Peter Garrett, thanks for your time.
Good evening, Bryan, very good to be with you.
You’ve been stripped of your responsibilities?
No, no, nobody’s been stripped of their responsibilities in the environmental area. We’re all going to be responsible.
Well, you have.
No, I know what you mean but no, that’s a misreading. Kevin has made me the minister in the area of my particular special interest.
Yes, but you’re not allowed to talk about it.
Yes, I am. I just won’t be answering questions about it in the Parliament.
Why on earth not?
Because the meta issues, the economics and the planning, they are all the province of other ministries. And the people with carriage of that will be answering those questions. That’s logical.
Who are they?
They are Wayne Swan in the lower house and Penny Wong in the Senate.
What would Wayne Swan know about the environment?
The point I’m making is that he has carriage of those meta issues and he will be answering those questions.
What is your portfolio then?
I’m the Minister for the Environment.
And what is your area of expertise?
The environment, Bryan. That’s why I’m the minister.
Brendan Nelson says he finds it extraordinary that the environment spokesman will not be asked questions about climate change. It’s a fair question.
I’m not surprised Brendan finds a few things fairly extraordinary at the moment. Is he still the leader incidentally?
Yes, I think so.
It’s the first time they’ve elected a leader who was previously a member of our party. I’m not surprised he’s got a few perceptual struggles at the moment.
Sure. So, Mr Garrett, what you’re saying is you’re the minister for not saying anything about the environment? Is that right?
Or climate change, Bryan.
Yes. Can you say anything about any other portfolios?
Well, obviously the environment and climate change are my particular areas of expertise.
The areas you won’t be answering questions about?
That’s as I understand it, yes.
So, should you be answering these questions? I don’t want you to be in trouble.
Now? No, no, I’ll be OK now, Bryan, as long as I’m home by ten.
Are you sure? Are there any other ministers specifically excluded from answering questions about the thing they’re ministers for?
It’s a bit early for that, Bryan. We’ve only been in office for a minute.
Are you a minister without portfolio?
I’m not a minister without portfolio, no. I have a portfolio.
But you’re not the minister for speaking about it.
Yes I am.
Are you the spokesman for it?
Yes, indeed I am, Bryan.
So, what are you allowed to say about it?
That’s the area of some uncertainty just at the minute.
You’d need to check?
That’s what I’d need to check, yes.
But why would you need to check it?
So I don’t put someone in a difficult position, if they’ve got responsibility for answering questions in the Parliament about my portfolio.
Mr Garrett, are you happy about this?
I’m very happy about it, Bryan. I think it’ll work well. And I have great respect for both usurpers and bugger it. (Correcting him.) For both ministers and Mr Rudd? Yes, sorry, you’re quite right. Can’t read my own writing.
Mr Garrett, thanks for your time.
Sorry, Kevin.