
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abel, Rudolf

Allen, Robert H.


Alsop, Carlton

Alsop, Joseph

Anderson, Jack

Andreas, Dwayne

Angleton, James

Applegate, Rex

Arbenz, Jacobo


Armas, Carlos Castillo

Artime, Mañuel (“Manolo”)

Auchincloss, Hugh D.

Baldwin, Alfred


Barker, Bernard (“Macho”)

Bay of Pigs and

Fielding’s office break-in and

Hunt family socializing with

McGovern’s headquarters bugging and

Nixon’s reelection campaign and

Project Gemstone and

Watergate break-ins and

Watergate trial and sentencing of

Barker, Clara

Barnes, C. Tracy


Batista, Fulgencio

Batle, Luis

Bay of Pigs

Beard, Dita

Ben-Veniste, Richard

Bennett, Robert (“Bob”)

Berlin Airlift

Berlin Ending, The (Hunt)

Bernstein, Carl

BiminiRun (Hunt)

Bingham, Barry, Sr.

Bissell, Richard

Bittman, William O.

Bradlee, Ben

Bravo, Virginia

Bremer, Paul

Bremer, Wallace

Brewster, Kingman

Brigade 2506

Bruce, David K. E.

Bryan, Joseph III (“Joe”)

Buckley, John (“Fat Jack”)

Buckley, Pat

Buckley, William F., Jr. (“Bill”)

Burnham, James

Bush, George H. W

Bush, George W.

Byrne, Matthew

Cabell, Charles P.

Caddy, Douglas

Campbell, Donald

Canfield, Michael

Carlstead, Phyllis

Carter, Jimmy

Castillo Armas, Carlos

Castro, Fidel

Castro, Raul

Caulfield, Jack

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Castro and

China and covert action and

Guatemala and

Helms at

Hunt as contract agent at

Hunt’s later work and contacts at

Hunt’s novels checked by

Hunt’s retirement and pension from

Kennedy assassination and

North Asia Command Qapan) in

power struggles among agencies and

propaganda used by

Southeast Europe Division (the Balkans) of

Spain as last posting for in Uruguay See also Office of Policy Coordination (OPC)

Central Intelligence Group

Chambers, Whittaker

Chappaquiddick incident

Chenow, Kathleen

Chiang Kai-shek

Child, Paul and Julia



Church, Frank

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency Cintron, Isabel

Clark, Ed

Clark, Michelle

Clinton, Bill

Cold War

Colodny, Len

Colson, Charles

Anderson’s article on an ITT memo and

covert action and

early social meetings with

Ellsberg and Pentagon Papers and

Hunt after Watergate and

Hunt’s evidence and

Kennedy family research and

Nixon and

Wallace assassination by Bremer and

Watergate break-ins and

Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP)

Conein, Lucien conspiracy theories


Copley, James

Corcoran, Thomas (“Tommy the Cork”)

Cox, Al

Cox, Archibald

CREEP. See Committee to Re-elect the President

Cristina Vilanova, Maria


Culbertson, Paul

Cullather, Nick

Cushman, Bob

Dahlberg, Kenneth H.

Damore, Leo

Dash, Sam

De Diego, Felipe

De Motte, Clifford

Dean, John

disruption of Democratic rallies and

Hunt’s evidence and

trial and sentencing of

Watergate break-ins and

Watergate cover-up and

Dean, Maureen

Deep Throat. See Felt, Mark

Diem, Ngo Dinh

Donovan, Bill (“Wild Bill”)

Donovan, James

Draper, William S.

Droller, Gerry

Dulles, Allen W

Dulles, John Foster

East of Farewell (Hunt)

Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA)


Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Ellsberg, Daniel

England. See United Kingdom Ervin, Sam


Fairbairns, William Ewart

Farr, Finis


Felt, Mark (“Deep Throat”)

Fielding, Lewis

Fiorini, Frank. See Frank Sturgis Fonda, Jane

Fonzi, Gaeton

Ford, Gerald

Forrestal, James

Frente Revolucionario Democratico (FRD)

Friendly, Alfred

Gaines, Stanley

Garment, Leonard

Gehlen, Reinhard

George, Lloyde


Gesell, Gerhard

Gettlin, Robert

Give Us This Day (Hunt)

Glanzer, Seymour

Goiran, Roger

Goldwater, Barry

González, Valentín (“El Campesino”)

González, Virgilio (“Villo”)

Gorkin, Julian

Goss, Porter

Graham, Phillip

Gray, L. Patrick


Gregory, Dick

Gregory, Thomas

Grusen, Sydney


Guevara, Ernesto Che

Gulf of Tonkin incident

Halderman, H. R. (“Bob”)

Hall, Joan

Harriman, Averell

Hart, Gary

Harvey, William (“Bill”)

Hawkins, jack

Hayden, Michael V.

Helliwell, Paul

Helms, Richard

Hemming, Gerry Patrick

Heppner, Dick

Hillenkoetter, Roscoe

Hinkley, John, Jr.

Hiroshima, Japan

Hiss, Alger

Hitler, Adolf

Hoekstra, Pete

Hoffman, Paul

Hoonan, Gil

Hoover, J. Edgar

House Special Committee on Assassinations (HSCA)

Hunt, David

Hunt, Dorothy

death of

financial arrangements after Watergate and

CIA career and

first marriage and divorce of

Hunt’s writing and

Japan assignment and

Liddy family and

marriage and honeymoon of

Mexico City assignment and

Nixon and relationship in Paris with Hunt

social life with Hunt

Uruguay assignment and

Wallace assassination by Bremer and

Washington, D.C., residence of

Watergate break-ins and

Hunt, Howard St. John

Hunt, Kevan

Hunt, Laura

Hunt, Lisa Tiffany





Jackson, Tony


assignment to

atom bomb dropped on

Hunt family life in

KGB agent in

OSS missions in

Project Samurai at

Johnson, Lyndon

Karamessines, Thomas

Karpe, Eugene

Kennan, George

Kennedy, Bobby

Kennedy, John F.

Bay of Pigs and

Castro’s agreements with

conspiracy theories on assassination of

Diem’s assassination and

Nixon and

Vietnam War and

Kennedy, Edward (“Ted”)


Khrushchev, Nikita

Kleindienst, Richard

Kopechne, Mary Jo

Korea. See also North Korea; South Korea

Korean War

Kovaleski, Serge E

Krogh, Egil (“Bud”)

Kunstler, William

Lambert, Bill

Lansdale, Edward G.

Lane, Mark

Lansky, Meyer

Lanz, Pedro Díaz

LaRue, Frank

Leeper, Paul

Lewis, Alfred E.

Li Bum Suk

Liberty Lobby

Liddy, Frances

Liddy, G. Gordon

Fielding’s office break-in and

classified documents in Room 16 and

covert action and

House committee appearance of

Hunt family socializing with

Hunt’s contacts with

Nixon’s reelection committee (CREEP) and

McGovern’s headquarters bugging and

Republican convention in San Diego and

Watergate break-ins and

Watergate trial and sentencing of

Liedtke, William

Life (magazine)

Limit of Darkness (Hunt)

Lloyde, Gates

Lopez, Matilde Elena

Lorenz, Marita

Lovell, Stanley P.

Luce, Henry

MacArthur, Douglas

Maclean, Donald

MacDonald, Elizabeth


Magruder, Jeb

Mankiewicz, Frank

Mao Tse-tung

Marachetti, Victor

Mardian, Robert (“Bob”)

Maroulis, Peter

Marshall, George C.

Marshall Plan

Martinez, Rolando


McCord, James

Kennedy assassination and

McGovern’s headquarters bugging and

Mitchell and reelection committee and

Watergate break-ins and

Watergate trial and sentencing of

McCormick, John

McGovern, George

Mendoza, Rodolfo

Meskil, Paul


agents recruited at

Communism in

Cuban invasion planning in

Guatemalan mission and

Hunt family life during assignment to

Hunt’s second marriage and move to

interaction with police in

Oswald in

power struggles among agencies and

Soviet spies in

surreptitious entry operations in

Meyer, Cord

Miami, and anti-Castro groups

Mitchell, John

Democratic party activities and

Hunt’s evidence and

Nixon’s reelection committee (CREEP) and

trial of

Watergate break-ins and

Mitchell, Martha

Mittler, Austin

Montevideo, Uruguay

Moorhouse, Glen

Morales, David

Morgenthau, HansJ.

Mullen & Company

Muskie, Edward

Mussolini, Benito

National Intelligence Agency

National Security Act

National Security Agency (NSA)

National Security Council

Negroponte, John

New York Times,

Newbold, Greg

Newsweek (magazine)


Nielsen, Waldemar

Nixon (film)

Nixon, F. Donald

Nixon, Richard M.

bombings in Cambodia and

China and

concerns about Democratic political funding and

early meetings with

election to second term of

Guatemala and

Hiss trial and

Hunt’s Watergate evidence and

Hunt’s Watergate trial and

impeachment and resignation of

Kennedy assassination and

pardon of

Wallace assassination by Bremer and

Watergate cover-up and

Watergate investigation and

wiretaps used by

Nixon administration

Fielding’s office break-in and


covert action and information as power in

Ellsberg investigated by

Hunt’s interviews for

Hunt’s office at the White House and

leaks of information about

Libby and classified documents in Room 16 in

Pentagon Papers publication and

tape recording of conversations in

Vietnam War and

Wallace assassination by Bremer and

Nixon reelection campaign

Anderson’s article on an ITT memo on contributions to

concerns about Democratic funding and

financial contributions to

information about Kennedy and

reelection committee (CREEP) and

Republican convention in San Diego and

North, Maxine

North, Robert G. (“Bob”)

North Asia Command (Japan), CIA

North Korea

North Vietnam. See also Vietnam War

novels by Hunt

O’Brien, Larry

O’Brien, Paul

O’Dwyer, William

Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), CIA

Office of Special Operations (OSO)

Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

appointment as member of

China missions of Hunt in

CIA staff and background in

double spy unmasking by Hunt and

intelligence reports for Roosevelt prepared in

introduction to “Wild Bill” Donovan and, 5–7

Hunt’s later work and contacts from

training in clandestine operations at

Truman’s disbanding of

Oliva, Erneido

Oliver, Spencer

OPC. See Office of Policy Coordination

Operation Mockingbird

Operation PB/Fortune

Operation PB/Success

Organization of American States (OAS)

Orwell, George

OSO. See Office of Special Operations

OSS See Office of Strategic Services

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Paley, William



Parkinson, Kenneth

Peers, Lieutenant General

Penkovsky Papers, The

Pentagon Papers

Peró, Juan Domingo and Eva

Philby, Kim

Phillips, David Atlee

Pico, Rolando

Pinchot, Mary

Ponce, Federico

prisoners of war (POWs)

Project Gemstone

Project Samurai


psychological warfare

Radio Free Europe

Rafferty, Joe

Rasco, José Ignacio

Rastvorov, Yuri

Ravines, Eudicio

Reagan, Ronald

Richardson, Elliot

Ridgeway, Matthew

Riefenstahl, Leni

Rivera, Diego

Rodenburg, Bob

Rodriguez, Felix

Roosevelt, Archie

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Ruby, Jack

Ruckelshaus, William

Ruddock, Merritt

Rumsfeld, Donald

Rurup, Barbara

Rusk, Dean

Russia. See Soviet Union

Russo, Anthony J.

Rutherford, Jay

Sachs, Sidney

Samosa, Anastasio

San Roman, José Perez (“Pepe”)

Sánchez Arango, Aureliano

Sarti, Lucien

“Saturday Night Massacre,”

Saunders, Frank

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

Schultz, Dan

Secret Service

Segretti, Donald


Shapiro, David

Shoffler, Carl

Silbert, Earl

Simons, Martin

Singlaub, Jack

Sirica, John (“Maximum John”)

Sloan, Hugh

Smith, Walter Bedell (“Beetle”)

Snow, Edgar

Snyder, Tom

Snyder, William (“Bill”)

Snyder, Dick

Sobell, Morton

Sours, Sidney W

South Korea

South Vietnam. See also Vietnam War

Southeast Europe Division (the Balkans), CIA

Soviet Union

Berlin Airlift and

CIA propaganda and

Cold War and

covert action against

Cuba and

Ellsberg’s alleged connection with

Far East and

Guatemala and

Hiss case and

Kennedy assassination and

Nixon and

spies used by

Uruguay and

World War II and


Spotlight (newspaper)

St. John, Donald (Hunt pseudonym)

Stalin, Joseph

Stans, Maurice

Stein, Jacob

Stockholm syndrome

Stone, W. Clement

Strachan, Gordon

Stranger in Town (Hunt)

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

Sturgis, Frank (Frank Fiorini)

Bay of Pigs (as Fiorini) and

disruption of Democratic election rally and

Kennedy assassination and

Watergate break-ins and

Watergate trial and sentencing of

Sulzberger, Arthur Hays

Supreme Court

Sutherland, Donald

Sykes, E. A.

Tenet, George (“Slam Dunk”)


Thompson, Lewis (“Pinky”)

Time (magazine)


Torrijos, Omar

Trujillo, Rafael

Truman, Harry

Tu Li-ming

Tully, Grace

U-2 spy place program

Ubico, Jorge

Ulasewicz, Anthony

United Fruit Company

United Kingdom


agent recruitment in

Angleton meeting in

chief of station assignment in

Communism in

Hunt’s family life in

interaction with police in

Vandenberg, Hoyt S.

Varona, Mañuel Antonio de (“Tony”)

Veciana, Antonio


Vesco, Robert

Vidal, Gore

Vietnam War

Wallace, George

Walsh, Pinky

Walters, Vernon

Washington Post,

Watergate break-ins

banquet as cover in

Fielding’s office break-in and

Dean’s involvement in

fallout for Hunt and Liddy after

FBI investigations of

financial arrangements for team after

first break-in

funding for

Hunt’s arguments against a second

Hunt’s memo on

news stories on

Nixon and investigation of

police arrest and jailing of team in

second break-in

Vietnam War and

Watergate Committee

Watergate cover-up

Dean and

Gray’s knowledge of

Liddy on

Nixon and

trials in

Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF)

Watergate tapes

Watergate trials

appeals in See also Sirica, John

Weberman, Alan

Webright, Victor

Wedermeyer, Albert

Welch, Ed

Western Europe Division, CIA

White, Thomas E.

Whitman, Ed

Williamson, Dickerson

Wills, Frank

Wilson, Woodrow

Wisner, Frank

Wolfowitz, Paul

Woods, Rose Mary

Woodward, Bob

Woodward, John

World War II

Wurtzel, Sol

Young, David


Ziegler, Ronald