Chapter 10
As I let the shock wash over me, I suddenly became very aware of my own breathing and the thumping in my chest. This can’t be serious. He can’t be serious. Obviously, the one time I find a guy I actually like, he has to be batshit crazy. Rendered speechless, all I could do was keep my eyes locked on his so if he attacked me, I’d be aware of it, as I inched myself off of him. Using my hands to crab-walk away, it was terribly difficult to not break down and start crying right there. This is honestly the world’s most elaborate prank. Finally completely separated from his body, my arm hooked itself under my tote bag and I clawed my way out of the den as fast as I could.
“Nicole, wait! At least let me explain—it’s not like that!” his voice pleaded with me, growing fainter as my legs gained momentum. The tears streaming now, I allowed myself a moment of self-pity. Sad that the one time I find a guy who isn’t a complete jackass, he ends up being just like the guys who kidnapped my sister. No wonder he knew where they were keeping her, he’s been one of them all along. I’m so stupid, how couldn’t he be? It’s not like there are other people living in these woods; of course they’re all friends.
My breath came in irregular pants, containing light sobs within each one. It was impossible to see where I was in the pitch dark, and now I didn’t even have a flashlight. Hearing leaves rustle behind me, my brain screamed at me to run. Oh god, he’s here. Run, run, run. So I did. I ran as fast as I could, blindly into the night. Not caring for the direction, not caring that I was getting further and further away from dear Mary with each step, not even caring if the wolfmen found me. At least they didn’t lead me to believe they were anything different, though that might’ve been because they meant to dispose of me after they were through. So what, is Beorn the outcast wolf then? It didn’t matter anymore. As soon as I found the road, I was going to find the nearest car and demand that they drive me home. My parents would have to pay whatever the cost was, I could pay them back later. Anything is better than this.
Blinded by the night and the wetness in my eyes, I almost pounded the air with my fist when I saw a light in the distance. Another house? I wasn’t sure as it was too far to tell, but at least it was different than miles upon miles of trees. The light encouraged me and beckoned to me; it looked so welcoming. Like a breath of fresh air. It made my legs move even faster. Go, legs, go! And then my world went black.
It’s still dark and my head hurts. Why does my head hurt? And why am I wet? Mm, but it’s warm. Did I fall asleep in the tub? Strong arms were cradling me in the tub. Wow, this is a big tub. Blinking, the world was fuzzy. I pulled my hand out of the warm water to touch the face the strong arm’s belonged to. Beard. That’s strange, I don’t know anyone with a beard. Beard! Shit, how did he find me? Kicking, I tried to scramble away from Beorn, but it was no use, he easily overpowered me and it was terribly difficult moving quickly in the water.
“What is this place?” I squeaked, still not being able to see much as my eyes adjusted to the dark, but now understanding that the gleaming light I saw earlier was the reflection off the water.
“You stumbled into the hot springs. Quite literally. You hit your head on that tree over there and fell in,” he pointed with one arm in the direction of the tree, holding me up with the other.
“Look, Nicole. I really like you, but this is why I didn’t want to tell you about my… roots. I didn’t choose to be born as a bearbrid, but it just happened this way. It’s painful enough that you’ve stirred up feelings in me that I’d tried so hard to block. Now I didn’t ask you to stumble into my cabin, I didn’t ask for any of this,” he was getting more and more worked up with each word, clearly upset with the turn of events and the hand he was dealt. But his words, as strange as they were, were music to my ears.
“A… bear hybrid,” he finally finished, not meeting my eyes. “That was the first time I’d ever said that out loud,” his shaky voice added, relieved with a hint of sadness.
He’s not a wolf, he’s not a wolf! My mind cheered. If I could move, I’d be dancing in the water right now.
“Wait, were you the one who—”
He nodded and finished my sentence, “saved you from the wolves. Yeah, that was me. I saw you when your car got hit with the spikes the werewolves put on the road, so I followed you as quietly as I could to make sure you were okay and that they couldn’t get to you. Once you arrived at the camp, I figured you’d be fine because you seemed to have found what you were looking for, so I left. But then I heard you scream, so…” his voice trailed off, and he smiled at me sheepishly.
My entire heart, chest, and body filled with warmth at his confession. This must be the sweetest man alive. All I could do was stare at him in awe and smile lovingly, until senses got a hold of me and I threw my arms around his neck, trailing kisses from his cheeks to his neck. “Thank you,” I whispered gratefully.
The mix of emotions when our eyes met was overwhelming. While I adored Beorn for his mannerisms and charm, I wouldn’t be comfortable telling my friends and family that he’s partially a bear. Not for a long while. At the same time, the amount he cared, his gentleness and kind heart melted me, and I knew I could see myself with him for a long time, if he’d have me. I was sure he had a flurry of emotions as he didn’t expect me to be accepting of him. Well, if my sister can fuck a bunch of rabid wolves, then I can love this sweet… “bearbrid”.
He finally loosened his grip upon realizing that I wasn’t going to run away again, and I took the opportunity to wade around in the hot springs, enjoying the way the warmth of the water was loosening my very tense muscles from all of the running and hiking. I could feel Beorn’s eyes on me as I floated on my back, my rose-colored top hugging my body, displaying my nipples that were proving my arousal, though I was certain he didn’t know what that meant. It increasingly became obvious to me that if I wanted this relationship to progress any further then I’d have to make the first indication that I’m interested in him as this is unfamiliar territory for him.