My thanks to:
Ajit Nawalkha and Kshitij Minglani—for being some of the best business advisors I could hope for.
My leadership team at Mindvalley: Veena Sidhu, Hannah Zambrano, Ezekiel Vicente, Eric Straus, Klemen Struc, Jason Campbell, Troy Allen, and Gareth Davies for ensuring that our company ran so smoothly as I stepped away briefly from being a CEO to write this book.
Allies, supporters, and teachers through the ages who were there for me and taught me so much, including: Juan Martitegui, Luminita Saviuc, Mia Koning, Kadi Oja, Tanya Lopez, Khailee Ng, Amir Ahmad, Ngeow Wu Han, Mike Reining, Cecilia Sardeo, Ewa Wysocka, Justyna Jastrzebska, Renee Airya, and Carl Harvey.
Teachers and healers in my life: Christie Marie Sheldon, Yanik Silver, Greg Habstritt, Burt Goldman, Jose Silva, Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, and Neale Donald Walsch.
My collaborator Toni Sciarra Poynter for keeping me on track, kicking my butt, and going above and beyond anything I expected to help make this book a success.
My editor Leah Miller and the team at Rodale for believing in me. And Maria Rodale for her support.
Celeste Fine and John Maas, my agents at Sterling Lord Literistic, who started this journey for me.
My book production and tech team: Colton Swabb, Gavin Abeyratne, Chee Ling Wong, Paulius Staniunas, Ronan Diego, Krysta Francoeur, Siddharth Anantharam, Tania Safuan, Mariana Kizlyk, Shafiu Hussain, John Wong, and TS Lim for the copy, websites, and technology that made this book special.
Ashley and Carrie and the team at Triple 7 PR.
Mindvalley’s film production, for their work filming the online experience: Crystal Kay, Anton Veselov, Kuhan Kunasegaran, Mildred Michael, Matej Valtrj, Al Ibrahim, Mimi Thian, Shan Vellu, Khairul Johari, Triffany Leo, Alexandria Miu, Angela Balestreri, and Jacqueline Marroquin.
The entire team at Mindvalley, our customers, subscribers, and fans.
My tribe at A-Fest, students of Consciousness Engineering, and Facebook fans for being amazing students and making me love my job every day.
Peter Diamandis, Anousheh Ansari, and members of the X Prize Innovation Board for always inspiring me to reach for the stars and dream bigger.
Members of the Transformational Leadership Council for helping me learn and grow from some of the wisest souls on Earth.
The AIESEC Michigan crew: Jon Opdyke, Vardaan Vasisht, Cindy Vandenbosch, Jennifer Starkey, Hana Malhas, and Omar Kudat.
The teachers who provided wisdom for this book: Richard Branson, for suggesting I write this book; His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, for living the truth; Elon Musk, for being a powerful Godicle; Arianna Huffington, for being a role model for my daughter; Dean Kamen, American inventor, for his inspiration; Jon Butcher, for sharing your Lifebook; Ken Wilber, for teaching me models to understand the world; Michael Bernard Beckwith, for introducing me to amazing wisdom; Marisa Peer, for the transformational hypnotherapy sessions; Dave Asprey, for 40 Years of Zen; Patrick Grove, for inspiring me to think impossibly big; Emily Fletcher, for giving me great insights on the truth of meditation; Christie Marie Sheldon, for the healings; Tony Robbins, for inviting me to learn at his private resort; T Harv Eker, for friendship and mentoring; Shelly Lefkoe, for making me a better parent; Mike Dooley, for inspiring me with his daily notes; Sonia Choquette, for teaching me to use my intuition; Joe Vitale, for teaching me inspiration vs. intention; JJ Virgin, for setting the wheels in motion for this book; Joe Polish, for the connections and big-ass heart; Lisa Nichols, for believing in me; and Bob Proctor, for pushing me to dream bigger.
To Morty Lefkoe. Hope you’re having a blast in heaven. I’m honored to be able to share your final speeches and interviews with the audience for this book.