
What Are Chakras?

A Pocket Guide to Your Body’s Points of Light

Did you say the stars were worlds…?

Thomas Hardy

There are worlds within worlds, most of which we cannot perceive with our naked senses. Within our bodies there are cells, and within those cells are an array of component parts. Within each of these are molecules and a humming universe of atoms and subatomic particles. Yet of all the invisible worlds we can investigate and ponder, I find the energy bodies that lie within and around us the most exciting of all, for they are vibrant, like the stars in the sky, and they are part of us. They make us shine. They are vital to our health, happiness, and spiritual evolution.

Many scientists and doctors understand the human body only as a conglomeration of tissues, organs, and cells. All of these are localized, meaning they exist where we expect to find them in a single identifiable place, and can be measured using current technology. There are aspects of us, however, that are not localized and that are composed of, lie within, or emanate fields of energy that are harder to measure or can’t be measured at all. This is subtle energy.

The most magical of these cosmic forces is the chakra. With its story first told in ancient civilizations and its substantiation in modern science, the chakra is the most powerful energetic force within and around the body, useful for performing healing, attracting what we need, obtaining guidance, and expanding and elevating our consciousness.

Chakras: One of the Body’s Three Subtle Energy Systems

A chakra is a metaphysical, or “more than physical,” subtle energy center. Subtle energy runs at vibrations outside and beyond those of the physical world. This means we cannot see, touch, hear, or otherwise perceive subtle energy through our physical senses. Nonetheless, subtle energy is all around us. It is the energy that pulses within solid ground and gives direction to our breath. It percolates our coffee, propels our thoughts, flaps the butterfly’s wings, and gives oomph to our emotions. All solid matter incorporates subtle energy, and some scientists believe solid matter is even formed by subtle energy.

Compared to physical energy, subtle energy is more like air than clay. Like air, it is present everywhere. Like air, it is vital to our well-being. It is actually the fundamental force that makes life and living possible. And also like air, it follows a set of rules and principles and can be organized systematically.

The chakras are one of three main systems that organize subtle energy for human use. These amazing energy bodies actually convert physical energy into subtle energy and vice versa, enabling us to reach into the realms of the subtle universe for support in living our best life. They accomplish this through interaction with the other two main subtle systems: the meridians/nadis and auric fields.

The term meridian is typically used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to describe the channels in our bodies through which subtle energy flows, while nadi is an East Indian term for the components of a very similar system. Some people believe these channels are one and the same, while others think they are different. We will explore this disagreement in section 2.

Auric fields are one of many sets of energy fields generated by the subtle body. Moving in a progression up the body, like the chakras, they look like bands of energy that start close to the body and move farther away; each level links to a chakra. They are similar to the electromagnetic fields generated by the physical body, yet they are a step up in vibration.

All three structures interact, which is a topic for more in-depth discussion further along in the book. The important thing to know for now is that together these three main systems form our subtle energetic anatomy. Because the chakras cooperate with so many parts of us—including the subtle meridians/nadis and auric fields as well as body, mind, and soul—if we are to fully understand their beauty and power, we must explore all of these areas. And we will do so together in this book.

All cultural systems are in agreement that we have more than one chakra: some identify only two chakras, while others catalogue dozens of them. Later in the book we will gain an overview of numerous chakra systems around the world and explore the various ways in which different cultures have perceived these pulsing and vibrant energy centers. But here, in part 1, we will concentrate on laying the groundwork for understanding all the systems and everything else about chakras there is to know. Part 1, then, is a pocket guide to chakras, designed to launch you on the exciting odyssey that awaits you.

Chapter 1 provides a quick snapshot of the chakras and investigates the differences between physical, subtle, and other types of energies. These “big picture” discussions will form the basis of your ultimate understanding of the exquisite intricacies of the chakra system.

Also in chapter 1, I’ll outline the similar ingredients and qualities the seven main chakras share that most cultures agree upon: the fact that each regulates vital physical, psychological, and spiritual concerns. But, as you will learn, they do much, much more than this. They also assist us with fully embracing our physical needs while attaining the wisdom necessary to become enlightened beings, filled with unlimited understanding and love. Chapter 1 will also briefly investigate the history and science of the chakras, including some of the Hindu beliefs that have built our chakra knowledge. I will also describe some of the attributes often affiliated with the chakras, including matters about the structure and spin of this swirling organ of light. My goal is to prepare you for part 2 and a deep dive into the seven in-body Hindu chakras.

Chapter 2 explores the mysterious world of kundalini, one of the many types of subtle energies that enable us to fully activate and make use of the chakras’ powers. This chapter draws heavily from the ancient Hindu understanding of chakras and how they operate, and our discussion will be fairly basic. But there is much more to learn about kundalini energy, and we will return to it in section 2, updating our understanding with the views of esoteric explorers and scientists.

Altogether, my aim in this section of the book is to establish a framework of understanding that the rest of the book will fill in, giving you a high-level introduction to the truly mysterious worlds within worlds that are your chakras.

Now let us begin.
