The talk drifted to people we knew in school, with me asking Whatever happened to…? and Trav filling in the blanks as he finished every last crumb on his plate, then started in on his apple pie à la mode.

I didn’t fight him for the bill—he’d had all the fun, after all.

As we headed out I noticed couples and groups starting to stream in. Looked like the movies were getting out.

He dropped me off at the office. “Three tomorrow, right?”

“On the dot.”

He took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Thanks, Norrie. I appreciate this.”

He walked me to my car and didn’t head back to his until I was rolling out of the lot. And all the way home my fingers tingled where he’d touched them.

Back home, Mum wanted to know where I’d been. I told the truth: dinner at the Gold Star with an old friend, but no details.

I would have loved to turn on my computer and surf medical sites for articles on anaphylactic reactions, but the old house was Internet free. Probably would have had a hard time concentrating anyway.

Travis Lawton said I had a nice butt.

Did he mean it?

Yes, I believe he did.
