Because You Asked

Whether I’m on a book tour, speaking before an audience, doing a radio show, or taping an audio seminar or teleconference, I always look forward to hearing from men and women around the world. In fact, getting to speak with them firsthand is perhaps the most enjoyable part of my profession. I always love to hear how people are inspired by the Fat Flush Plan, how sound nutrition is revitalizing their lives, and how I can assist them even more by answering their questions.

Since there tends to be a common thread in their concerns, I thought you might benefit from reading through some of the most frequently asked questions about the Fat Flush Plan.


Is there an age limit for Fat Flush?

YES AND NO. I believe that the first two phases of the program are too stringent for children under age 12; however, phase 3 is a healthy option. Regardless of their age, your children definitely can benefit from adding the right fats to their current dietary regimen whether they are on the plan or not! In fact, the most remarkable news about omega-3–rich oils (such as flaxseed and fish oils) is their dramatic effect on children. Many clinical studies have shown how low brain chemistry levels of these essential fatty acids are connected with a multitude of neurological and psychological symptoms, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, and violent behavior. Adding from 2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your child’s cereal or pancake toppings is one of the best oil changes you can make. In fact, it is a great idea to make such changes for the whole family as well.

And speaking of oil changes, your teenage daughter can benefit too. By taking the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)–rich black currant seed oil for two weeks before her period, your daughter can say goodbye to premenstrual syndrome (PMS)–related headaches, irritability, bloating, cramping, and breast tenderness. Your children will quickly experience—even faster than you—how the right fats are a friend, not a foe.

What about pregnant or breastfeeding women—can they be on the Fat Flush Plan?

There are times in a woman’s life cycle that demand optimal nutritional support and additional calories. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are definitely two such times.

A pregnant woman should be focused on gaining weight—not losing or maintaining weight—which are the primary goals of each phase of the plan. In fact, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, a woman needs at least 300 extra calories each day and she needs another 500 extra calories each day while breastfeeding. For a healthy pregnancy, doctors typically recommend that most women gain between 25 and 30 pounds. If a woman is underweight, gaining 28 to 40 pounds is suggested; if overweight, adding 15 to 25 pounds is recommended.

Having said that, phase 3 can be used as a foundational eating program for pregnant or breastfeeding women, utilizing the full array of servings in every food category as a baseline—and even adding on servings in each category if weight gain is not sufficient or the person is still hungry. The only dietary change, based upon the recommendation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), would be to limit fish intake to only 12 ounces per week and completely eliminate larger fish such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel while pregnant or breast-feeding. These fish are more likely to be contaminated with toxic mercury, and exposure to mercury can result in neurological problems and learning deficits in children. Plus, the recommended weight loss supplements, with the exception of a daily multiple vitamin with extra folic acid, should be omitted at this time—especially those with herbal ingredients.

I highly recommend the initial two phases of the Fat Flush Plan after women give birth and/or stop breastfeeding for a safe body cleansing and weight loss regimen.

In addition to the flaxseed oil and GLA supplements, pregnant and breastfeeding women can supplement their diet with other essential fatty acids that can be integrated into phase 3 right away. The most important is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is found in the fattier fish (such as salmon and sardines) and even in omega-3-enriched eggs. In capsule form, DHA is usually purified to remove polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic.

Since the human brain is composed of 60 percent fat and the most prevalent fat is DHA, this primary building block is absolutely essential for proper cognitive and visual development. Infants depend on mother’s milk for their DHA. However, the DHA level in the breast milk of American women is the lowest in the world.

I always suggest that pregnant women take a dietary supplement containing 200 mg of DHA along with their prenatal supplements. Breast-feeding women can double this amount to 400 mg, which will benefit the baby and also the mother, by protecting against postpartum depression.

Mothers unable to breastfeed should consider adding 100 mg of DHA to each bottle of formula.

I recommend a DHA brand from Carlson called Mother’s DHA—available in health food stores—because these supplements support the development of the infant’s brain and eyes.

Is there anything special a woman should do at certain stages of her life, such as perimenopause or menopause?

Yes, there is. Studies comparing Asian menopausal women with Western menopausal women showed the Asian women have a much easier transition and better overall health. One of the reasons may be their daily intake (from 45 to 100 mg) of the stabilizing phytoestrogens called isoflavones. Isoflavones are highly touted for relieving such symptoms as hot flashes, sweats, etc., caused by hormonal fluctuations. They are found most prevalently in soy, red clover, kudzu root, and lignans.

These isoflavones are accepted by human cell estrogen receptors, so they satisfy the body’s estrogen needs and thereby relieve perimenopausal symptoms. As weak estrogenic mimics, these isoflavones also aid in stabilizing fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels and reduce cholesterol while helping to maintain strong bones.

For menopausal Fat Flushing women, there are many elements of the daily routine that offer hormone-stabilizing benefits. The selection of ground flaxseeds in the Long Life Cocktail as well as the GLA provided by the black currant seed oil helps to balance mood swings, quell hot flashes and night sweats, and provide welcome lubrication for tissue dryness.

My husband wants to follow The Fat Flush Plan. What can he expect, and should men do anything differently?

Men typically lose from 8 to 16 pounds in phase 1. They have greater muscle mass than women—20 percent more, in fact. And having more lean muscle mass means that men have the ability to lose weight faster than women. Pound for pound, muscle can burn more calories than fat—giving men a built-in advantage (literally).

Men who follow The Fat Flush Plan usually make some personal adjustments to the plan. They typically jump from phase 1 to phase 3, because they need more fuel in the form of friendly carbs for their higher metabolism.

Also, some men also feel that they need more than 8 ounces of protein per day and increase portion sizes of meat, fish, and chicken by 2 ounces at lunch and at dinner. Many feel more comfortable if they double up on the whey protein powder in the morning.

Could my thyroid-related weight problem be tied to any other kind of hormonal imbalance?

Yes, especially if you are lacking natural progesterone and are estrogen-dominant (see Chapter 2). Synthetic estrogens in the form of birth control pills or hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) elevate sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG), which can depress other hormones, including thyroid hormone. The resulting symptoms range from weight gain and fatigue to cold hands and feet as well as an inability to sweat. Estrogen and progesterone levels can be assessed through testing. You can also try using a cream with a natural form of progesterone, which is identical to what your body makes. Monitor the results over a three-month period by tracking your progress in your journal, noting your energy and overall well-being. If these improve on progesterone, then your thyroid-related weight problem is tied to estrogen dominance and progesterone deficit. (See Chapter 12.)


Do I really have to stick to the Fat Flush Plan exactly as described, or can I personalize it a bit?

You certainly can personalize the Fat Flush Plan to suit your own needs. The program is based on principles, not just on hard-and-fast dos and don’ts. Of course, I would like you to build your meals around as many Fat Flushing elements as possible to get the best results: the Long Life Cocktail, hot water and lemon, increased water, lean protein, low-glycemic-index fruits and vegetables, flaxseed oil, and GLA supplements. Each of these elements has specific fat-burning and diuretic properties.

One of the most common ways to personalize the phase 1 Fat Flush—especially for those who aren’t willing to give up their heavy-duty workout routines—is to add in one or two friendly carbs (see Chapter 5) from the get-go. One slice of sprouted whole-grain bread (such as toasted Ezekiel 4:9—a delicious bread recommended and listed in Chapter 9) at breakfast and/or a half cup of peas or cooked carrots, winter squash, or sweet potato at night seem to satisfy Fat Flush athletes the most.

Is there a reason why flaxseed oil is taken with food and not alone?

Yes, there is. When you blend your flaxseed oil with other foods (such as using the oil in salad dressings or topping your veggies), it helps emulsify the oil, which ensures better absorption and therefore better use of the essential fatty acids the oil contains. In fact, the famed German biochemist Dr. Johanna Budwig, who did most of the early research on flax, always combined flaxseed oil, either with vegetables or in yogurt and no-heat recipes.

Can I cook with flaxseed oil and keep my flaxseed oil in the fridge?

You can’t cook with flaxseed oil because it is a highly unsaturated oil, which means it is very sensitive to heat, air, and light and can go rancid if not treated properly. For these reasons, you also should keep it in the fridge up to three weeks. On the other hand, you can cook and bake with ground flaxseeds. The essential fatty acids remain stable as long as the presence of water protects them from overheating.

If you live in a colder climate, however, you can store flaxseed oil in a cool, dark place rather than in the fridge during cooler weather. Flaxseed oil also can be stored in the freezer for up to one year.

I’ve heard that flaxseeds can be harmful—is this true?

Lignan-rich flaxseeds are safe in proper amounts. They do, however, contain a substance known as cyanogenic glycosides, as do lima beans, sweet potatoes, yams, and bamboo shoots. Cyanogenic glycosides metabolize into yet another substance, known as thiocyanate (SCN)—a chemical that has the potential, over time, of suppressing the thyroid’s ability to take up sufficient iodine. This biochemical occurrence raises the risk of developing goiter.

There are two easy ways to avoid this problem. One is to consume a maximum of 3 or 4 tablespoons of ground-up flaxseeds per day. The other is to lightly bake or toast your flaxseeds, which deactivates and decomposes the cyanogenic glycosides but preserves the beneficial omega-3 properties. To toast them, you spread flaxseeds on a baking sheet or pan and then place it in a 250°F oven for fifteen to twenty minutes until the seeds are crispy. (Please note: Using any temperatures above 300°F will damage the seeds’ oil and convert it into the unhealthy trans form.)

Flaxseed oil, on the other hand, is free of cyanogenic glycosides.

Why isn’t canola oil on The Fat Flush Plan?

Canola oil, which means “Canadian oil,” is not the most desirable source of essential fatty acids (such as the omega-3–rich flax and fish oils or the omega-6–rich GLA from evening primrose oil, borage oil, or black currant seed oil). Also, I am concerned that the majority of canola oil on the market today is highly refined and genetically engineered. This opens up a Pandora’s box of dangers, including no long-term safety testing and unforeseen and unknown allergens.

Why do you limit certain herbs and spices?

On the first two phases of the Fat Flush Plan, you are concentrating on dropping pounds while cleansing your system. The selected herbs and spices in these initial phases are considered either thermogenic (which means they rev up the body’s metabolic fires and jumpstart energy expenditure), diuretic, or helpful in carbohydrate metabolism and digestion.

Actually, though, the spices aren’t limited in the sense that you can’t have savory meals. There are plenty of tasty, thermogenic choices to spice up your life, including cayenne, dried mustard, ginger, and garlic. Besides providing flavor, these herbs and spices help with your weight loss and health goals: Bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, and coriander help control insulin levels; parsley, cilantro, fennel, anise, and apple cider vinegar act as natural diuretics; dill, fennel, and anise aid digestion; and cumin helps protect against degenerative disease.

Since dairy isn’t allowed in phase 1 or phase 2, how will I get enough calcium?

Not to worry. You’ll get plenty with the bone-building green leafy veggies, which are used liberally in the menu plans. For instance, you’ll enjoy kale, watercress, parsley, escarole, mesclun salad greens, dandelion greens, turnip greens, bok choy, arugula, chickory, endive, and broccoli.

Just to give you an example, a cup of milk has 300 mg of calcium. A cup of collard greens has 226 mg of calcium, a cup of turnip greens has 195 mg, and a cup of dandelion greens has 147 mg. And a cup of broccoli has around 250 mg of calcium. You’ll be having lots of these calcium-rich greens at lunch and dinner. And sautéed in broth with 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, they are really quite tasty.

The World Health Organization recommends just 450 mg of calcium per day, which is a far cry from the 800 to 1500 mg recommended in the United States. At levels of 250 to 400 mg of calcium per day, women in third world countries do not have the rates of osteoporosis and hip fractures common in developed countries. In addition, on the Fat Flush plan, all the “calcium robbers,” such as caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and excess fiber from grains and bran, are totally eliminated, allowing you to retain all the calcium you consume.

However, if you still have concerns, you are welcome to experiment with other calcium-rich sources, such as sea vegetables or seaweeds. They are nutrition treasures from the deep, loaded with trace minerals in addition to the more common calcium and iron. For instance, you could try some hijiki. It tastes a lot like licorice and looks like tangled black strings, yet it has fourteen times the calcium of a glass of milk. You simply rinse it under cold water and soak it for approximately twenty minutes. Then you can toss it into your salad or Rose’s Fat Flush Soup*! It also can be sautéed with carrots and fresh ginger.


Recipes for dishes marked with an asterisk can be found in Chapter 10.

Protein is an essential part of the Fat Flush Plan, but how much do I really need?

In the past, 1 gram of protein for every 2.2 pounds of body weight was the “gold standard.” Now this has been changed as a result of new research suggesting that certain individuals may need much more: weight-lifters, individuals having a large, muscular frame, immunosuppressed individuals, and those suffering from protein deficiency (with such symptoms as prolonged water retention, sagging muscles, loss of muscle mass, expanding waistlines, fatigue, anemia, slow wound healing, hair thinning and loss). Practically doubling the previous recommendation, some authorities now recommend up to 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

So as far as exact amounts are concerned, the jury is still out. For years I have concurred with the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, which recommends the following amounts of protein as a general rule of thumb:


To me, these numbers represent the bare minimum requirements, not the amounts for optimal health. The best way to figure out what works for you is by trial and error. You can add a couple of ounces of protein to lunch and dinner or include some high-protein, lactose-free whey shakes for snacks with your daily fruit.

Here are some examples that will help you keep track of your protein grams:

1 egg = 7 grams

1 ounce of meat, fish, fowl, or cheese = 7 grams

1 or 2 scoops of whey powder = 20 grams

4 ounces of tofu = 7 grams

2 ounces of tempeh = 7 grams

I’m a vegan. Is there anything special I should do—and what about using beans for my protein portions?

To be quite honest, since animal proteins play such an important role in the Fat Flush Plan, vegans will be challenged to find equivalent sources that provide the quality of amino acids found only in meat, eggs, fish, and poultry. The five most critical amino acids lacking in most vegan diets, according to biochemist Don Tyson, who ran the Aatron Medical Services Laboratory in Torrance, California, for years, are lysine, methionine, carnitine, taurine, and tryptophan.

Taking a well-balanced amino acid supplement containing lysine, methionine, carnitine, and taurine (tryptophan is no longer on the market) with meals would be a good first step. There is also a protein powder available, made from peas, that would be appropriate for vegans because it is enhanced with the four amino acids. Vegetarians, of course, can increase the whey protein shakes during the day and include a balanced amino acid supplement (as described above).

As for the beans, they are a source of protein, but they also contain significant amounts of carbohydrates. For instance, 8 ounces of chickpeas contain a whopping 120 grams of carbohydrates. Thus, beans are really considered a carbohydrate.

In phase 3 of the plan, you can start to include these back in your Lifestyle eating routine in very small amounts. (They are not part of phase 1 or phase 2.)

Is it really okay to eat egg yolks? I always thought that they were a trigger for high cholesterol.

Yes, it is perfectly okay to have two whole eggs every day in each phase of the Fat Flush Plan. Eggs contain one of the highest-quality proteins available in any food. In fact, the egg yolk contains 45 percent of the egg’s protein, along with many minerals and a good deal of the egg’s vitamins. Omega-3–enriched eggs are also available, which provide nearly 200 mg of cholesterol-lowering omega-3s concentrated in the yolk. (Please see Chapter 9 for more information.) The yolk is also an excellent source of the infection-fighting vitamin A and contains a nutrient called phosphatidylcholine. As part of the substance known as lecithin, phosphatidylcholine actually prevents the oxidation of cholesterol, which protects both your liver and your arteries.

In fact, numerous studies have vindicated the maligned egg yolk. The most recent studies have shown that adults can enjoy at least two eggs a day without increasing their serum cholesterol level. Two substantial Harvard studies, published in April 1999 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), examined the egg consumption of approximately 40,000 men and 80,000 women over an eight- to fourteen-year period. After taking into consideration other dietary patterns and risk factors, the researchers found that folks who ate one egg a day or more were no more likely to develop heart disease or stroke than those who consumed one egg a week or less. Researchers at Harvard Medical School actually sanction up to seven eggs per week for optimal health.

Thus, when it comes to breakfast on the Fat Flush Plan, you can count on eggs—poached, hard-cooked, soft-boiled, or scrambled. They are absolutely delicious poached or scrambled in vegetable or chicken broth. And you can enjoy them with low-glycemic vegetables, such as onions, mushrooms, or peppers, along with our special thermogenic herbs and spices, such as a dash of cayenne.

What about eating organ meats such as liver for a protein source?

Absolutely. Organ meats, such as liver and sweetbreads, are highly nutritious. In fact, liver is high in B vitamins, iron, and DHA—that important fatty acid so critical for the brain and eyes. When I was a WIC nutritionist at Bellevue Hospital in New York City many years ago, I discovered that many women suffering from anemia could increase their iron levels only by adding 4 ounces of calf’s liver twice a week to their menu plan. The iron pills made them constipated. I still believe that liver can greatly benefit women who are menstruating and slightly anemic. Of course, organic liver is preferred.

Why isn’t pork on the food list?

If you’ve ever looked at pork under a microscope, you would understand why it is not on any phase of the Fat Flush Plan. The Trichinella spiralis organism, which causes trichinosis, is rampant in American pigs. And even though you can neutralize the organism through Dr. Parcells’ special food bath soak, who wants to be eating dead parasites? Or let’s say you are out and happen to eat undercooked pork, bacon, or ham; the encysted larvae can hatch in your intestines and migrate to your muscles, where they mimic at least fifty other illnesses characterized by a persistent flu-like feeling and severe muscle aches and pains. Need I say more?

Is sushi allowed on the Fat Flush Plan when I eat out?

No, I don’t recommend it. Raw fish can carry parasites (such as tape-worms and microscopic invaders), even more exotic ones such as the anisakine larvae. As I write in my book, Guess What Came to Dinner: Parasites and Your Health, when these small worms are ingested from raw or undercooked fish, they penetrate the walls of the stomach or small intestine, causing severe inflammation and pain. The symptoms can mimic appendicitis, gastric ulcer, or even stomach cancer. Surgical removal of the worms is a familiar surgery in Japan, where raw fish is a dietary staple.

Take it from me, these uninvited guests at your dinner table not only can become embedded in your intestines but also are at the source of irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation, immune problems, and even depression in many cases. Since the Fat Flush Plan is a weight loss program that also cleanses your system, the last thing you want to do is introduce to your body such unpleasant and immunosuppressive critters that can rob you of vitality.

I understand why sugar is out on the Fat Flush Plan, but is a sugar substitute such as aspartame really going to upset my weight loss goals that badly?

Not only is aspartame suspected of stimulating insulin release and therefore counterproductive to your weight loss goals, but it also can damage your health.

The mere taste of such a concentrated sweetener appears to set an instinctual insulin mechanism into place even though aspartame contains zero calories. A six-year study of 80,000 women shows that the higher the artificial sweetener consumption, the more likely the women were to pack on the pounds.

Aspartame, marketed under the Equal and Nutrasweet brand names, also has been shown to suppress production of serotonin—the remarkable neurotransmitter that helps control food cravings. When serotonin levels plummet, those sugar and carb cravings skyrocket. And this increases the likelihood of binging and added pounds.

Loading up on those diet drinks—sweetened by aspartame—can rob you of valuable chromium, a mineral needed for proper blood sugar function. Having an insufficient amount of chromium results in poor blood sugar regulation, which can lead to insulin resistance and increased carb intolerance.

Does that also go for Splenda and Sweet’n Low?

They may be better choices, but I am still on the fence regarding their safety. The only brand-name sweetener I recommend is Stevia Plus, found in health food stores. Stevia is an herb used for hundreds of years in South America by Indian tribes in Paraguay. It is thirty times sweeter than regular sugar, is virtually calorie-free, and does not feed yeast, nor does it trigger fat-conserving insulin production or raise blood sugar levels like other sweeteners.

In terms of overall health, this natural herb is an antiflatulent and reduces heartburn, hypertension, and uric acid. Even researchers have gotten on the stevia bandwagon. A study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology demonstrates how stevia dilates vessels, resulting in lower blood pressure and increased urine flow.

The Stevia Plus brand, unlike other stevias on the market, contains no added maltodextrin—an extremely high-glycemic substance. Instead, the natural sweetness of Stevia Plus is enhanced with fructooligosaccharides (FOSs), substances from natural grains and vegetables that provide a benefit that none of the other sweeteners do: It nourishes the growth of friendly bacteria, which are your best allies in keeping yeast such as Candida at bay. Remember that yeast overgrowth can make you want to overeat (see Chapter 2).

Is it all right to drink a vegetable juice such as V-8 on the Fat Flush Plan?

Yes, in phase 3, you can start drinking your veggies. However, please use only the low-sodium brands, such as Knudsen’s, available at health food stores.

Are cooking sprays allowed?

Yes, but only in phase 3, the Lifestyle Eating Plan. And then, please use such sprays as olive oil cooking sprays only sparingly.

What about eating olives on the Fat Flush Plan?

Yes, yes, yes. They are included in all three phases of the Fat Flush Plan because they are high in oleic acid, a healthy fat that aids blood sugar and keeps insulin levels low. How many? Eating 3–6 per day would be fine.


I don’t really like the taste of flax. What about substituting flax oil capsules for the flaxseed oil?

Yes, you can certainly do that—with caution. Sometimes in the process of encapsulation the oil’s quality can be compromised. You might want to first test its quality by piercing the capsule and tasting the oil. It should have a nutty flavor. A bitter taste with an almost stinging-like aftertaste signals rancidity.

On another note, the flaxseed oil is far more economical than the capsules. However, if you travel frequently, the capsules may be more convenient. Just be certain to purchase a good-quality product. It takes about 9 capsules of flaxseed oil to equal 1 tablespoon of the liquid oil. Just remember that with the required 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily, you would be taking 18 pills each day, staggering them throughout the day, say, 6 per meal.

Can ground-up flaxseeds be used in place of flaxseed oil?

Yes, they can. Use 3 tablespoons of ground-up flaxseeds to 1 tablespoon of the flaxseed oil. In phases 1 and 2, flaxseed meal can be sprinkled over your vegetables, mixed in your salad, or used in your fruit smoothies. In phase 3, you can add it to cottage cheese or yogurt. But if you use flaxseeds instead of flaxseed oil, use psyllium in the Long Life Cocktail.

And by using ground-up flaxseeds as a substitute, you get an extra bonus of about 8 grams of additional fiber with your meals. Flaxseed is also higher in lignans than the oil. Lignans, which are 800 times more concentrated in whole flaxseed than in other plants, are well recognized for their antioxidant properties, phytoestrogen help in alleviating perimenopausal and menopausal discomforts, and breast cancer–fighting abilities. In fact, a study conducted at the Princess Margaret Hospital and the Toronto Hospital in Canada showed how as little as 2 tablespoons a day of ground flaxseed markedly slowed down tumor growth in women with breast cancer. The tagline “A muffin a day could keep breast cancer at bay” hit the newswires on December 7, 2000, after the research was presented at an international conference on breast cancer in San Antonio, Texas. Lignans are also a soluble fiber, which keeps blood sugar levels stable and lowers cholesterol.

What about taking fish oil in place of flaxseed oil? I understand that the ALA in flax must be converted to EPA and DHA to be of any benefit?

There is much misunderstanding in this area. Science confirms that the ALA content of flax oil has stand-alone benefits all its own, without having to be converted into EPA and DHA. For example, in several studies of breast cancer risk, the higher the concentration of ALA in breast tissue, the lower the risk of manifesting breast cancer. Moreover, if breast cancer arises, the higher the breast tissue concentration of ALA, the lower the risk of cancer metastasis to other parts of the body.

If you simply can’t take flax for any reason, use 1 teaspoon of fish oil (or 3 capsules of Super EPA) to 1 tablespoon of flax oil.

For most health issues, flax and fish oils provide comparable benefits. In the case of male infertility and sperm cell viability, however, studies indicate that the Omega 3’s from flax is a better choice oil. I recommend Uni Key’s Super EPA capsules, Carlson The Very Finest Fish Oil liquid, or Carlson The Very Finest Fish Oil chewable softgels.

May I substitute olive oil for flaxseed oil?

Sorry, no. Even though olive oil is a “heart smart,” tasty oil that’s great for cooking and part of the Lifestyle Eating Plan, it is not a substitute for flaxseed oil. Olive oil does not contain the essential fatty acids found in flax. Flaxseed oil not only possesses unique fat-burning power but also improves immune function, protects against heart disease, and improves male fertility. Fat Flushers who faithfully adopt the flax habit consistently remark about having glowing skin, luster-rich hair, and strong nails.

I can’t find natural cranberry juice in my area. May I substitute another juice, or what would you suggest?

Please don’t substitute another juice, because it negates the entire purpose of cranberry juice in the Fat Flush Plan. Cranberry juice is packed with flavonoids, enzymes, and organic acids, such as malic acid, citric acid, and quinic acid, which have an emulsifying effect on stubborn fat deposits in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system, which has been called the “garbage collector of the body,” transports all kinds of waste products not processed by the liver. With the help of the organic acid components, the cranberry juice digests stagnated lymphatic wastes, which could very well be the reason Fat Flushers claim that their cellulite disappears.

Here’s what I suggest. If you can’t find natural cranberry juice, there is a really simple recipe in Chapter 4 that you can use to make your own. Since it is pretty hard to find cranberries during nonholiday times, you might want to stock up when they’re easily available in November and December and freeze them for future use.

I’m concerned about the carb content in the cranberry juice. What about taking concentrated cranberry capsules instead?

Concentrated cranberry capsules may be a great help in preventing or treating urinary tract infections. However, from my experience, there is no substitute for the unsweetened cranberry juice used in the cranberry juice–water mixture in phase 1 and in the more concentrated form in phases 2 and 3 with the Long Life Cocktail. Because it is liquid, the cranberry juice is absorbed immediately into the system, helping to keep the liver’s detoxification pathways open and acting as a digestive aid for the waste material stuck in the lymphatic system.

The capsules can be difficult to digest for people who have inadequate stomach acid production or insufficient digestive enzymes. If you are concerned about the carbohydrate content of the unsweetened cranberry juice, don’t be. The cranberry seems to act more as a catalyst for digesting stagnated lymphatic wastes than as a food source. There are approximately 15 grams of carbohydrate in 8 ounces—the daily amount called for in the Fat Flush Plan. And since it is being diluted with water, you are not consuming it all at once to overwhelm your system.

Is it all right if I substitute psyllium pills for the psyllium in the Long Life Cocktail?

Yes, you can substitute psyllium pills or other high-fiber supplements. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the label. Many Fat Flushers have used a product called Super GI Cleanse with much success. It’s a well-balanced product that contains both soluble and insoluble fibers from psyllium, flax, oat bran, and pectin. The Super GI Cleanse targets the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, and lymphatics with additional probiotics (“friendly bacteria”) that compete with Candida and help keep yeast under control (see Chapter 12).

I can’t take psyllium in any form. Is there a substitute?

Yes, there sure is. Take 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in place of 1 teaspoon of psyllium.

You recommend whey protein, but can I use soy protein powders instead?

No. Although I allow soy products in the form of tofu and tempeh up to twice a week for the sake of the vegetarians and vegans who are on the Fat Flush Plan, I decided long ago that less is more when it comes to soy protein powders.

For starters, soy is not a complete protein because it lacks methionine, an important sulfur-bearing amino acid for liver detoxification. Soy is also a top food allergen and contains enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid, which can remove zinc and iron from the body. As a plentiful source of copper, soy can increase or exacerbate hyperactivity, panic attacks, hair loss, adrenal burnout, fatigue, and hypothyroidism. (For more information, please refer to my book, Why Am I Always So Tired?)

Whey protein is a much better protein powder choice. It has the highest protein efficiency ratio of all the protein sources and increases production of glutathione, one of the liver’s leading antioxidants in the detox process.

I do think, however, that there is a place for soy isoflavones as a natural hormone-replacement therapy for perimenopausal and menopausal women (women in their early forties through middle fifties). In amounts up to 75 mg per day—the amounts Asians typically ingest on a daily basis—soy can be good medicine.

Can lime be substituted for lemon?

Certainly. You can substitute lime or mix the two, using half lemon and half lime.


Do I have to take supplements while on the Fat Flush Plan?

You bet. Certain supplements—such as the essential fatty acids from GLA and flax as well as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)—are really crucial to the success of the plan. These essential and critical fats are suggested throughout each phase for a specific purpose, with your weight and fat loss goals always in mind. The daily dose of 360 mg of GLA in the form of black currant seed oil helps trigger fat burning (instead of fat storage) by mobilizing brown adipose tissue (BAT), which burns off extra calories and increases energy. GLA also controls PMS symptoms and wards off rheumatoid arthritis and skin problems, such as psoriasis and eczema.

Research has proven that the one major obstacle to dieting is hunger. Taking 2 tablespoons daily of flaxseed oil eliminates this problem because it creates a feeling of fullness (satiety) and makes you feel fuller longer. You are happy with less food because you are less hungry. Flaxseed oil does this by revving up metabolism and eliminating the deprivation that can make you give in to temptation and cheat on your diet. In addition, the flaxseeds themselves are a powerful source of antioxidants and plant sterols, responsible for a major portion of human immune function.

In phase 3, you’ll add 1000 mg of CLA with each meal, which will help your body burn fat even more. CLA is your fat-proof insurance policy. Even if you somehow regain some weight, you’ll redeposit that weight as 50 percent muscle. And CLA even aids in the prevention of breast cancer by acting as a powerful antioxidant in the system. It doesn’t get any better than this!

What other supplements can I take on The Fat Flush Plan?

A broad-based multivitamin and mineral supplement (like the Dieters’ Multi) would be helpful as insurance. You also could add The Weight Loss Formula which supports liver cleansing as well as carbohydrate and fat metabolism (see Chapter 12). The most important ingredients in a weight loss or fat-burning product are liver-protecting milk thistle and dandelion, blood sugar/insulin–controlling chromium, and methionine, inositol, choline, and L-carnitine for mobilizing fat.

There is, however, one other supplement that I would suggest—magnesium. Magnesium is particularly helpful on the Fat Flush Plan with those occasional headaches from caffeine withdrawal as well as challenges with constipation. Since magnesium is a major muscle relaxant, it helps restore good bowel tone and normal peristalsis—that alternating muscle relaxation and contraction in the intestines. Magnesium also helps the liver do its job more efficiently by acting as an escort for toxins being moved through the liver, including estrogens (such as those in the pill or HRT) being broken down. In addition, magnesium is key to good bone health, balancing calcium and converting vitamin D for better calcium absorption.

Magnesium deficiency is common in our twenty-first-century lifestyle, thanks to highly processed foods, birth control pills, and stress. Even though the recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 400 mg daily, most of us consume less than 100 mg. And those drinks many of us may have enjoyed BFF (Before Fat Flush!)—such as coffee, tea, alcohol, and colas—don’t help. They wash magnesium right out of the system via the urine. Symptoms of a magnesium deficiency include nervousness, irritability, depression, fatigue, palpitations, tremors, and spasms. According to a 1990 study by Guy Abraham, M.D., a magnesium deficiency also will reduce blood calcium, which decreases calcium availability for your bones and further disrupts estrogen metabolism.

I would suggest taking magnesium separately from calcium, because it needs to be absorbed by itself. You can take from 400 to 1200 mg daily, depending on bowel tolerance. You can build up to these amounts slowly if you notice any bowel intolerance.

Does the Pill interact with the psyllium husks in the Long Life Cocktail?

Yes. The water-soluble fiber in the psyllium can inhibit the effectiveness of birth control pills and any other prescription medications (including desiccated thyroid). Therefore, you shouldn’t take them at the same time you drink the Long Life Cocktail. Instead, take your medications at least 45 minutes before or after the cocktail.

Since I started on Depo-Provera, I’ve gained a lot of weight. What do you suggest?

Get off of Depo-Provera and find an alternative method as soon as you can! Depo-Provera, that injectable form of progestin frequently used for birth control, can cause your body to hold onto more fluid. The concentrated progestins are the culprits. They decrease insulin sensitivity, which can add even more fat to the water weight.

There are many low-dose birth control pills on the market. However, as discussed in Chapter 2, all synthetic hormones—including those from birth control pills—put undue stress on the liver and can back up the detoxification pathways. Ultimately, this impairs bile flow, which will affect your ability to burn fat. It is no wonder that women can gain up to 30 pounds while using Depo-Provera.

If you do get off of Depo-Provera and onto another method, I also would encourage you to fortify your liver and enhance its ability to break down estrogens and progestins. Many of these liver-supporting nutrients are included in the Fat Flush supporting nutrients described throughout the book. You can add more of them in the following amounts for even better liver fortification:

Image MILK THISTLE: A powerful antioxidant that protects your liver from cell damage. It also is considered a liver regenerator and helps with bile stagnation. Take 500 to 2000 mg daily.

Image DANDELION: Used for centuries worldwide as a liver tonic and blood purifier. Take 500 to 2000 mg daily.

Image GLOBE ARTICHOKE: Another excellent blood purifier, also shown to lower blood cholesterol and help restore a damaged liver. Take 300 to 500 mg daily.

I’m on Prozac—but want to get off after reading how these kinds of antidepressants interfere with weight loss. Any suggestions?

Yes indeed. And by the way, you are not alone battling depression—nearly 20 million Americans suffer from it. If you are getting off of Prozac or any similar medications (such as Zoloft), you must do this under the care of a physician. Then you may want to investigate a breakthrough product called Ultra H-3, which balances the levels of the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the brain. If MAO builds up in the brain, it replaces other vital substances such as norepinephrine (a hormone essential to well-being and vitality) and can cause depression as well as premature aging.

Based on over 500 laboratory studies of the legendary Romanian Ultra H-3 product, Ultra H-3 is a safe and effective remedy for depression when taken for a trial period of at least three months (see Chapter 12).

Should I avoid over-the-counter products such as ibuprofen or cold medicines while on the Fat Flush Plan? What about taking Celexa, Prevacid, Claritin, or the diet drug Xenical—or even antibiotics—while on the Fat Flush Plan?

It is best to avoid over-the-counter medicines and prescription drugs while on The Fat Flush Plan, because they all need to be broken down by the liver. One of the main purposes of the Fat Flush Plan is to protect your primary fat-burning organ, the liver, through cleansing and gentle detoxification. Increasing its workload at this time wouldn’t be advisable.

You need to be especially cautious with Tylenol, which has been found to be toxic to liver function.

Keep in mind also that if you come down with a cold when your sinuses start to act up or if you start to have digestive problems, these could simply be symptoms of your cleansing process. And this is a good thing, because it means that the plan is working and you’re on the way to your weight loss goals. Usually, these detoxification symptoms disappear in about four days.

If you happen to become ill while on the Fat Flush Plan and you are sure it’s not related to the cleansing process—such as a sore throat, the flu, or anything similar that requires medical attention—stop the plan and consult your physician. This is not the best time for you to do the Fat Flush Plan. Wait until you are well, and then begin again.

Are there any drug-nutrient interactions I should be aware of while following The Fat Flush Plan?

Yes, there are. The most important drug-nutrient interactions you should be aware of are as follows, especially if you decide to use a GLA-alternative oil to the recommended black currant seed oil:

Image EVENING PRIMROSE OIL: You shouldn’t take antidepressants (such as Wellbutrin) with evening primrose oil, because it can augment the risk of seizures. This also holds true for individuals having psychotic disorders or taking phenothiazine drugs such as Thorazine, Mellaril, or Stelazine.

Image BORAGE OIL: This has been shown to increase the blood-thinning qualities of medications such as aspirin, Dalteparin, Enoxaparin, and warfarin.

Image PSYLLIUM: Taking psyllium with certain medications, such as Coumadin (an anticoagulant), Lanoxin (a heart medication), Tegretol (a seizure medication), or lithium (for manic depression) is not advised. Also remember that fiber can inhibit the pills’ effectiveness. So stagger the meals with your Long Life Cocktail.


I am an exercise freak. Do I have to change my routine while on the Fat Flush Plan?

Yes, it would be best for the first two phases. Since The Fat Flush Plan also cleanses your system as it helps you drop those extra pounds, stick with low to moderate exercises, such as those suggested in Chapter 7, while on the first two phases. You’ll find the brisk walking for thirty minutes and a minitrampoline workout will help keep released toxins moving out of the lymphatic system and out of the body. Later on, you may add more intense weight-bearing exercises when you reach phase 3 of the program.

I hate to exercise—even if it’s just walking. Do I have to?

Absolutely—for the best results. As I stated earlier, the exercises on The Fat Flush Plan are easy but necessary to escort toxins out of your body and to protect your lymphatic health. And besides, you just might enjoy it. I find my power walks inspiring. They release tension and free my mind. And that in itself helps reduce stress and those urges to binge. In addition, walking conditions the heart and respiratory system, pumping oxygen to all parts of the body. It even helps your body’s response to insulin (another hidden weight gain factor).

Why not grab a friend or family member? The minutes will fly by, and you’ll get in some good quality time to boot. Or you can don some headphones and listen to your favorite tunes.

COFFEE, TEA, OR . . .?

May I at least have one cup of coffee a day?

If this is what it will take to keep you on the Fat Flush Plan, then go ahead and have just one cup of coffee a day. Just make certain that you thoroughly read Chapter 3 so that you are aware that over 200 pesticides are used on many coffee plants and that regular coffee (as well as decaf) is the most toxic substance for your liver to metabolize. Similar to the insulin effect from aspartame, caffeine can block your weight loss efforts. And I’m not just talking about the caffeine in coffee—this also goes for black tea, green tea, iced tea, dark or milk chocolate, colas, and over-the-counter drugs such as cold medicines, pain relievers, and allergy remedies.

And keep in mind, if you will, that coffee is a heavy-duty diuretic that strips calcium, magnesium, and sodium from your body—the very minerals you need for bone building. In fact, caffeine from coffee, tea, and soft drinks doubles the rate of calcium excretion. Three cups of black coffee can results in a 45-mg calcium loss. Thus, it is no wonder that a six-year study conducted by the Department of Medicine at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the early 1980s showed a remarkable connection between caffeine and hip fractures. The researchers tracked 84,484 women from the ages of 34 to 59. Interestingly, the women who experienced a three times higher risk of hip fractures also had a higher intake of caffeine.

I was an avid coffee drinker and finally switched to green tea. Do I really have to give that up as well?

All I can say is this: Caffeine is caffeine is caffeine. Although green tea contains about a third of the caffeine of a drip-brewed cup of regular coffee—35 mg in green tea and 100 mg in regular coffee per 6 ounces to be exact—even this lesser amount can overload the liver and inhibit its fat-burning duties. This is especially true if you are already taking birth control pills or HRT, which are very hard on the liver already. Thus, you would be adding insult to injury.

Also, both black tea and green tea are naturally high in copper, a mineral potentially overabundant in many unsuspecting women. Excess copper can impair the conversion of thyroid hormones, resulting in hypothyroidism. And when this occurs, your energy production slows down, you feel tired, and your weight can escalate.

In phase 3 you can enjoy no-caffeine herbal teas to your heart’s content. Until then, it’s water to the rescue or even more hot water with lemon while you’re in phases 1 and 2.

What about alcohol—is it okay on the weekend or a special occasion?

Once you graduate to phase 3, the Lifestyle Eating Plan, anything in moderation is fine. However, during phases 1 and 2, when we are trying to give the liver a well-deserved vacation, I really prefer that you abstain. When you drink alcohol in any form, it not only drains magnesium but also becomes the fuel of choice for your body to burn. And if your body is busy processing alcohol, it can’t burn stored fat—and this inhibits the fat-burning process altogether. In addition, alcohol feeds yeast. Yeast-related toxins are extremely disruptive to your liver (the body’s premier fat-burning organ) and serve to practically shut down the fat-burning process.


What if I slip and chow down a hefty pasta meal with all the trimmings—am I doomed to gaining all my weight back?

No, you are just human, like all of us. Although one meal won’t put your weight back on, you’ll probably not feel too terrific afterward. In fact, you’ll more than likely feel tired or bloated. This will be enough of an incentive to help you stay more on track. And remember that the beauty of The Fat Flush Plan is that you can jump back to phase 1 whenever you get off base—like after a major holiday celebration.

It’s my third day on the Fat Flush plan, and I have a caffeine withdrawal headache and am very tired. Is this normal?

Yes, it is a normal reaction to cleansing and the withdrawal from coffee as well as sugar, grains, and dairy foods—especially if you’ve been a big consumer of these items. According to nutritional biochemist Stephen Cherniske, M.S.:


A caffeine deprivation (withdrawal) headache results from the normal opening (dilation) of blood vessels that are constricted by caffeine. In other words, habitual caffeine intake keeps blood vessels in the brain constricted. When caffeine is not consumed, these blood vessels return to their normal blood flow potential, and it is this increased circulation in the brain that causes the throbbing agony of a caffeine withdrawal headache. Ultimately, the brain becomes accustomed to normal blood flow and the headache subsides. And the caffeine headache connection goes well beyond withdrawal. Caffeine itself contributes to headache even when it is consumed moderately and consistently.

Don’t fret. After the first four days, you’ll find many of your symptoms vanishing, especially the headaches—if you take it easy, rest, and follow the exercise advice outlined in Chapter 7.

I’m in phase 2—the transition part of the Fat Flush Plan—and seem to have reached a plateau. What should I do?

For starters, you need to know that you’re not technically on a plateau unless you’ve stopped dropping weight for at least three weeks. And reaching a plateau is common, regardless of the weight plan you’re following.

Since phase 2 adds two portions of the friendly carbs back into the menu, you may want to look a bit closer at this issue. Are you following the plan as suggested, or have you inadvertently overshot the carb allowances? You also may want to cut back on recipes containing onions or tomatoes, which are higher-carb veggies. Although healthful, cleansing foods, they can be a hidden source of weight-gaining carbs for some people. For instance, ½ cup of onions has 7.4 g of carbohydrates, and a medium-size raw tomato (2½ inch) has 5.8 g, 1 cup of canned tomatoes has 10 g, and 1 cup of tomato juice has 10.4 g.

Here’s where the beauty of The Fat Flush Plan can come into play. You can go back to phase 1 for a week, cutting back on all carbs to see how you do. If this causes you to lose weight, then watching your carb levels from here on out is your primary concern. So be on the lookout for hidden sugars, and read labels.

To help you achieve this, I would greatly recommend sticking to the journaling ritual. It will provide you with a clear picture of what and how much you are consuming—and reveal if there are any other ways you may be secretly sabotaging your weight loss.

You also may want to add CLA to your regimen, which is really part of phase 3. As you may remember from my discussion in Chapter 2, research over the past twenty years has shown that CLA reduces the body’s ability to store fat for energy by controlling the enzymes that release fat from the cells into the bloodstream. The result is a decrease in body fat and a proportional increase in lean muscle mass.

Organic foods can get pricey—especially on my limited budget. What can I do?

Many years ago, my mentor, Dr. Hazel Parcells, discovered an economical yet highly effective way to remove pesticides, bacteria, parasites, and other contaminants from food. I have been using this special food soak for over twenty years and describe it in Chapter 9. You can use it to cleanse leafy, root, and thick-skinned veggies, as well as thin or thick-skinned fruits and poultry, fish, meat, and eggs

I’m having a problem with constipation on the diet. What should I do?

I would check to make sure that you are adding enough water. You may also want to add 400 mg of magnesium in the morning and 400 mg in the evening, because this helps to relax the intestinal walls and establish normal peristalsis.

Should I be watching my stools during the Fat Flush Plan, and what am I looking for exactly?

Believe it or not, your stools reveal telltale signs of what’s going on with your body. Here are four areas to watch for:

Image SMELL: No, they really don’t have to have a foul odor. But if they do, it’s a sign that putrefaction—rotting and fermentation of food—is occurring in your digestive tract. This means that your bad bacteria are more than likely outweighing your friendly bacteria. And this spells trouble, because it’s your good bacteria that help digest food by creating digestive enzymes and keeping the bad bacteria under control.

Image FREQUENCY: Actually, having two to three bowel movements a day is considered healthy. You want to keep things moving along so that stagnation and putrefaction don’t occur. This is where the fiber (psyllium or ground flaxseeds) comes into play to help you eliminate more readily and thereby ward off disease.

Image FORMATION: Generally speaking, a 2-foot-long stool with a diameter about the size of a half dollar is considered the best. Anything short of this could mean that you’re lacking fiber, flora, or the enzymes needed to ensure complete digestion. If food particles (notably protein) are not broken down completely, they can enter the bloodstream, which leads the way to food allergies, a weakened immune system, and various diseases.

Image FLOTATION: If your stools sink to the bottom of the toilet, it means that they are too hard and that your diet is lacking something, possibly fiber and/or essential fatty acids. A healthy stool floats, is not compact, and breaks into smaller pieces as it is flushed.

Will I ever be able to have my favorite white flour foods again, such as pasta, white bread, and other carbohydrates?

Of course you can. By the time you are ready for these white flour favorites, however, I hope that you will have lost your taste for them and balanced your body chemistry so that you can enjoy them in moderation, for example, a half a cup here and there and on special occasions.

I hope you’ll crave the friendly carbs instead, such as whole-grain sprouted breads, peas, carrots, and even sweet potatoes and squash. When I am in the mood for more carbs, I slice up a squash, spread the slices on a baking sheet, and bake it in a 325°F oven for thirty minutes. I make believe that I am having french fries. The slices are quite delicious with some cinnamon or cloves.

Can I ever have popcorn again?

Yes, you can have all your favorite foods. Once you graduate to phase 3 and add back friendly carbs, you might even consider drizzling 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil on your popcorn, the way I do.