine Studies. Longmans, Green & co. London, 1912.
Coxe, W. – Travels in Switzerland (2 vols.). Cadell London, 1794.
D’Arve, S. – Histoire Du Mont Blanc et de la valle de Chamonix. Delagrave, Paris, 1878. (Reprinted La Fontaine de Silo, 1993)
De Beer, G. – Early Travellers in the Alps. Sidgwick & Jackson, London. 1930.
———Alps and Men. Edward Arnold, London, 1932.
———Travellers in Switzerland. Oxford University Press, London, 1949.
De Luc, J-A. – Lettres Physique et Morales sur l’Histoire de la Terre et de l’Homme (5 vols.). Duchesne, Paris, 1779.
———Trait, Elémentaire de Géologie. Courcier, Paris, 1809.
Dormandy, T. – The White Death. Hambledon, London, 1999.
Engel, C. –A History of Mountaineering in the Alps. Allen & Unwin, London, 1950.
———They Came to the Hills. Allen & Unwin, London, 1952.
———Mont Blanc: an Anthology. Allen & Unwin, London, 1965.
Eve, A. & Creasey, C. –Life and Work of John Tyndall. Macmillan, London, 1945.
Fellows, C. – Narrative of the Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc. Privately published, 1827.
Figuier, L. (trans. Davenport Adams, W.) – Earth and Sea. Nelson, Edinburgh, 1870.
Fitzsimons, R. – The Baron of Piccadilly: the travels and entertainments of Albert Smith 1816-1860. Geoffrey Bles, London, 1967.
Forbes, James – Travels through the Alps of Savoy. Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1843.
———Norway and its Glaciers. Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1853.
———Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers. Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1859.
Forbes, John –A Physician’s Holiday. Murray, London, 1850.
Fraser, C. – The Avalanche Enigma. Murray, London, 1966.
Freshfield, D. – The Life of Horace Benedict De Saussure. Edward Arnold, London, 1920.
Gesner, C. (trans. Dock, W.) – On the Admiration of Mountains. The Grabhorn Press, San Francisco, 1937.
Gribble. F. – The Early Mountaineers. Fisher Unwin, London, 1899.
Harrer, H. (trans. Merrick, C.) – The White Spider. Flamingo, London, 1995.
Hawes, B. – A Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc… by Mr. William Hawes and Mr. Charles Fellows. Privately published, 1828.
Heckmair, A. (trans. Sutton, G.) – My Life as a Mountaineer. Victor Gollancz, London, 1975.
Herbert, R. – The Art Criticism of John Ruskin. Da Capo Press, New York, 1964.
Hinchliff, T. –Summer Months Among the Alps. Longman, London, 1857.
Hort, A. – Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort (2 vols.). Macmillan, London, 1896.
Hudson, C. & Kennedy, E. – Where There’s A Will There’s A Way. Longman, London, 1856.
Huxley, L. –Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley (3 vols.). Macmillan, London, 1913.
Irving, R. – The Alps. Batsford, London, 1947.
Keenlyside, F. – Peaks and Pioneers. Elek, London, 1975.
Kemp, W. (trans J. van Heurk) – The Desire of My Eyes: The life and work of John Ruskin. HarperCollins, London, 1991.
Kennedy, E. (ed.) – Peaks, Passes and Glaciers. Second Series. (2 vols.). Longman, London, 1862.
Lunn, A. – The Alps. Thornton Butterworth, London, 1914.
———Come What May. Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1940.
Mathews, C.A. – The Annals of Mont Blanc. Fisher Unwin, London, 1898.
Moore, A. (ed. Kennedy, A.) – The Alps In 1864; A private journal. David Douglas, Edinburgh, 1902.
Mumm, A. – The Alpine Club Register (3 vols.). Edward Arnold, London, 1923.
Mummery, A. –My Climbs in the Alps and Caucasus. Fisher Unwin, London, 1895.
Payot, P. – Au Royaume Du Mont-Blanc. La Fontaine de Siloé, Montmélian, 1996.
Pinkerton, J. – Voyages and Travels (Vol. IV). Longman, London, 1809.
Rébuffat, G. (trans. Brockett, E.) – Men and the Matterhorn. Nicholas Vane, London, 1967.
Roth, A. – Eiger: Wall of Death. Victor Gollancz, London, 1982.
Ruskin, E. – Effie in Venice (ed. Mary Lutyens). Murray, London, 1965.
Ruskin, J. – Letters to M.G. and H.G. Harper. London, 1903.
———Modern Painters, (ed. David Barrie). Andre Deutsch, London, 1987.
———Sesame and Lilies. George Allen, London, 1893.
Saussure, H-B. – Voyages Dans Les Alpes, précédés d’un essai sur L’Histoire Naturelle des environs De Genéve. Barde Manget, Geneva, 1786 (vols 16c2) and 1796 (vols 3&4).
Scheuchzer, J. – Itinera per Helvetiae Alpinas Regiones. Vander, London, 1723.
Seth-Smith, M. – The Cresta Run. Foulsham, London, 1976.
Shairp, J., Tait, P. 6c Adams-Reilly, A. – Life and Letters of James David Forbes. Macmillan, London, 1873.
Skelton, J. – The Table-Talk of Shirley. Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1896.
Smith, A. –A Month at Constantinople. David Bogue, London, 1850.
——Mont Blanc. Ward and Lock, London, 1860.
Smythe, F.S. –Edward Whymper. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1940.
Stephen, L. – The Playground of Europe. Longman, London, 1871.
———Some Early Impressions. Hogarth Press, London, 1924.
Thorington, J. –Mont Blanc Sideshow: The Life and Times of Albert Smith. The John C. Winston Company, Philadelphia, 1934.
T’pffer, R. –Nouveaux Voyages en Zig Zag. Victor Lecon, Paris, 1854.
Tuckett, F. – A Pioneer in the High Alps; Alpine diaries and letters 1856-1874. Edward Arnold, London, 1920.
Tyndall, J. – The Glaciers of the Alps. Murray, London, 1860.
———Mountaineering in 1861. Longman, London, 1862.
———Hours of Exercise in the Alps. Longman, London. 1871.
———New Fragments. Longman, London 1892.
Unsworth, W. – Savage Snows: the story of Mont Blanc. Hodder 6c Stoughton, London, 1986.
Whymper, E. –Scrambles Amongst the Alps in the years 1860-69. Murray, London, 1871.
———Scrambles … (6th edition). Murray, London, 1936.
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Wills, A. – Wanderings Among the High Alps. Bentley, London, 1858.
Young, G. – On High Hills. Methuen, London, 1933.
Alpine Journal
Blackwood’s Magazine
Daily News
Fraser’s Magazine
Illustrated London News
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society