“They’re gone,” Sulley whispered as soon as Fungus and Randall left the bathroom. Suddenly there was a splash. Mike had fallen into the toilet.

“Ewww,” said the little girl.

But Mike wasn’t thinking about his wet feet. He was thinking about what Randall had said. “This is bad. This is so very bad,” he muttered as the trio hurried down the hall back to the Scare Floor.

“What were they talking about? A machine?” Sulley wondered.

“Who cares?” Mike answered him frantically.

“Look, don’t panic,” Sulley told him. “All we have to do is call her door down and send her home.”

When they reached the Scare Floor, Mike and Sulley whistled casually, trying to attract as little attention as possible. “You got her card key, right?” Sulley asked Mike out the corner of his mouth.

“Of course I have her card key,” Mike lied. As they walked past a group of assistants, he reached out and stole a key from one of their folders.

At their workstation, Mike slid the card into the slot. The rack above the Scare Floor powered up. Sulley and Mike waited nervously for the door to slide into position.

“Take care of yourself. And try not to run through any more closets,” Sulley whispered to the little girl.

A door landed in the station. Sulley blinked. “Mike, that’s not her door,” he said.

“Of course it’s her door!” Mike said. He opened it. Yodeling came piping out.

“No,” Sulley said. “Her door was white. And it had flowers on it.”

But Mike wasn’t listening. He was determined to send the girl through the door—any door. He leaned down to say good-bye to the kid, careful not to get too close. “Okay, send me a postcard, kid. That’s Miiike Wazowwwski.”

“Mike Wazowski!” the girl exclaimed.

“Very good,” Mike said. He threw a pencil through the door. “Go get the stick. Go fetch,” he told her.

Just then a big blue hand reached out and closed the door. “Mike, this isn’t Boo’s door,” Sulley said sternly.

“‘Boo’? What’s ‘Boo’?” Mike asked.

“That’s what I decided to call her,” Sulley said. “Is there a problem?”

“Sulley, you’re not supposed to name it!” Mike said, his voice rising. He began to shout. “Now put that thing back where it came from, or so help me...”

Suddenly Mike shut his mouth. A number of assistants and CDA agents had turned to look at them.

“Oh, hey, we’re rehearsing a scene for the upcoming company play called…uh, Put That Thing Back Where It Came From…Or So Help Me!” Mike said, covering up quickly. He started to sing. “Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me…” Sulley hummed along.

The other monsters went back to their work. But when Sulley and Mike turned around, Boo was gone!

Mike suddenly cheered up. “Wait a minute! This is perfect! She’s gone!” He tried to hold Sulley back. “Somebody else will find the kid! It’ll be their problem—not ours. She’s out of our hair!”

But Sulley wasn’t going to lose Boo. With Mike clinging to his tail, Sulley ran through the halls in search of his little human friend. Rounding a corner, he slammed right into Randall!

“What are you two doing?” Randall asked suspiciously.

“They’re rehearsing a play,” said a passing assistant.

“She’s out of our hair…” sang Mike, trying desperately to cover up once again.

Randall ignored him. “Word on the street is the kid’s been traced back to this factory. You haven’t seen anything, have you?” he said with a snarl.

“Well…uh…no,” Sulley stammered nervously. Boo, still disguised as a monster, began to waddle down the hall. Sulley edged away from Randall and followed her.

“No way!” said Mike. “But if it was an inside job, I—I’d put my money on Waxford. You know, he’s got them shifty eyes.” Mike pointed his thumb toward a monster with several shifty eyes.

“Hey, Waxford…” Randall’s eyes narrowed as he moved off to question the monster.

Mike breathed a sigh of relief and turned around—to find himself face to face with a furious Celia! She was wearing a brace around her neck. Her snakes all had little braces around their necks, too.

“Michael Wazowski! Last night was one of the worst nights of my entire life!” she yelled. Her snakes hissed angrily at Mike.

Mike’s eye nearly bugged out of his head. He glanced over at Randall. “Shhh! Honey, I thought you liked sushi,” he whispered.

“Sushi!” Celia roared. “You think this is about sushi?”

Randall stopped in his tracks. Mike saw him. Desperate to keep Celia quiet, he grabbed her and planted a huge kiss on her lips.

But Randall had heard enough. He held up the newspaper Fungus had given him. There, right on the front page, was a picture of Mike.

“Wazowski!” Randall hissed. He spun around—but Mike was already gone!