
List of High Carb Foods and Beverages


The food items listed below are what drive up your insulin levels in the body.

  1. Sugar and any other sweetened food items. Be sure to read labels and understand the various names for sugar mentioned on the packaging.

-  Sugar syrups of all kinds such as maple syrup, treacle, golden syrup etc.

-  Muscovado Sugar, Brown Sugar, Caster Sugar, White Sugar or Sucrose

-  Cane Juice, Cane Sugar, Cane Syrup

-  Caramel

-  Coconut sugar, Corn Syrup, Corn syrup solids, Corn Sweetener

-  Agave nectar, Honey, Maltose, Maltodextrin

-  Glucose, dextrose, lactose, fruit juice concentrates

  1. Grain and Grain Products

-  Bread crumbs, Bread, muffins, bread rolls

-  Pancakes, Waffles

-  Cold cereals

-  Pasta

-  Pretzels, Chips, Pizza, Crackers

-  Cookies, Tarts, Pies

-  Quinoa

-  Cous Cous

-  Oatmeal

  1. Corn and any corn products. Corn can be found in everything in the form of corn syrup or as a preservative, so read the label carefully before you go ahead and purchase a product.
  1. Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes
  1. Canned Soups/Stews and Ready to Eat packaged food items
  1. Processed Foods
  1. Beans like lima beans, pinto beans, lentils are high in starch
  1. High Carb Beverages

-  Beers

-  Dessert Wines

-  Non-Diet Soda

-  Juices from Vegetables and Fruits

-  Milk, contains lactose which is also a type of sugar. However milk products such as yogurt and cheese have a lower amount of lactose as the bacteria which are used to ferment the milk eats up all the lactose during the fermentation process of the cheese.

Once your body gets used to the healthy changes and switches to a healthier way of eating, it will realize that it does not have to work as hard as before when it comes to breaking down food in the system. This means that your liver isn’t under as much stress as it was previously. Since your system is no longer clogged with unhealthy processed food items or food containing a high level of sugar and its by products, within weeks of beginning the diet, you will find yourself feeling much lighter and you won’t be having too many food cravings as well.

Before you begin the Keto Diet, you must ensure that you have had a pantry intervention. If you cannot get yourself to do it, ask a friend or a close family member or your spouse to help you out. If you choose the bag of cookies over a handful of nuts or sunflower seeds, or fry up a batch of chips instead of preparing your cuts of meat, then you need a pantry intervention right away! Getting killer benefits out of the Ketogenic diet will need you to show discipline and commitment in sticking to eating the right kind of food.

Make the process easier on yourself by taking an inventory of your kitchen and pantry storage areas. Look through the fruits and vegetables that you have in stock, take account of your supply of Omega-3 fatty acid along with other essential fats, and determine how much protein how have stored up in the freezer.

The Ketogenic diet plan involves a process that burns up the fats in your body instead of the carbohydrates. This is only possible, however if you keep your carbohydrate intake to a minimum. Ensure that your pantry shelves are free of complex carbohydrates in the form of rice, refined flours and breads and pastas. The Ketogenic diet is one that may take some time to show effect, but once the fat starts burning up and the excess weight is shed off, you will be amazed at how easily you can keep away the weight from piling on.

An effective Ketogenic diet should take about a month to show all of its effects, if followed correctly. Most people that begin this diet plan find themselves converted to the Ketogenic way of eating and tend to stick to this diet for long duration.

If you maintain the right balance, and eat healthy, that’s just enough to keep you going strong throughout the entire diet.

Let’s get started!