To the editors and staff of the journals in which these poems, or different versions of them, first appeared, you have my thanks:
Best New Poets 2009: “How the World Was Made”
Boston Review: “Letter from the Ice Field, December”
Connotation Press: An Online Artifact: “Fable,” “The Last Przewalski’s Horse,” “Archipelago: Island of Sheep,” “Archipelago: Paradise of Birds, “Archipelago: Ultima Thule”
Crab Orchard Review: “Deer Rub”
Memorious: “Question,” “The Dream of Water”
Meridian: “Epilogue”
New England Review: “View from the Fence, on Which I Sit and Dangle My Legs”
Ninth Letter: “Rapture”
Pleiades: “Confession,” “Märchen,” “Purgatory,” “When There Is Burning Instead”
Southern Indiana Review: “Sea Psalm,” “Archipelago: Tabula Rasa”
Sugar House Review: “Frühlingstraum,” “Instructions for Wintering on the Ice Field,” “Letter from the Ice Field, October”
TriQuarterly: “As the Sickle Moon Guts a Cloud,” “Parable of the Flood”
Vinyl Poetry: “Archipelago: The Soporific Well,” “Elegy Surrounded by Water”
“Question,” “Letter from the Ice Field, December” and “How the World Was Made” were featured in the anthology Read Women, published by Locked Horn Press in 2014.
My deepest gratitude to the National Poetry Series and everyone at Milkweed Editions, and to the Rona Jaffe Foundation and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, without whose support this book would not have been possible.
Sincere gratitude, also, to all my teachers for the generosity of their instruction and dedication, especially Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, Geri Doran, Garrett Hongo, Jacqueline Osherow, Paisley Rekdal, Katharine Coles, Sean Serrell, and Rita Green.
Thank you to Martha Collins, Marianne Boruch, and Brigit Pegeen Kelly for their guidance on this book, or portions of it, as well as for their encouragement and kindness during that process.
Thank you to Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference for the opportunity to workshop material from this book at a crucial stage in its development.
And thank you to all my colleagues at Cornell University, the University of Oregon, and the University of Utah, and to everyone else for their friendships and feedback: Rebecca Lindenberg, Margaret Reges, Susannah Nevison, Laura Bylenok, Claire Wahmanholm, Nikki Zielinski, Thomas Watson, and Corey Van Landingham. And to my parents and Steve: thank you, always, for your unwavering faith in me.