Chapter Ten

A petite red-haired woman jumped off the front porch as Duncan pulled to a stop. He barely got the truck turned off before she jerked open the passenger door and enveloped Kyle in a rib-crushing hug. Kyle went pale, and Duncan growled low in his throat. He knew she didn’t mean to hurt Kyle, but that didn’t stop Duncan from getting out and stomping around the truck to pull her gently away from Kyle.

“Ease up, Mrs. MacDonald. Kyle has several bruised ribs and hugging him doesn’t help.”

She stood back while Duncan helped Kyle out of the vehicle. Once he was out, Kyle held out an arm to his mother, and she hugged him more carefully. Duncan grabbed Kyle’s bag as the other two headed up to the house.

An older handsome Hispanic man met them there and he hugged Kyle as well. Was that Jose? Kyle had told him about the ranch and his mother, plus how Jose, the foreman, had become his mother’s right hand man since Kyle’s father thought ranching was beneath him.

He stepped on the porch, and Jose held out his hand. “I’m Jose Martinez.”

Duncan shifted Kyle’s bag to his left hand and shook Jose’s. “I’m Duncan Hornsby.”

“I recognize you, Mr. Hornsby. You’ve made quite a name for yourself on the tour. Bull riding seems to be a good choice for you.” Jose gestured for Duncan to come inside. “Thank you for bringing Kyle home.”

“I couldn’t let him travel on his own, sir. I wasn’t going to risk anything else happening to Kyle if I could help it.” He set the bag down in the entryway and tugged off his hat. “Kyle’s medicine is in his bag. He should have another pill in another hour or so. I should be going. I have a long drive ahead of me.”

“Duncan, get in here,” Kyle called from the living room.

Jose smiled. “I don’t think you’re going to get away that easily.”

“Apparently not.”

He shrugged and let Jose lead the way to where Kyle and his mother sat on the couch. Kyle took after his mother in all ways, looks and size especially, though Duncan figured Kyle’s mother was probably more outgoing than her youngest son.

She shot to her feet and raced over to him, wrapping him up in another bone-breaking hug. “Thank you so much for taking care of Kyle. I’m thrilled that Kyle has friends like you.”

“It was my pleasure to help him, Mrs. MacDonald, though I wish I could be visiting with you under happier circumstances.” He cursed the blush tinting his cheeks.

“Momma, you’re embarrassing him,” Kyle admonished his mother. “Duncan, as you can tell, this is my mother, Alice MacDonald. Momma, this is Duncan Hornsby.”

“Mrs. MacDonald.” Duncan inclined his head toward her as she re-joined Kyle on the couch.

“Call me Alice, please, Mr. Hornsby. You’ve been my husband’s main competition for several years, haven’t you? Ever since you came on the tour full-time.”

Fuck, now if that didn’t make him sound old. He forced a smile and a nod. “Yes, and please, call me Duncan.”

“Would you like some coffee?” Jose held out a cup filled with steaming liquid.

“Thank you.” He sat and thought about how uncomfortable this whole meeting was. He didn’t know if Kyle had ever told his mother that he was gay or if he was still in the closet. Duncan had never hidden his preferences, but he’d been cautious while on tour. No point in working people up over nothing. He’d learned how to keep his cock in his pants and do nothing that would bring attention to him. He’d done without sex, for the most part, on tour until he spotted Kyle and decided the risk was well worth the reward if Kyle agreed.

“We need to talk, Momma.” Kyle grasped his hands together in a fit of nerves.

Duncan wanted nothing more than to go and sit next to Kyle, put his arm around his lover, and hold him close because he knew this wasn’t going to be easy for him. He met Kyle’s gaze with his own slight smile and nod.

“I know, Kyle. I’m so sorry you got caught in the middle of your father and my troubles.” Alice shook her head. “It’s because my father was an unmitigated bastard.”

Duncan took a sip of his coffee and set it on the table next to him. Standing, he put his hat on. “I think I should be going now. This is a private conversation and I don’t need to be in it.”

“No! Wait.” Kyle struggled to his feet and rushed to Duncan’s side. He rested his hand on Duncan’s arm. “I don’t want you to go right now.”

Disregarding the other people in the room, Duncan slipped his hand up to cover Kyle’s cheek. “This is private between you and your mother, baby. I don’t have a reason to be included.”

“I love you,” Kyle whispered, and Duncan’s heart skipped a beat.

His stunned surprise must have shown on his face because Kyle ducked his head and blushed.

“I didn’t mean to tell you like this, in front of my mom and Jose, but I don’t want you to leave right now. I need you to stay.”

Glancing up, he met Alice’s knowing gaze, and she nodded, giving him her permission.

“All right, Kyle. I’ll stay until you tell me to leave.” He frowned. “Though I do need to get back to my ranch at some point.”

Kyle grinned and took his hand, pulling him over to the couch where he sat on one side of Kyle, while Alice sat on the other.

“I’m sorry about interrupting,” he apologized to Alice.

“That’s all right, Duncan. I want Kyle to feel supported and if having you here helps him, I won’t argue.”

It was Alice’s time to stand and pace, her hands shoved in her pockets and a frown on her face. Duncan caught a concerned look in Jose’s eyes and his mind began to whirl.

“I married Clayton MacDonald when we were young and foolish. I thought I was in love. He saw my father’s power and money. By the time I was pregnant with you, Kyle, I knew what an asshole your father really was. I wanted to get a divorce, but my father’s will stopped me from getting one.”

“How could that happen?” Kyle frowned.

Duncan kept silent, stretching his arm on the couch behind Kyle’s head and resting his fingers lightly on Kyle’s shoulder. It was important that Kyle knew he was here for him.

“Your grandfather set up his will so if I got a divorce before my youngest child turned twenty-one, the ranch would be sold and the money given to your father.”

Kyle gaped, mouth closing and opening like a fish. “Why would Grandfather do that?”

Alice shrugged. “Your grandfather loved your father. It didn’t matter he wasn’t even blood related to him. They were cut from the same cloth, I believe, and if he could have, he would have left it to your father outright.”

“Is that even possible or legal?” Duncan couldn’t help asking.

“You wouldn’t think so, but my lawyer told me it was.” Alice wrapped her arms around her waist and scowled at the portrait hanging above the fireplace. “After I talked to my lawyer, I told myself that I could get through this. Clayton and I lived separate lives. He took to riding in the rodeo, and I stayed home to take care of the ranch. I got to keep you boys until you turned sixteen and then you traveled with him during the summer and school vacations. Once you turned eighteen, you were excited about traveling with him all the time.”

Kyle nodded, frowning down at his hands where they lay on his lap. “I thought it would fun. Just the guys hanging out without you telling us what to do. Of course, I ended up doing all the work, while Rusty and Father played around.”

“You don’t have to sugar coat it for me, Kyle. I know your father has a buckle bunny in every city the tour goes to. More than one actually.” She shot a glance at Jose who stood in the corner of the room watching Alice with a fierce, protective gaze. “It doesn’t matter to me. Hasn’t since you were born.”

“Did the will work the same way if MacDonald divorced you?” Duncan reached out with his free hand and entwined his fingers with Kyle’s, knowing his touch would soothe the younger man. Kyle didn’t pull away.

“No. If MacDonald divorced me, he lost it all, the money and the ranch. He wouldn’t risk that.” Alice turned to face Kyle. “Why did you decide to come home? I know you weren’t happy with him, but I figured you’d forgive him anything. He can be very charming and loving when he isn’t drinking. I found that out the hard way.”

“Duncan showed me that I didn’t need to stay there. And you’re right, Momma. Father’s fine when he’s not drinking, but lately, that’s all he’s been doing and he’s vicious when he drinks.” Kyle leaned back against Duncan. “Guess I just needed someone I could count on to back me up. There wasn’t any way Rusty would protect me.”

Alice sighed. “Your brother believes in your father so much, plus I do believe they’re birds of a feather and the same alcohol problem your father has is in Rusty’s blood as well.”

“The other night, I got fed up with being treated like a slave and, like I was stupid, I punched Father and left. Spent the night with Duncan and, in the morning, bought a bus ticket to come home. Rusty caught me by myself and beat the shit out of me. After getting to the hospital, I called Duncan and here we are.”

“Yes, we are, and I’ll be starting divorce proceedings against your father.”

Kyle tightened his grip on Duncan’s hand. “Don’t do it until after my birthday. I don’t want you to lose the ranch.”

“How far away is your birthday?” Duncan stroked his thumb over Kyle’s scabbed knuckles.

“Thursday, so only a few days from now.” Kyle turned to face him. “You’ll stay until then, won’t you?”

“If you have room for me, I’d love to stay.”

Alice clapped her hands. “Of course, we have room for you. You’d be staying in Kyle’s room with him, wouldn’t you?”

“Ummm…” What did a person say to the mother of the man he was fucking? Especially when he was far older than said man.

“Yes, he’ll be staying with me.” Kyle took as deep a breath as he could and exhaled slowly. “I’m sorry about not telling you sooner, and for doing it this way instead of privately.”

She bounded to the couch where she dropped down next to Kyle. She embraced her son with gentle arms and kissed his bruised cheek. “Sweetheart, don’t be ashamed or guilty for it. I had a feeling something like this might come up and I’ve been doing some research about it.” She held out a hand to Jose. “Besides, we’re all family, right?”

Kyle’s eyes widened, but he smiled and hugged his mother back. “You’re right. No secrets between family members.”

His lover sank back against him, and Duncan decided that they’d talked enough. He gathered Kyle in his arms and stood.

“I think it’s time for Kyle to lie down for a while. Traveling in the truck wasn’t very comfortable for him.”

“Good idea.” Alice leapt to her feet and directed him down a different hallway to Kyle’s bedroom.

Duncan got Kyle snuggled into bed before he wandered back to the living room where Jose and Alice waited for him. Now was the time for the interrogation by the family. Duncan hadn’t had to deal with one of those before. None of his relationships ever got to the “meeting family” stage.

“Don’t you think Kyle’s a little young for you, Mr. Hornsby?” Alice’s opening salvo was the one guaranteed to hit Duncan’s insecurity buttons.

Before he could answer, Jose encircled Alice’s waist with his arm and urged her close to him. “Now, Alice, don’t berate the man over that. There’s got to be the same age difference between us that’s between them.”

“Alice, trust me when I tell you that I’ve worried about our ages. Not only is Kyle inexperienced, but what if, one day, he decides I’m too old for him? It’s hard risking your heart when that’s a possibility.”

Kyle’s mother studied him and some of her worry slipped away. “Do you love him?”

Duncan hesitated and thought about it before nodding slowly. “I’ve hesitated calling it love. We don’t know each other that well yet, though I have to admit what I do know about Kyle, I love, and I don’t want to walk away from what we have and could have in the future.”

Jose nodded. “I can accept that. Just be careful with our boy, Hornsby.”

He held out his hand for Jose to shake. “I’ll treat him like the special person he is, Mr. Martinez, just like you treat his mother.”

Alice and Jose laughed, easing Duncan’s worries. He wandered back to the entryway to dig out his phone.

“I have to call my grandfather to let him know I won’t be home until this weekend.”

“And we both have work to do,” Alice informed him. “When you’re done with your conversation, you’re welcome to come and find Jose. I’m sure he’ll give you a tour of the ranch or you can crash with Kyle for a while.”


He went out onto the porch and dialed his grandfather’s number.

“It’s about time you called. What’s this I hear about you pulling out of the last event? You’re not injured, are you?” His grandfather’s gruff voice shot over the line.

“I’m bruised up from getting hit across the chest by my bull on Saturday night. I had to deal with an emergency.”

“An emergency? Wasn’t any of our bulls, was it?”

“No, Pops. A friend ended up in the hospital, so I pulled out of the final go-around to help him out.”

Pops grunted, and Duncan couldn’t tell if he was angry at him or was glad that Duncan chose to help a friend.

“When will you be home, boy?”

“That’s another reason why I’m calling. I drove my friend home to New Mexico. I’m staying through Friday before I head back.”

“I didn’t know you had any close friends on the tour, kid, but I’m glad you’re watching his back. Are the bulls on their way home?” Pops tended to have a one-track mind.

He chuckled. “Yeah, the boys are driving them home. They should be back by Wednesday. There might be a few scrapes and bruises that need to be looked at, but they did us proud the past couple of events.”

“Good. I have several other contracts for you to go over when you get back up here and some breeding charts.” Pops paused for a second before continuing, “Are you going to bring your friend up here?”

Again, he couldn’t tell by Pops’ tone of voice how the man felt about that.

“I’d like to,” he said cautiously, “but not right now. I thought maybe around Christmas time.”

“Okay. Just wanted to know if I needed Mrs. Cedarberg to make up the guest room.”

Such careful tiptoeing around the subject.

“His name is Kyle MacDonald, Pops, and I think I love him.”

Blurting it out wasn’t what he’d planned, but now that the words had been said, he felt better.

“Not surprised, boy. You wouldn’t bring anyone up here you didn’t like.” Pops sighed. “I hope Kyle’s feeling better and I’ll see you when you get in this weekend.”

Duncan stared down at his phone after his grandfather hung up. So many years spent not talking about his homosexuality or skirting the subject in fear that his grandfather would be pissed off or disgusted with him and apparenty he needn’t have worried about it. He’d always assumed that when Pops asked him if he’d found the right one yet, the old man meant a woman, but maybe he was simply asking if Duncan had fallen in love. He still didn’t think his grandfather completely accepted Duncan being gay, but it might be as simple as the fact he was his only living grandchild and that blood really was thicker than sexual preference.

He rubbed his eyes and yawned. It had been a long morning. Taking a nap with Kyle sounded like a good idea. After going back inside, he snatched up Kyle’s bag and carried it to his lover’s room. He set it next to the dresser before he stripped down to his underwear and joined Kyle in the bed. Kyle sighed and cuddled close when he put his arm around Kyle’s waist. Holding Kyle in his arms was starting to feel a lot like home.