

fear as Xavier drives the car away from the Palacio.

This is happening too fast. I thought I’d see him tomorrow, but he’s here now, and I’m not ready. My body shivers in the thin white nightie I’m wearing, and I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me something bad is about to happen.

“Xavier, where are we going?” I ask softly, kneading the silk fabric on my lap. “Do my parents know I’m here? Where’s the surprise you had for me?”

“I’ll explain everything,” he replies darkly, checking on me in the rearview mirror. “Try to get some rest, angel. It’s late, and we have a long drive ahead.”

I worry my bottom lip between my teeth as he keeps driving. I can’t bring myself to sleep in the car. I’m too nervous about what’s happening. But there’s something else... the fact that I’m alone with Xavier, which never happens. The mere thought of being so close to him unsupervised sends a shiver down my spine.

I shake my head to get the thought out. I can’t even imagine Xavier wanting to hurt me. He’s never shown me anything but affection, and even though my parents have warned me about him... I trust him.

The drive takes ages, and I’m so exhausted I catch some sleep despite my initial doubts. I fall into a dreamless slumber that’s only interrupted when Xavier gently strokes my hair away from my face. Stirring awake, I flush slightly when my eyes meet his.

“Where are we?” I ask sleepily, rubbing my eyes. “How long did we travel for?”

“We’re at my home, the Casa,” Xavier says with an affectionate smile, holding out a hand to help me out of the vehicle. “Come with me, angel.”

I take his hand. His touch sends shivers down my spine and I can only hope Xavier hasn’t noticed how hard I’m blushing.

I follow him outside where a driver takes over our car and I stare in wonder at the beautiful house we’ve arrived at. It’s gorgeous, an extensive property with a guesthouse and a main building. I can see stables too, and a huge infinity swimming pool in the back overlooking the cliffs and the beach beneath. It reminds me of our house, except bigger, better and more opulent.

“Won’t my parents be worried?” I ask, nervously worrying my bottom lip. “Did you tell them I was coming with you?”

“They’ll find out when you get back,” he responds smoothly, without quite giving me an answer.

“What about Mathilda?”

Xavier narrows his eyes at the mention of my little sister.

“She’ll be fine.”

“She’s very attached to me, so I’ll need to be back in the early morning. I don’t want to worry her. Are we going inside?”

I crane my head, curious to get another peek into the mansion we’re staring in front of.

“We are,” he nods, taking my hand and leading me into the Casa while two guards follow us.

I’m used to this by now, having someone constantly watching me and making sure I’m okay. I don’t even mind anymore. It’s better to be safe than sorry, like my father always says.

In the house, everything is luxurious and so beautiful I’m afraid to so much as look at. I can tell Xavier’s amused by my feelings, and I grin at him.

“So where is this surprise you were telling me about?”

“Come with me.”

I follow him to the grand marble staircase and onto the upper floor. We take several hallways until he guides me into a set of rooms that serve as their own apartment.

Everything is in light shades of pink and gray. The furniture is custom made, there are two beautiful, crystal chandeliers, and the fabrics are the best money can buy. There’s a small breakfast table with two chairs, a bed, bookshelves, a pretty gray and powder pink bathroom, and a closet fit for a queen. After I look around, I face Xavier with wonder in my eyes.

“This is amazing,” I tell him. “But why did you bring me here?”

“You like it?” he asks thoughtfully, making me nod. “Good. I wasn’t sure you would, but I’m glad I’ve done a good job. It was my hope you’d enjoy spending time here.”

“Me spending time here?”

My eyes widen. Xavier points to the breakfast table and we take our seats. By now, it’s almost morning, lazy sunbeams poking through the billowy curtains into the room.

“This is like something out of a fairytale,” I mutter. “It’s fit for a princess.”

“Or an angel,” Xavier muses with a sneaky smile.

“What do you mean?”

“First things first, do you want some breakfast?”

“I suppose,” I mutter, worriedly glancing outside. “It’s getting light out, we’ll need to head back soon...”

He orders breakfast on his phone and moments later a maid wheels in a trolley laden with food. Xavier serves us both and dismisses the maid. I feel his gaze on me the entire time I eat, silently watching me. His attention makes goosebumps erupt all over my skin. I’ve craved it for so long and yet now that it’s happening, I’m afraid of it.

“Why did you bring me here, Xavier?” I ask once I’ve finished my food, dabbing my lips with a powder pink cloth napkin. Only when I pull it back, I realize it’s embroidered with my initials.

“I wanted you to have your own room at my house,” Xavier explains slowly. “I know you enjoy spending time with your parents, but I’m also hoping we’ll spend a lot more time together now that you’re a little older.”


I try to ignore the nervous flutter of my heart. Despite everything, this is so very exciting. I’ve always looked forward to my birthdays because I got to see Xavier, but now it seems as if I’ll get plenty more time with him, more than I’d expected at least.

“There’s something else.”

Our eyes meet, and my blood runs cold. Xavier looks different now, almost troubled by something he wants to tell me. I wait for the news with bated breath, but nothing could prepare me for what Xavier says.

“Yesterday I was in a meeting when I got a call,” he mutters. “Anonymous. We tried to track it down, but we were unsuccessful.”

“What call?”

“It was a warning,” he goes on, finally meeting my frightened gaze. “They told me you were in danger, angel. They told me someone would try to kill you at your parents’ house tomorrow.”


My bottom lip trembles as I stare at him. I’m not an idiot - it’s been plainly obvious to me my family deals with some illegal things, but Dad’s never allowed for that to make us feel unsafe. What Xavier is saying now, though... It means someone has gotten past Dad’s security and background checks. If Xavier hadn’t collected me in the night, I could be dead by now.

“Why would someone want to kill me?”

“I don’t know yet,” he mutters. “I’m assuming it’s something to do with me or your father. You know this business is risky.”

I swallow thickly, my eyes dancing over his features in a frenzy.

“What about Mathilda?” I ask, an urgent tone in my voice. “She’s going to be okay, right?”

“Of course,” he nods. “You were the target, not your sister, Tallulah. But it makes me worry about you. You are safe here with me. Fuck knows what would happen if I took you back though.”

I nod thoughtfully, saying, “I’ll have to go back soon, of course. Are you going to tell my dad about the call?”

“I’m worried your phones have been compromised,” he mutters. “I thought it would be best to keep everything under wraps until we figure out who’s the person who was putting your life in danger.”

“Okay,” I say meekly. “Has Dad agreed to let me stay here in the meantime? You arranged everything with him, right?”

The smallest of pauses follows, one that makes me doubt Xavier for a split second. But then he nods with reassurance and all my doubts are erased. He is a good person, after all. He’s not the monster my parents see him as.

“Do you want to get some rest?” he asks. “I’m sorry we had to leave so quickly and you didn’t get to say goodbye to your sister, but you’ll see her soon enough.”

“I’m pretty tired,” I admit, my words interrupted by a yawn.

I stretch and smile shyly before getting up and wandering to the window to admire the view. Xavier watches me from his seat with a troubled expression. I hope he’ll get up, wrap his arms around me in a bear hug like he used to. But no such thing happens. He merely watches me offering no comfort.

Sighing, I peel myself away from the window, but before I can reach the bed, Xavier’s fingers wrap around my wrist and he pulls me against him.

Being so close to him makes my breath catch in my throat and I shiver standing in front of him, feeling his eyes drinking me in.

“Are you scared?” he asks softly, the words barely above a whisper.

This isn’t the cruel, sarcastic Xavier I know. This version of him is loving. Only for me.

“A little,” I admit, my voice just as quiet. “I don’t want to die.”

I look away, but his fingers wrap around my chin and softly push it back so I’m forced to look at him again.

“You have nothing to be afraid of while you’re with me,” he promises me in that irresistible, dark voice of his. “I’ll always look out for you. Nothing will happen to you on my watch.”

I nod, grateful for the words of reassurance.

“Thank you, Xavier.”

We stand there, barely touching and yet with so much tension between us, it feels as if one touch will ignite us both. I always thought my crush on my guardian was something he didn’t know about, but with the inquisitive way he’s looking at me now, I have no doubt he’s known all along. Nothing escapes Xavier Gunn.

“Don’t worry, angel,” he says, stroking my hair with affection. “I’ll protect you.”

My hopes instantly deflate in an instant. Of course he’s not seeing me like a woman. I’m just a freaking kid. Why would Xavier look at me twice? I’m too young, too stupid, and too innocent for him. He would never touch me like that. He’ll never see me as anything but a kid.

And yet there’s a hint of trouble in his eyes, signaling that this isn’t easy for him, either.

“Get some rest,” he says, breaking the connection. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning and we’ll discuss our next steps, okay?”

I nod mutely, not knowing what else to say. He takes a step back and heads for the door, but I call out for him when he’s almost out of the room.


“Yes, angel?”

I swallow thickly. The question I was about to pose sounds ridiculous in my head now and yet I can’t resist asking what’s on my mind.

“You... You will not hurt me, right?”

“Hurt you?” he smirks. “Of course not, angel. Why would I want to hurt you? You’re everything to me.”

With those words that make me even more confused, he closes the door behind him. I exhale loudly, but not loud enough to overhear the lock clicking as the sound of his footsteps echoes down the hallway outside.

I rush to the door and test the handle.


As I face the beautiful rooms that have been set up just for me, I can’t help but wonder whether I have any choice in being here. The locked door tells me I don’t... and my lying heart is excited about it. I’m finally at Xavier’s mercy... I’m his prisoner now, whether or not he admits it.

And while my cell is luxurious and beautiful, it only serves as a reminder of my freedom being gone.

Despite all the pretty things in these rooms, I’m being kept as a captive.