IF I HAD the ability to relive my favorite memories using HiveMind, my list of greatest hits would consist of memories involving every person named below. This book would not exist without the support and guidance I received along the way, and I’m so thankful to every one of you.

A big thank-you to Holly West, my amazing editor. You helped me find the real story hidden within the bones of my original version and bring it to the surface. You totally got my book and my vision, sometimes even more than I did, and helped me make it the best it could be. I loved our chats about Supernatural, Navi from Zelda, and hack battles.

Thank you to Jean Feiwel for taking a chance on me and making my dreams come true. To the rest of the Swoon editorial team: Lauren Scobell for everything you do at Swoon Reads and for being my cheerleader, Kat Brzozowski for your fabulous line edits, and Emily Settle for your tireless efforts running the amazing blog. This book would also not be complete without my terrific production editor Lindsay Wagner, my awesome production manager Raymond E. Colón, my astute copy editor Jessica White, and my talented cover and interior designer Liz Dresner. I also want to extend thanks to my publicist, Madison Furr, the subrights team headed by Kristin Dulaney, the audio team, and everyone else at Macmillan who had a hand in the publishing of this book.

To my incredible agent Brent Taylor for your upbeat attitude and for being my advocate. Thanks also to the entire team at TriadaUS agency, but I want to extend a special thanks to Lauren Spieller for being my critique partner and for always having my back.

Thanks to Chandler Baker and Diana Urban. You both keep me sane (and motivated!) with our accountability gchats, discussions about writing and Bachelor in Paradise, and word count sprints. Chandler, thanks for brainstorming every little detail of this book and helping me find the right solution for every writing problem. Diana, thanks for your friendship, your marketing wisdom, and your insightful critique.

To my early readers Denise Jaden, Jessica Love, Cyn Balog, Guinevere Robin Rowell, and Jim McCarthy: Your feedback helped shape this book and I’m forever grateful. I also want to thank all the readers who read my book on the Swoon website and rooted for it.

To Meredith Moran, thank you for being such an amazing boss and friend. To Amanda Nietzel, for encouraging me to submit. To Erika Shenker, Crista Finnochio, Chelsey Wolfe, and Amanda Simon for decades of friendship and memories. Additional shout-outs to Rachel Simon and Laura Benson.

To the Swoon Squad for all your great advice, the Novel Nineteens for embarking on this journey alongside me, the Summer Moms 2012 Facebook group for your support, and the Pokémon Go NJ Mystic Discord group for putting up with my endless computer science questions. Special shout-out to Roger and Paul.

To Rivers Cuomo of Weezer, thank you for the music that comprised my writing soundtrack and for letting me borrow your last name for the love interest in this book.

I want to thank my in-laws, JoAnne and Richard, as well as my brother-in-law Dan, and my sister-in-law Marta. Thank you all for your love and support, for watching Quinn so I could write, and for the amazing meals you all put your heart into.

To my sister Becca for always being there for me. You’re the first person I text with any news—TV or celebrity news especially. I know it’s cheesy to say, but you truly are my best friend. Thanks also to your family: Eric, Casey, and Eliza. Sorry I stole your daughter’s name and gave it to an antagonist in this book.

Thanks to my mom and dad for all you do for me and for being the best parents in existence. You gave me a love of reading and fostered my creativity, both in art and writing. I hope you guys skipped over the kissing scenes, and if you didn’t, pretend they were a figment of your imagination.

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank my wonderful husband, Josh, and my daughter, Quinn. You are my rocks, my partners, and my inspiration. I love you both so much.