Saturday, February 2 – MD minus 113 days

IN THE BEDLAM that accompanied the end of the press conference, hundreds of frustrated media employees around the world were scrambling to find Bibles. “What is Luke 13:1-5? What does it say? What does it mean? Who was that old man?”

As they scrambled to find something to say about what had just been televised to the world, millions of people were asking the same questions and were reaching for Bibles. Among the searchers were Paul and Samantha, who had interrupted their reading to watch along with most everyone else in Williams. Paul had been shocked when the Bookseller appeared at the floor microphone, but he had listened intently because he believed what was said would be important. It was so unlike the Bookseller to seek the spotlight. What could have motivated him to go and speak?

The answer to that question, along with why was he invited, why he went and how he knew what to say, was that direction had come from the light inside him to advance the Father’s kingdom. The Father still sought to make all people searchers. This was an opportunity to create questions and cause people to want to search for answers.

The forces of darkness responded in a rage using every Keeper available who had influence over those in the media and in the audience to ridicule the Bookseller and to create anger at what he said. The sword of the Spirit had cut deeply 78 but now was the opportunity to deceive and pervert so that the verses could be twisted and used to attack Jesus and thus advance the Dark Master’s agenda. Still, Argon thought, it is amazing how the Enemy takes what should be our victory and uses it against us.

Paul and Samantha Respond

“Luke is one of those red letter books,” Paul explained to Samantha excitedly. “I remember seeing it when we were looking through for where to start reading. Here it is – Luke 13. Look, all but the first verse is red letters. That means Jesus said it,” and he began to read.

Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them – do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

“Samantha, get the dictionary. Look up ‘perish’ and ‘repent.’ I have no idea what, ‘unless you repent, you too will all perish’ means, but I know what ‘all’ means. If this is true and applies to today, we are included in ‘all.’ I know the Bookseller believes it applies today and is important, or he wouldn’t have said it.”

As Samantha found the dictionary and began to look up the words, the Bookseller arrived back at the warehouse, locked the front door and wrote a sign which he placed in the front window that repeated what he had already said publicly – “READ LUKE 13:1-5.” And with that, he turned off the phone and found a quiet place in the back to pray. He had no intention of talking further with the media unless he received guidance to do so. He knew this was not about him, but rather about what Jesus had said that the world needed to hear once again.

“Perish,” Samantha began. “Perish is defined as, ‘to become destroyed or ruined.’ ”

“Did you notice, Sam, that Jesus did not use the word ‘die’ or ‘death?’ To perish must mean something different from death.”

“You’re right, the dictionary defines ‘die’ as ‘to pass from physical life.’ Perish is something else – must be something much worse. Do you think ‘perish’ is a reference to the ‘second death’ the Bookseller told you about, something after physical death? Could Jesus have been referring to the eternal destiny of those killed by Pilate or those killed when the tower fell, like the two towers that fell on 9/11?”

“It has to be more than that, Sam. Jesus is talking to the living about their eternal destiny, using the example of those who were killed in a horrific act to emphasize His point that there is something more important than physical death. He also is giving a key to avoiding this second death. ‘Unless you repent, you too will all perish.’ What about ‘repent,’ what does it mean?”

“Repent,” Samantha read from the dictionary, “means ‘to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life.’ Hold on a minute, let me find out what the dictionary says ‘sin’ means,” and she rushed to find the final puzzle piece.

“Sin is defined as ‘an offense against religious or moral law.’ What is religious or moral law? Who makes that law?”

“Stop just a minute, Sam. I think I understand what the Bookseller was trying to say. He was using what Jesus said to warn that something worse than 9/11 might happen if we don’t find out what offense we have committed against what God considers religious or moral laws, and turn from it, dedicating ourselves to change our lives. But it is worse than that. He is using Jesus’s words to also warn us that if we are a victim of the next attack unless we have repented, we will not merely die physically, we will eternally perish. I’m not sure I can handle this. No wonder Chaplain Forrest was afraid of him.”

“It frightens me too, but I think you missed something,” Samantha responded. “You said that the Bookseller always carefully selected his words, kind of like an artist painting a picture selects colors and tones. He did not say that 9/11 was a judgment for the sin of the American people or that God was mad because of some particular sin, like those who attack homosexuals would say. He said that these were judgments ‘on His people.’ That means the Christians, doesn’t it? We’re not Christians. You said you didn’t even know if you believe in the existence of a God. What does this have to do with us?”

“It has everything to do with us, Sam. Regardless of whether you accept that it is the Christians who are at fault, what the verses say is “all” – that is us – if we die in one of these judgments on the nation because of the Christians, we will perish too. That is frightening. We have to find out what is true about God. We can’t risk dying in ignorance.”

“Slow down a minute, Paul. The Bookseller didn’t just say read the verses. He called on believers everywhere to pray for God’s deliverance and for wisdom to understand why God has allowed this to happen. We may not be believers right now, whatever that means, but he told us to pray. Remember, he said pray that you be shown the rest of the dream. Let’s pray for that, but let’s also pray what he asked the believers to pray and let’s pray now. If this God is real and these words are true, He will hear and answer our prayer. If not, we will know that none if it is real and we can disregard it all.”

The forces of evil had endured all they could take of this rational discussion seeking to understand what Jesus meant and their threat of more prayer. Molech issued a one word command to the three who were formerly worshiped as gods, “Now.” And with that, the attack began in earnest to destroy these two and take them outside of the Enemy’s protection. The attack was launched when they would not expect it – as they tried to pray.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, Paul’s mind exploded with sexual fantasies about Samantha. As the Tempter named Lust descended on him, Paul found it difficult to focus on anything other than physical desire for Samantha. He was uncomfortably excited by her presence, her appearance, her smell. Even as he listened to her pray, the battle was in full force.

He was shocked at the thoughts racing through his mind. She had always been beautiful and physically desirable to him, but the thoughts he was having were crude and selfish, completely apart from the love he felt for her. It was as if he had gone from thoughts of marriage to reducing her to a piece of meat to be consumed to meet his immediate hunger. He had had those kinds of “relationships” before and wanted this to be different.

Revolted by himself, he cried out in silent prayer for deliverance from these thoughts, rejecting them as the selfish evil he knew they were, and in the invisible, a blow was struck which freed his mind. The blow not only drove the Tempter away; it temporarily disabled Paul’s self as a motivating force, enabling him to give love and not just take what he wanted. His prayer had been answered and he was able to continue in prayer with Samantha.

Unknown to Paul, Samantha had fought and won a similar battle with another Tempter also named Lust. These two were committed to the search and God had declared they would have this opportunity to choose. As they prayed for the rest of the dream to be revealed, in the darkness a defeated but determined cry was heard. “Wait till tonight. We will still prevail.”

ITN Decides

It was decision time for media producers and executives. What to do with what the world just saw? How can we build a bigger audience using the events in Williams? How do we picture the Citizen’s Militia and the old man? The answers were as varied as the agenda which drove the questioners. Some chose to ignore the old man altogether and focus on the danger of encouraging citizens to be armed. Others chose to attack the incompetence of the police at not being able to find the killer. Perhaps they could force a resignation or a political fight that would interest the audience. They would keep the pressure on the authorities through attack interviews and daily coverage.

Some saw the old man as an opportunity to continue their attack on all religion in general and decided that the story theme was the danger of those religious fanatics who sought to blame what had occurred on 9/11 as a judgment of God on social issues – abortion, homosexuality and so forth. These people were as dangerous as the terrorists, so the storyline would go. The old man was a bit of a problem since he didn’t look dangerous and wouldn’t cooperate, but there were always those who could be put on camera who would be more concerning – and then there were the paid “experts” who could draw on their version of history to say that all religions had been violent and cruel throughout the centuries against any who did not share their beliefs. The debate would be fun and fully one-sided.

The political cartoon industry immediately saw an opportunity to portray the old man as a nut carrying a “the end is coming” sign and red-jacketed baboons shooting children and mothers. None in these crowds were interested in what was actually said or in whether it could be true. It was theater to promote their agenda and sell papers. It was all about the opportunity.

One network had a different take. In their New York City headquarters, Jim Hunt, the head network news producer and Carl Stern, the executive vice president of News of ITN considered the events in Williams and how to respond. “Carl, I am struck by the idea of this Citizen’s Militia. This is an important first. A way for ordinary people to strike back when they feel at risk and it is being done in full cooperation with authorities. This is not the picture most have of the average gun toting NRA member.”

“Agreed,” Stern responded. “If this works in practice, it could actually deter violence and if it expanded, could be an important option in the future when the terrorists strike again. Everyone knows they will. The question is not if, but when, and how, and how many will be killed.”

“That’s a depressing thought,” Hunt answered. “But what of the old man, do we cover him and what he said?”

“I am struck by the whole scene,” Stern said. “How did he even get into the press conference? Did you notice, he did not speak in anger and was not seeking to promote violence or hate against any group. The only action he called for was prayer and he wasn’t blaming everyone for what he said was God’s judgment. He was blaming the church people, the people who called themselves Christians. I am afraid if we don’t do this right, what he said will be lost in the anti-religion spin so prominent in the other mainline media. I believe that what he said deserves a hearing and constructive debate.”

“Agreed,” the producer answered. “But we have already found out that he isn’t going to cooperate. Our runner found a locked door with a sign saying read that Bible reference on the door. He is not answering his phone. How can we do this without him?”

“Jim, you missed the point. It is not about him. It is about whether or not what he said was true. He doesn’t want to become the issue. He wants the issue to be the Bible reference and what he said. To me, that increases his credibility and it should be played that way.”

After a pause to think and pencil out an idea, Stern, as the network’s news executive, made the decision. “Here is what we are going to do. We are going to cover this press conference – all of it – and the events in Williams as a hard news story. No commentary. I want follow up as often as the story merits. For example, cover the initial patrols Monday. After you show what the old man said including the answer to questions, put the Bible verses up and have the anchor read it without further comment. Close introducing a special on Williams, which I would like to do Wednesday night. Call it something like, ‘Williams Fights Back – A City Under Siege.’

“Jim, put our best people on this. There is real news here which the whole nation will want to follow. I sense that this could be really important in the future. We want to get to know the players and let the audience come to identify with them and with the victims and their families. The special can conclude with questions about citizens and the police cooperating like this in other cities. The response of the churches to the old man’s call for prayer and his warning should be a part of this. Let’s limit the opening special to the local churches in Williams and keep it constructive. We’ll let the other networks ridicule the man. For some reason, I don’t think this is a matter to be dealt with that way. We need to understand what he is saying and anyway, after 39 deaths or injuries without a clue, it is about time somebody suggested we pray. I want to see the script and the interviews before the broadcast.”

“Done,” was Jim’s response and off he went to gather his team to begin. This project has potential, he thought.

An Unexpected Discovery

After the press conference had ended, the local press and TV media in Williams were both shocked and excited. Many rushed forward on the spot to sign up for the Citizens Militia. The two phone numbers had been swamped since they were first revealed. Calls came in from all over the country on the 1-800-helpnow line as people wanted to take their vacation in Williams to stand with the Citizens Militia. The local response was the same. The calls could not be immediately handled because of the volume which did not let up until late in the night. The logistics of processing applications and police clearance would be massive. The effort had hit a nerve nationally. People were fed up and were looking for a way to strike back.

The calls on the 1-800-safenow number were also many more than anticipated, as seemingly every place where the public gathered to shop, eat or meet wanted a patrol. Even a local daycare called, but strangely no churches except for Temple Shalom. The public transportation agency wanted patrols at the park and rides after the latest shooting. There was no way all the requests could be accommodated in the near term.

There were other reactions in Williams, in Washington DC and in Tehran where the press conference had been watched with more than passing interest. Abdul Farsi, the leader of the Jihadists in Williams, took note of a possible new enemy and decided that his best response would be to join and find out what they did. He made the call to join and, as a local junior high history teacher, he was welcomed. He expected no problem with the police clearance. His instruction to his team leaders Kalab Sawori and Alharad Doeg was simple, “If while on a mission you see anyone in the red jacket, shoot them first.”

In Washington DC, members of the Survival Commission were excited at the possibilities of taking this idea nationally in the event of another 9/11 crisis. One member was dispatched to Williams to get the details and follow up. The president too was encouraged. Americans don’t give up, we fight, but how do you fight the seemingly invisible enemy, he had to wonder. He liked the old man’s call for prayer. “That needs to be a part of whatever we do,” he said out loud in the empty office. “This fight is way beyond our ability to contain. We need divine guidance and revelation. I would like to talk to that old man some day. I wish the nation would wake up to the risk.” he declared in frustration.

The leadership of Together Tomorrow wasn’t pleased. Anything that might increase a focus on security could be problematic with their open borders agenda. They would be placing calls to senators and representatives to whom they had made sizeable contribution to see if there was some way to stop this Citizens Militia idea. “Let’s get former President Cox to make public statements about the danger they pose to the citizens,” was one suggestion. “He ought to do something for the $2 million we pay him.”

Others in Washington with specific social agendas were seeking to find a way to have the old man arrested and charged with a hate crime or at least removed from the airways. “We can’t have him harping on possible judgment for sin and calling on people to pray. Next, he will be defining sin, and we know that the Bible describes us specifically as sinners,” complained one homosexual activist.

“He said this on TV,” chimed in another, “maybe we can encourage congressional hearings into the fairness doctrine and get our chance to call him what he is or expand the hate crimes laws to cover his conduct and shut his kind up once and for all.” And so it went with those opposed to what was said in Williams.

Across the ocean, it was already Sunday, and in Tehran a convoy was getting ready to leave for Kerman Province in Northern Iran. The training camp located there was thought to be the safest place to hold the meeting. The agenda was out and Monday would be the day to finalize plans and set the date. Before leaving the hotel, Ahem El-Ahab had watched the cable news coverage of the Williams press conference by satellite. Initially, he thought that the Citizens Militia was a troubling development but then decided that the attacks planned in Williams could not be stopped by this group. “After the attacks occur in the face of this group, they will see that nothing they can do will protect them from our wrath. Anyway,” he concluded, “they looked silly in the red coats and that ranting old man and the mayor’s reaction made the whole thing comical.”

As they boarded the vehicles to leave, Hushai, a seemingly nondescript hotel doorman watched carefully, seeking to memorize faces and names that he heard. Going through the trash, he had found a copy of the agenda with some draft notes which made no sense to him. What could “G”, “AW”, “FS”, “O” or “MD” possibly mean? What about “J-2” or simply “in 1?” He had to know all he could about this group and what they intended so he could report accurately to those he really worked for.