Mr Bond, thanks for coming in.

I’m not in yet. The matter is still proceeding. I’m still out at the moment.

But you’re appealing.

That’s very kind. Thanks very much.

I mean your lawyers are appealing.

A lot of people don’t think so but I think they’re pretty good. I think they’re doing a very good job.

You didn’t have much of a week did you?

Couldn’t take a trick earlier, but things perked up a bit today.

You’re not on the list of Australia’s ten richest people anymore.

No, I’m not, but you’ll note that two of my sons are.

Really? What do they do?

Do? They don’t do anything, they’re among the richest people in the country.

But where did they get the money?

Well, it’s old money.

What old money?

Any old money, frankly, that we could still find lying about.

So what are you doing now?

I’ve got plenty on. I’ve got a very exciting new development in Western Australia. Lovely new units that were just finalised today. I can fit you in there, if you’re interested in investing in units.

What is it?

It’s in South Perth, beautifully positioned, all self-contained, exquisite, government-backed.

How many bedrooms?

One bedroom, but it’s got the lot, everything’s in there and there’s a sort of a communal area where all of the facilities are housed. It’s a totally new concept in urban dwelling.

So it’s like a retirement village type of idea?

It’s very like a retirement village type of idea, yes, for business people in Australia who are a bit jaded after a lifetime of service to the community.

Like yourself.


And is it quiet?

Oh, very quiet, yes. Someone could scream to death in the next room and you wouldn’t hear a sausage.

What about a view?

Yes, beautiful views. Panoramic views.

So the units are elevated?

No, the windows are elevated.


Oh, groaning with security. You can’t get in, the walls are this thick and there’s a guard on the gate. Very secure.

And are they expensive?

I could do you one for about two hundred and eighty, two seventy-five, best price two sixty.

Mmm. Is there any interest from overseas or is it a local project?

Yes, there is interest overseas, we’ve got somebody from Spain coming into one of the units, probably later this year. Into the penthouse unit.

Oh, so there’s an upper level.

No actually, there isn’t, but he didn’t know that when he bought it.

But you expect them to sell pretty well.

I expect them to be chocka by Christmas at the present rate.

And so anyone interested should get in touch with you?

Yes. Contact my office. Speak to Mr G. Overnor, he’s managing the property for us.

Mr Overnor.

Yes, or Mr D. Eputygovernor if he’s busy.

Is there a deposit?

There is in some of the units, yes, but we’ll clean them out pretty severely before you come in.

And so you’re still very busy.

I’ve got plenty of ideas, I’ve got a swag of stuff to get through.

Like what?

I’ve got to redirect the mail, get a toothbrush, talk to the milkman— I’ve got a list here somewhere—cancel the papers. I’ve got plenty of things to do.

Well, Alan Bond, see you again.


See you again.

How soon do you reckon?