
Chapter 13


They talked about food for a while. Kai had taken a look at the menu and realised that the Maitre’D here had been talking to Jai-Lo because her favourite dishes were on the list. She had to bite back on a laugh when she ordered them. Let’s give Jai-Lo more gossip to spread shall we; always best to keep people happy.

Once the food and wine had been ordered, Mr Smith coughed, swallowed a little of his drink to clear his throat and looked straight at Kai, “So how much progress have you made on finding Tabatha, Miss Riordan?”

“I have good and bad news. I know that she is well and being cared for by her captors.” She replied, keeping a careful eye on Andrew’s reaction. Something about him feels odd.

“Oh, thank goodness!” Mrs Smith gasped, “Where is she? Can we help you in anyway to get her out of there?”

“I’ll pay anything.” Mr Smith said.

“Let’s not rush into things here,” Andrew Reading – Smith said, “if that was the good news, what’s the bad?”

The waiters chose that moment to bring their starters. The one that put Kai’s salad in front of her, dropped a small piece of folded paper into her lap at the same time. Kai looked up at him and he bared his teeth slightly at her, showing a long canine.

Wolf Clan Officer. Fair enough. She opened the paper. It was empty. Then she thought of something and slid the paper into her glove so that it touched her palm. An image of Zhao appeared in her mind, “Be careful what you tell them. I still don’t know if the Smiths know anything about the Treaty.” The image said.

Oh, very clever, Zhao. He must be here somewhere watching and listening. She pulled the paper out and threw it on the floor. The waiters retreated.

“Yes, what’s the bad news?” Mr Smith asked, picking at his baked goats’ cheese.

“I haven’t been able to pinpoint exactly where she is. My contacts tell me that the people holding her are tricky to deal with and could turn violent if approached incorrectly, so I have to take it slowly.” Kai took a forkful of her salad and chewed thoughtfully.

“Am I right in thinking that the local political situation comes into play as well?” Mrs Reading-Smith said, earning a stern look from her husband.

“Why would politics be involved? Really Melanie, ever since you became a partner at Peter’s firm, you’ve got yourself some very strange ideas.” Andrew said, ignoring his wife’s intake of breath.

He knows something. Melanie hinted at the treaty as a reason for taking it slowly and he bit. Kai ate some more salad.

“Politics I can understand, but why would a political party take my daughter hostage? I’m a UK Cabinet Minister, not a local politician.” David Smith pushed his plate away, the food practically untouched.

“This area has a very delicate balance.” Melanie told him, “Upset one faction and you’ve made friends on one side and enemies on the other. If Tabatha is being held by someone from amongst them, one false move could cost us her life.”

“Don’t be melodramatic,” Andrew finished his starter and put his fork down, “I need to visit the facilities, I’ll be back soon.”

Kai glanced across at the Wolf Clan Waiter then back to Andrew. The waiter nodded and came forward to escort the man out. I’m sure he’ll make sure he’s not doing anything indiscreet.

“While he’s gone,” Melanie said, “I just wanted to ask; is the group holding my niece part of the Gold Phoenix or Wood Horse?”

“As far as I am aware, it’s not Wood Horse.” Kai replied, finishing her salad, “It’s neither one of the Dragons or the Silver Wolves ether.” And using those names tells me that she knows about the Treaty; as far as the normal Humans are concerned, they have completely different names and those are the symbols on the badges...

“I have to say the names of the local political parties here make the UK’s sound immensely dull.” Louise Smith said with a smile.

“They’ve been around longer than the UK’s parties. This part of China was doing democracy before the Greeks even started creating bronze weaponry.” Melanie replied, “They all take their names from the heraldry of the families who started them.”

“Fascinating.” Mrs Smith said.

The waiters cleared away the starters and brought the main courses and wine. Andrew still hadn’t returned, but neither had the Wolf Clan Officer, so Kai wasn’t really worried.

“So, what’s your next move?” Mr Smith asked, “As I said, I’ll pay anything they want to have our daughter back home with us.”

“Before I can do anything else, I need to clarify something with you that my contact told me. Is it true that Tabatha was adopted?” Kai watched them carefully.

Melanie glanced at her brother-in-law, who sighed and took Louise’s hand, “Yes. Unfortunately, I am sterile, and Louise wanted a child so badly. We decided to adopt from abroad because it gives the child more of a chance than they would have had here.”

Louise smiled, “Andrew and Melanie found us a three-year-old girl from a mixed-race background and made all the arrangements. Tabatha knows nothing about it; we were going to tell her when she returned from the Japan trip.”

“I see.” Kai mused.

The wolf clan waiter appeared at the entrance to the VIP area beckoning to her at the same time as David got a text. While he looked at his phone, Kai excused herself and walked out into the bar-reception area. The waiter appeared beside her, “Andrew Reading-Smith just walked out of the building. The boss has someone following him. Keep an eye on the...”

David Smith brushed past Kai and left the building.

The waiter looked at one of the men in the bar who nodded and followed Mr Smith, “Something is going on. You’d better get back to your table.”

She walked back to the table to find a pair of confused women, “Has something happened? I just saw Mr Smith rush out as I was coming back.”

Melanie and Louise exchanged a look that told Kai they were about to try and lie. Oh no you don’t I’m not that naive.

“Is it to do with your daughter?” Kai addressed Louise directly.


Kai thought back through the conversation, “Andrew has a connection in the Gold Phoenix, doesn’t he?” She looked at Melanie.

The older woman looked slightly ashamed, “Yes. As soon as you confirmed that Tabatha was alive and was being held by one of their factions, he went to make contact.”

Kai sighed, “You do realise that the situation is very delicate, don’t you? It could put both Tabatha and you in danger?”

Louise began to cry, “We just want our daughter back, Miss Riordan. Andrew just texted David that his contact had agreed to meet him as long as they came alone.”

“So, they’ve gone to negotiate?” Kai had a sinking feeling.

“That’s what Andrew said.”

Kai closed her eyes and took a deep breath to stop herself breaking out in a completely inappropriate rant full of swear words. When she opened them again, the two women were staring at her, worry on their faces.

“Was it wrong to do that?” Melanie asked.

“For an intelligent woman you’ve just been very stupid, Mrs Reading-Smith. You know exactly what the political situation is like here and you didn’t argue against your husband’s plan?” Kai said.

“He’s a difficult man to live with.” Melanie shrugged, “I’ve got into the habit of going along with his ideas to stay sane.”

“Well, all I can hope for is that Special Division can keep them alive, if not safe.” Kai sighed and looked up to see the Wolf Clan Officer Waiter standing next to Detective Zhao, “Please, finish your meal and whatever you do, do not leave the premises without seeing me first. I have to deal with this situation before it gets completely out of hand.”

She stood and stalked over to Zhao who had the sense not to say anything yet. She turned to the waiter and said, “Stay near them, don’t let them leave without my knowledge.”

He looked at Zhao who nodded, “Of course, Miss Riordan, I’ll cater to their every whim.”

Kai held back a groan and headed for the bar. Zhao followed. She ordered a straight shot of vodka and knocked it back. The burn down the back of her throat made her eyes water, but there were no other effects.

“Straight onto the hard stuff huh?” Zhao took the stool next to her, “What happened?”

“I kept the discussions as simple as possible. I mentioned that I knew she was okay and that she was being well cared for. The Reading-Smiths are aware of the Treaty, but even they were keeping it low key. I tried to get them to keep the pace slow, but Andrew Reading-Smith has a Fae Contact and as soon as he was sure that I had hinted at them keeping Tabatha, he contacted the Fae.”

Zhao growled irritably.

Kai gestured to the Jiǔbǎo for a refill sighing, “I have no idea what was said, but Andrew Reading-Smith sent a text to David Smith, after which he left the restaurant.”

“The two women are still here?”

She nodded and downed the shot, “I can’t do anything else though. I have had no contact with the Fae and there’s no one I can ask for help from them. You’re my only contact.”

“I see.”

Kai stared at her glass. I can’t seem to get drunk. I really want to drink myself into a stupor, but all it’s doing is burning my throat. The Jiǔbǎo made a pouring motion, and she shook her head.

Zhao was looking at his phone, scrolling through something, “My men have their eyes on Andrew Reading-Smith and David Smith. They’re in West Park at one of the all-night cafes.” He looked up at her, “You go home and get some rest; I’ll deal with the case from here on in; if I need you to contact Tabatha, I’ll call you.”

Kai nodded, feeling both relieved and ashamed at the same time.

“I’ll also take care of the tab for the meal; no sense you being out of pocket.” He said.

“Thanks.” She slipped off her stool, “Would you mind keeping me posted on what happens? I feel rather responsible for this one.”

“I can’t see any reason why not. You’d better go say goodbye to the women or they might think you’ve abandoned them. If I come with you, you can introduce me.” Zhao stood up as well.

The two of them walked back to the table where the two women were finishing their main courses.

“Miss Riordan, is everything all right?” Mrs Smith had clearly calmed down although Kai thought that the wine the two were drinking had probably helped.

“I’m going to have to hand your case over to Special Division, Mrs Smith. It’s gone beyond the point that I can help you now.” She said, “This is Detective Zhao; he’s currently looking after your husband’s and brother-in-law’s safety, and he’ll continue on with you from here.”

Melanie frowned at him, “I’ve heard a lot about Special Division; aren’t they run by the Jiàndié?”

Zhao gazed at her calmly, “That’s the rumour; I’ve never come across them if they are and I’m the Head of Department.”

Melanie nodded, still looking a little suspicious. She moved her stare to Kai, “What time Monday do you want me to come to your office?”

The Detective raised an eyebrow, “I don’t think that would be safe, Mrs Reading-Smith.”

“It’s about a different matter, Detective,” Kai said,” Surely you could spare an officer to escort her to see me?”

He growled again and Melanie’s eyes widened, and Kai heard, “He’s Lángrén!”

“Now, now Detective, no need to get irritable... I could visit her in your office instead?” Kai said with a hint of a smile on her lips.

“That would be a better idea. I take it that you’ll be back on your normal routine on Monday?” Zhao enquired.

“I can’t be on holiday forever; the mortgage has to be paid somehow.” She said, “I’ll be at Special Division by 1pm on Monday.”

He nodded and Melanie looked relieved.

Kai said goodbye again and left, feeling more exhausted that she had done yesterday. I’d better get some sleep tonight and rest properly over the weekend; or I’ll never make it to work on Monday.