A Reading Group Guide
- When the book opens we find Leelee headed home to Memphis. She heads straight to Virginia’s house and when she can’t reach her, Leelee turns her car around and drives to Kissie’s, knowing full well she will not only be home but probably awake, despite the late hour. Kissie’s house is in a part of town some would deem unsafe. Unfazed, Leelee decides to move in with Kissie, happy to be near her second mother. When Virginia learns of Leelee’s plans she does not hide her disapproval. Would you think twice before taking your two young children to an unfamiliar neighborhood, even if it meant someone you loved lived there and would care for you in your time of need?
- After making the decision to come home to Memphis, Leelee never considers that she would step into a gossip bed where she is the hot topic. Have you ever had to eat humble pie and endure a situation where you were talked about or even ostracized for a decision you made?
- Leelee is devastated by Peter’s decision to not enter into a long-distance relationship. He is not willing to pick up his life and run off to a place where his job security hangs in the balance. As hard as she tries she is unable to forget about him in the months following. Have you been in Leelee’s situation before: A relationship that seemed to have all the makings of happiness but one of the partners makes the decision to end it because of distance or job security?
- Leelee takes a step backward when she moves back home to Memphis; she falls right back into old patterns. Once again it’s hard for her to stand up for herself, especially when it comes to her job. It’s been said that old habits are hard to break. Just when we feel like we’ve learned something, that old demon comes back to roost. Do you find this to be true?
- Leelee’s friends think she is a doormat because she has a hard time saying no. Do you agree? Are you able to tell someone no and be okay with it?
- Southerners are often criticized for not saying what’s on their mind and Northerners are often accused of being too blunt. Do you agree with this? What are the pros and cons of both sides?
- If truth be told we are all a little starstruck, well maybe for some a lot starstruck. It’s easy to criticize some of Leelee’s decisions from afar. If you are older than Leelee, try to remember back to when you were in your late ’20s and early ’30s and did not have all the wisdom you’ve earned today. If a rock-star invited you to join him in New York City, would you accept? If you are close to Leelee’s age and single, is this something you would go for? Why or why not?
- When Leelee quits her job, she has decided working with Edward Maxwell is simply not worth it. Should you stay in a job even if the conditions are intolerable? Would you consider Edward’s personality intolerable?
- Leelee and her friends still enjoy their shenanigans together. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done with your adult girlfriends? Are you ever too old for pranks?
- Leelee and her girlfriends are more like sisters. They certainly take matters into their own hands when they send Leelee’s unsent letters to Peter. Would you be mad at your friends (or sisters) if they had done the same thing? Would you do something similar for one of your closest friends?
- How much influence do your friends have over your life? Do you consult them first; or your husband (or wife) first when making big decisions?
For more reading group suggestions, visit www.readinggroupgold.com.