Tuesday, February 5 – MD minus 110 days
UPON RETURNING TO his White House basement office, David Barnes fired up his computer and typed in “” to view any recent postings. His eyes were drawn to new messages on the screen, again mostly gibberish except for one. There it was, the confirmation he both sought and feared. It read simply, “Evil – End for fun. J-14.” Somehow he knew immediately that the opposite meaning was, “Good work – Begin though unpleasant.” The same leader had sent the message. It was obviously a follow up to the earlier message which had ordered the executions. There would be more if needed.
Looking through the site more closely, he found another message which appeared to be a response to the second of the earlier messages that had been directed to a cell group in a specific location. It read, “J-10. 0-1. Never 2.” That one wasn’t so obvious, but the opportunity it presented was. Grabbing the phone, Barnes called Darrell Reed, the CIA’s ultimate computer geek. “Darrell, we have two new ones on the website. If you can find out from where they were posted, we might be able to find the location of the coordinator and one of the targets.”
“You’ve got it,” was the response. “I have the website up now, which two messages?” With the exchange that followed, the search began. David Barnes took a moment to pray silently that Darrell might have favor in his search and for wisdom regarding the meaning of the second message.
Blind Ambition
Back upstairs, President Strong and National Security Advisor Troy Steed sat across a conference table from former President Cox, Senate Majority Leader Howard and Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee Crow. They pressed hard for their vision of an amalgamated Canada, US and Mexico in some kind of economic and political union. The argument was for open borders and open markets, ultimately one currency and a unified system of regulations and standards which would be promulgated through a representative body of some nature. Again they pointed to the European model as the future, leading ultimately to an interrelated one world governing counsel through the United Nations. It was the same basic speech former President Cox had recently delivered in the Senate majority leader’s office. “I wonder who they have in mind for the ultimate leader of this governing counsel,” thought the president, seeing through some of the individual agendas.
“Look, Leonard,” President Strong responded. You sat in the Oval Office for eight years and this idea was never advanced by anyone in your administration. Why are you so passionate now?”
“Mr. President,” Cox answered. “This is an idea whose time has come. I should have seen it during my time in office, but I didn’t. It is for you to be the bipartisan leader who advances this important vision for a better future for all of us in North America and ultimately the world.”
“Do me a favor and drop the political spin,” President Strong said, speaking with a passionate bluntness that surprised even him. “We all know that you, Leader Howard and Chairman Crow, are not here to make me a visionary. You are here to advance an agenda that gets people elected in your party which would include my successor. Hear me clearly, we all know I cannot run for reelection and although I would like to see my party back in majority control of Congress while maintaining the White House, that is not what will motivate me in these remaining months. What motivates me is what is good for the people of America, both now and in the future, if we can have a future in this world of violence and hate. Explain to me how this plan advances the security of the United States while improving economic opportunities for all out citizens and I will listen. I have no interest in the European model for America. We fought a revolution to break away from that once and I will not voluntarily take us back to what I consider being a failed model.”
“Well, you may want to reconsider that,” Leader Howard threatened. “I expect to have a bill on your desk within the next 30 days and if you veto that bill, we will crush your party in the general election. The people behind this bill have an unlimited source of funds and they will spend whatever it takes. If this does not happen in your term, it will happen after you are gone and we will have control of Congress and the White House for at least the next decade.”
“Perhaps,” the president responded thoughtfully, seeking to lower the tone of the debate, “but what about border security? No one has answered my question. I sent up a border security bill two years ago and you haven’t even allowed hearings. Are you really going to argue that we should further open our already unsecured borders to terrorists and any weapon they can conceal or sneak across? Consider the danger to the American people.”
“You have completely lost it,” said Cox angrily. “This terrorism fight is like shadow boxing. Can’t you get it through your thick skull that other than a couple of individual acts of rage on a military base, and a couple of crazies at a recruiting station and a Christmas party, there have been no – none – zero attacks on American soil since 9/11 and those were an aberration. If they hadn’t been given American targets in Afghanistan and Iraq, there would be no worldwide terrorist networks. Leave them alone where they are, back off on the unconditional support of Israel, buy their oil, and we will all live in peace. It may seem trite to you, but the reality is that we need to go along to get along. This North American Union will resolve lots of future problems we are going to have with Mexico and could be a beginning for addressing Latin America’s concerns. Wake up and stop trying to rule America with fear.”
“You’re the one who needs to wake up and stop trying to rule solely to get elected or stay elected,” the president responded angrily. “The world in which we live is dangerous and includes many evil people who hate America and believe they are serving their god by killing us. They are not going away if we ignore them, and they are not going to stop planning and attempting even larger attacks against Americans here and elsewhere. They have no national headquarters where we could negotiate a peace or surrender, even if we were ready to waive a white flag. They are everywhere with a single purpose – kill the infidels and rule by Shariah law – and I might remind you that you too are an infidel by their definition. Now, Chairman Crow, Leader Howard, answer my question. Do I get the border security bill – yes or no?”
“You will not get a border security bill out of this Congress. We consider that to be inconsistent with our vision of a North American Union,” responded Leader Howard.
“I appreciate your honesty,” President Strong said soberly, “but I need to be sure I understand what you are saying. What you are telling me is that within 30 days you are going to put a bill on my desk, the effect of which would be that in less than 90 days from today, Mexican or Canadian trucks and other vehicles would have open access to American roads based solely on drivers licenses issued by officials in Canada or Mexico without any American involvement and without any American inspection at the border of the vehicles or their cargos. Did I get that right?”
“Absolutely, it is essential for the economic union. We must provide for the unrestricted free flow of goods across borders. We need to grow up and trust our North American partners to inspect loads and regulate licenses for vehicles crossing borders the same as for those vehicles operating in their countries,” Leader Howard answered.
“You understand that this would create a security nightmare,” the president responded.
“We don’t see it that way,” Cox replied, “and make no mistake about it, this will be a full court press. The Together Tomorrow PAC is unleashing ads all across the country next week. You can be on board or the target of the ads. It’s your choice.”
“Who are these Together Tomorrow people, not the out front crowd, but the real people who are calling the shots? Who is the real sponsor and who is the source of the unlimited funds? Why do they want us to open our borders with Mexico and Canada? You better know the answer to those questions before you tie your future and our nation to them,” cautioned President Strong.
“You leave that to us. You make your political decisions and we will make ours,” was Cox’s blunt response.
“Yes, and one more question,” the president inquired. “How much is the Together Tomorrow crowd paying you, Leonard, to trumpet their cause? Whatever it is, if you go public with this, that will come out and it will affect your credibility and the credibility of your argument.”
Cox’s legendary temper exploded into a tirade of threats and insults which President Strong finally cut off. “You forget where you are and to whom you are speaking. You may not like me, respect me or agree with me, but you will treat this office with the respect it deserves. One more outburst like that and I will have you forcibly removed, which you of all people should know I can and will.
“Listen for a minute; I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but neither do you. I know that we are at risk now and I am praying for guidance on how to meet the terror threat. That old man in Williams was right. We shouldn’t be arguing with one another; we should be praying together, seeking God’s wisdom and discernment, asking for His protection over our nation.”
“Mr. President, you raise another question we need to discuss,” inserted Chairman Crow, who had been waiting for an opening. “We don’t see religion as a neutral stance. If you consider the world in which we live, it is religion which makes it dangerous. People seeking to force their beliefs on others in the name of religion are the cause of violence. Our Constitution protects private religion, but that is it. People don’t have the right to impose their religion on others or to force others to endure their religious propaganda. A man like the old man you reference is dangerous. He has caused disputes and debates across the entire country. Those who claim to be Christians are seeking to force their beliefs on the rest of the nation. They really are no different than the Muslim fanatics. The ultimate danger is the same. We believe that it is time for us to act against fanatic Christians like this old man.”
“Exactly how do you propose to do that?” the president asked, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Our Committee will be reporting out an amendment to the Hate Crimes Act making public religious motivation or incitement of others which could possibly lead to a violent or unlawful act a hate crime. We hope that will bring an end to religiously motivated hate speech. We intend to subpoena that old man from Williams as a prime example to the American public of why this legislation is required. His answers to direct questions about what he teaches and believes will reveal the truth of the hate in his heart toward those who disagree with him. We wanted you to know – as a courtesy.”
President Strong sat silently still shaking his head as his emotions raced, and then suddenly the look on his face changed. He felt surrounded by an unnatural sense of complete peace. He had always known that the time would come when the American government would be used by enemies of religion to strike out against faith. He was surprised that it was coming this quickly and so overtly but was thankful that he was in a position where he would be able to stand against it. He felt strangely sorry for these blind politicos standing before him, speaking for the agenda of darkness. He remembered that Jesus had said, “Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.”157 That was what this was about, using the law to keep the real motivation for and the ultimate results of their deeds from being exposed.
“Mr. Chairman, I don’t know how to respond,” the president began. “You know I have thought from day one that the hate crimes legislation was a politically inspired bad idea. If someone intentionally commits a crime, they should be prosecuted for that crime to the full extent of the law regardless of their motivation. Is hate somehow worse than committing a crime for fun because the criminal enjoys hurting people? You have sent the message that some victims are more valuable than others for reasons that have nothing to do with the crime. That is demeaning and hurtful.
“Now to your amendment. To include religious motivation or speech as a hate crime would drop Sunday School into the same basket as terrorism. To make the legal standard ‘could possibly lead to a violent or unlawful act’ has only one purpose. Your perceived constituency wants to use the power of the federal government to end religion in America, specifically to stop Christian speaking and teaching that behavior the Bible describes as sin is morally wrong. Admit it. You want to make the religion of the Bible unlawful and now you want to find a way to punish an old man who calls on the Christians of the nation to pray. Do you see how ludicrous that is?”
“‘Ludicrous’ is not the word I would use,” Chairman Crow responded. “A more realistic description is ‘necessary.’ We intend to protect the American people’s freedom from religion.”
“What you suggest is a hypocritical and dangerous policy,” the president responded soberly. “You have the absolute freedom to believe or disbelieve what you want, but hear me carefully. There is a God in Heaven and if this nation declares war on Him and on those who have chosen to follow Him as you propose, that will be the day the end chapter on America is written. It will not play out immediately, but it will play out. Practice what you preach. Advocate what you believe, but don’t try to legislate for or against religion. America is not endangered when people share what they believe. That only gives us choices. America is about choices, people considering different points of view and then deciding what they believe. Religion should be treated no differently than other First Amendment rights.”
“Doesn’t sound like we have anything we can agree on,” observed former President Cox.
“Not on the proposals you seek to advance,” the president replied. “I ask you to rethink carefully what you came here to advocate. These things are not in America’s best interest, and if you go forward, events may soon make you appear the fool.” And with that, he stood and left the room.
A Message Returned
Nothing surprised Carl Varvel anymore. His job for the CIA was simple: deliver sealed messages or die trying. His particular assignment on this day was to carry a sealed message and deliver it to a man named Samuel Evans White in Williams, Illinois. A plane had been put at his disposal and he had been flown to Chicago where he was met by local CIA personnel who drove him to Williams and stopped in front of some kind of rare bookstore located in a warehouse. As he approached the door, he saw the sign, ‘READ LUKE 13:1-5’ and he knew immediately who Samuel Evans White was. Varvel was about to meet the Bookseller.
Margaret answered his knock and he said, “Good afternoon. Is Samuel Evans White here? It is a matter of national security. I am Carl Varvel with the CIA,” and he showed her his identification badge. “I have a message for Mr. White. It is urgent.”
Margaret invited him in and left to find the Bookseller. Soon he appeared looking curious and surprised by the visitor. “I am Samuel Evans White. How can I help you?”
“Do you have any identification?” was the businesslike response. After reviewing the driver’s license tendered carefully and satisfied himself that this was the intended recipient, Varvel had the Bookseller sign a receipt and handed him a sealed envelope labeled, ‘EYES ONLY SAMUEL EVANS WHITE, TOP SECRET.’
“I have been instructed to wait for a response.”
“Give me a few moments,” he said leaving the room for a more private place to consider the message. Margaret joined him and asked, “Samuel what is this about? Why would the CIA be delivering a message to you?”
“I have no idea,” was the response, “but I sense the hand of God’s involvement in whatever this is. No one but God could make the CIA aware of me. Perhaps this is part of the answer to what we have been praying. Let’s find out.”
Unknown to the CIA was that ‘EYES ONLY’ had a different meaning to the Bookseller. He believed that the marriage covenant between himself and Margaret made them not only one flesh but one together before the Lord. As such, the message was for both of them. Opening the envelope, he read:
To the old man in Williams – the one who spoke after the press conference, greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We are brothers serving in Iran seeking to discover for your government details of a plot to attack the United States and, if successful, then Israel. We believe that what God has revealed to us is an affirmation of what He is saying to you and through you and others to all believers. The message was given by a heavenly being as we prayed. It was, we believe, an angel who said:
“I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God and have been sent to give you these instructions for all your brothers. Listen carefully. Stand together and pray.”
The message was unsigned.
The Bookseller was silent as tears came to his eyes. Soon he was sobbing, holding Margaret close as he sought to absorb the full meaning of what he had just read. He rejoiced through the tears in the affirmation of what now filled his heart. It was as if all the years of service and study had been in preparation for this time – and it had.
He breathed in deeply and exhaled with a long sigh, “This is it, Margaret. God is seeking to speak to His people and show Himself to the world. It will come down to one result, either God’s people will hear and be changed, or the world will experience judgments in increasing magnitude until His people hear and change – or it will be the end. It is for a time like this we have prayed for all those decades, and we don’t simply get to see it, we are a part of it. I cannot put into words the privilege of being a part of what God is seeking to accomplish. This is why I was born. May His will be done.”
Taking a pen and paper, the Bookseller wrote his response.
My brothers – we will stand with you and pray, calling on all believers to join together and pray. Do not be afraid. Remember Hebrews 4:13. God is faithful.
The old man in Williams, Samuel Evans White
He folded the message, returned to the front and handed it to Carl Varvel who placed it in another “Top Secret Eyes Only” envelope, sealed it and left to begin the message’s long return journey to Tehran.