
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

accessus ad auctores to Ovid

Aimeric de Belenoi (9.18)

Aimeric de Peguilhan







Albertano da Brescia

Albertet de Sestaro and Monge (16.17=303.1)

Albigensian Crusade


Alexander of Villedieu

Alfonso II, King of Aragon

Andrianz del Palais (unknown troubadour)

anonymous songs









Appel, Carl



Armstrong, Adrian

Arnaut Daniel attrib. songs he may not have written favored by Dante


(29.2) (29.6)


(29.10); contrafacted by Guilhem de Saint Gregori imitated by Jofre de Foixà reworked by others




Arnaut de Carcassès

Las novas del papagai version in R in J in G in D

Arnaut de Maruelh

(30.15) in biography in Breviari and chansonnier H





At de Mons




authority, auctoritas. See also versus cum auctoritate


Baldwin, John

Barbieri, Giovanni Maria

Berenguer d’Anoia, Mirall de trobar

Bernart de Rovenac (66.2)

Bernart de Ventadorn








Bernart Marti

Bertolome Zorzi


(74.10) in biography

Bertran Carbonel

Bertran de Born

(80.8) razo to

(80.37) razos to

(80.38) razos to


biographies, biographical texts, vidas, razos in Dante in relation to florilegia in relation to quotation

of Arnaut Daniel

of Arnaut de Maruelh

of Bernart de Ventadorn

of Bertolome Zorzi

of Bertran de Born

of Bonifaci Calvo

of Ferrarino da Ferrara

of Giraut de Bornelh

of Marcabru

of Peire d’Alverha

of Peire Rogier

of Peire Vidal

of Raimon Jordan

See individual troubadours for more details

Blacatz (97.3)

Blondel de Nesle

Bonifaci Calvo (101.7) (razo to)

Boulton, Maureen

Bouvines, battle of

Brunetto Latini, Livre dou tresor


(106.10) Canso de la Crotzada

Careri, Maria

Catalonia, Catalan empire Catalan language distinguished from Occitan Catalan court in. See parrots’ way





Cerveri de Girona

chansonniers of troubadour songs ordinatio of

chansonnier A

chansonnier a

chansonnier B

chansonnier C

chansonnier Cm

chansonnier D

chansonnier Da

chansonnier Dc

chansonnier F

chansonnier Fa

chansonnier G

chansonnier H

chansonnier I

chansonnier J

chansonnier K

chansonnier L

chansonnier N

chansonnier N2

chansonnier P

chansonnier R (fig.)

See also florilegia, Arnaut de Carcassès

Chansonniers of trouvère song

trouvère chansonnier H

change, as new beginning


Chastelain de Couci


Cino da Pistoia

citing, citation, contrasted with quotation. See also attribution

clerc-knight debates

coblas esparsas and/or triadas

Compagnon, Antoine

Consistori de gai saber


Cort d’amor

“Corusca Sion”

Count of Rodez (185.3)

Cour de paradis

Dalfi d’Alvernha, character in Raimon Vidal’s Abril issia

Dallenbach, Lucien

Dante Alighieri

“Al poco giorno”

De vulgari eloquentia

Divina Commedia

Vita nuova

Daude de Pradas


Derrida, Jacques: “ex-appropriation,” Le monolinguisme de l’autre “Signature événement context” and iteration

dialogue poems


Donatus, Ars grammatica

Donatz proensals. See Uc Faidit


Dragonetti, Roger

Dyggve, Holger Petersen

Eco, Umberto

empire relation to France


Falquet de Romans (156.1)

Fasseur, Valérie

Ferrarino da Ferrara

Field, Hugh


Florilegium, florilegia date of emergence of, in relation to Bertolome Zorzi to biographies to Breviari to grammars to Guillaume de Dole to novas

in Cm

in Dc

in Fa

in G

in H

in J

in N

in P

in Q

in T

Folquet de Marselhain21






forme fixe lyrics

France (northern France, the Kingdom of France)

Francesc Ferrer

Francesco da Barberino

Frank, István

Frayre de Joy e Sor de Plazer

Frederick II, Emperor of Germany and King of Rome and Sicily

free indirect discourse vs. direct or indirect speech

French language as monolangue

Gace Brulé


Garber, Marjorie

Garin d’Apchier (162.6) (razo to)

Garin lo Brun (163.I)

Gaucelm Faidit






Gautier de Coinci

Gautier de Soignies

Geoffrey, Count of Britanny

Gerbert de Montreuil, Roman de la violette

German language. See also Empire

Gilles de Viés-Maisons, “Se per mon chant”

Giraut de Bornelh








Golden Age troubadours

goliardic poetry

Gouiran, Gérard

Grafton, Anthony

grammatica, grammatical treatises (Latin) inclusion of ductores philosophical grammar

grammatical treatises (French)

grammatical treatises (Occitan) as poetic treatises manuscripts (fig.), use of quotation in. See also incipital quotation

grammaticalizing the vernacular quotation as,. See also grammatical treatises; justifying; Occitan as Neo-Latin

Greene, Thomas M.

Gruber, Jörn

Guido Cavalcanti

Guido Guinizelli

Gui d’Ussel

Guilhem Augier Novella (205.4a)

Guilhem de Murs

Guilhem de Peitieu

Guilhem Molinier as actor and Dante and Petrarch

poetic compositions

Flors de gai saber (verse redaction)

Las leys d’amors outline first redaction second redaction favored form of quotation in

Guillem de Berguedà

Guillem de Montanhagol, n4; (225.10)

Guillem de Saint Gregori



Guillem de Salaignac (235.2)

Guiraut d’Espanha (244.1a)

Guiraut Riquier (248.18)

Guiraut de Salaignac (249.1) misattrib. to Aimeric de Peguilhan

Helgeson, James

Heller-Roazen, Daniel

Henri d’Andeli


incipit and explicit

incipital quotation in biographies in Dante in florilegia in lyric in Occitan grammars in relation to indices and rubrics




Jacme March

Jaufre Rudel (262.2)

Jean de Meun

Jean Renart Guillaume de Dole as florilegium

Jewers, Caroline

Joan de Castellnou, Glosari and Compendi

Jofre de Foixà (304.1) Regles de trobar

John Lackland, King of England

Jones, Nancy A.

Joufroi de Poitiers, Le Roman de

justifying, quotation as. See also grammaticalizing

Kenny, Neil

knowledge as an aspect of quotation as recognition as “forgetting” as supposed, or as “subject supposed to know” oral or written troubadours as source and object of knowledge. See also transference

Lacan, Jacques

Lanfranc Cigala

Latin, as monolangue models for florilegia for other texts that quote. See also grammatica

Lee, Charmaine

Levy, Emil


love of beginnings. See also incipit

Luquet Gatelus (290.1a)

lyric insertion, compared to quotation

Machaut, Guillaume de


Florence, Riccardiana 2756 = Novas del papagai manuscript π

New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS M 831 (grammar ms L) (fig.)

Toulouse, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 2883 (fig.)

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Hs. 2583 (Breviari d’amor ms G) (fig.), (figs.)

See also chansonniers, florilegia


Marshall, John H.

Matfre Ermengau



Breviari d’amor compared to Dante compared to florilegia manuscript representation of quotation in summary of technique of quotation in18

Meneghetti, Maria Luisa

Meyer, Herman

Monge (Monk) de Montaudo



monolangue. See Derrida, French, Latin, Occitan

music, musical performance. See also contrafactum

Nicholson, Francesca M.

nightingale in Breviari in lyric exordia in Peire d’Alvernha

nightingales’ way defined. See also lyric insertion, parrots’ way

novas, technique of quotation in,. See also Arnaut de Carcasses, fhrilegia, Raimon Vidal

Novas del papagai. See Arnaut de Carcassès

Occitan language as literary language of Catalonia as literary language of Italy as monolangue as Neo-Latin as universal retaining Latin declension. See also grammatical treatises (Occitan)

Occitania ii–13; in relation to France

Orr, Mary

Ovid Ars Amatoria

parrot in the Breviari in novas

parrots’ way, defined as diasporic as multilingual contrasted with nightingales’ way in Dante see also knowledge, nightingales’ way


Peire Arquier (unknown troubadour)

Peire d’Alvernha


(323.15) in biography

Peire Cardenal



Peire Guillem de Luzerna (344.3)

Peire Pelisiers (353.2)

Peire Rogier

Peire Vidal




Perceforest, Roman de





Perugi, Maurizio

Petrarch compared to Dante “Lasso me” Petrarchism

Philip Augustus, King of France

Pistoleta (372.3)


Poe, Elizabeth


Pons de Capdoill


Pons Fabre d’Uzes

Pontalis, Jean-Bertrand. See also love of beginnings

Prose Tristan


quotation passim, defined among other modes of troubadour reception scribal representation of (fig.), (45 fig.), (fig.), (fig.), (fig.), (fig.), (fig.); “work of quotation”

Raimbaut d’Aurenga


Raimbaut de Vaqueiras

Raimon Ermengau

Raimon Jordan, biography of



Raimon de Miraval










(406.?, otherwise unknown song)

Raimon Vidal de Besalú compared to Jean Renart to Uc de Saint Circ to florilegia

Abril issi’ e mays intrava

lyric poetry (411.3)

novas in relation to the Novas del papagai to the Breviari

Razos de trobar and the “Vidal tradition”

So fo e.l tems c’om era gais

razo, defined as biographical genre as genre in the H florilegium in At de Mons in Jofre de Foixà in Guilhem de Saint Gregori. See also biographies, justifying



Richard de Fournival Bestiaire d’Amours

Richard Lionheart, King of England

Rigaut de Berbezilh

Ripoll treatises

Rostanh Berenguier de Marseilla

Rudolf von Fenis

Saïd, Edward


Sedulius Scotus


Sicily, Sicilian school

Shapiro, Marianne

Smith, D. Vance




Staufer (Hohenstaufen) dynasty

Terramagnino da Pisa, Doctrina d’acort

Thiolier-Méjean, Suzanne




trobairitz. See women troubadours

trobar clus

Uc (unknown troubadour)

Uc Brunenc


Uc de Mataplana character in Raimon Vidal’s So fo, poetic exchanges with Raimon de Miraval

Uc de Saint Circ


Uc Faidit, Donatz proensals


Venantius Fortunatus

versus cum auctoritate (glossed songs)

vidas. See biographies

Walter of Châtillon

Washer, Nancy

Welf (Guelph) vs. Ghibelline (or Staufer/Hohenstaufen)

William of Aragon

women’s song

women troubadours

Zufferey, François