Senator Hill, thanks for your time.


What are you going to do if you can’t get the sale of Telstra through the Senate?

We will.

What will you do if you don’t?

We will.

What will you do if you don’t?

We’ll have to think of another way of doing it.

Doing what?

Selling Telstra.

What about the environment?

It will still be there. It’s a constant, the environment.

What about environmental policy?

We won’t have one.

Why not?

We won’t bother about the environment if we don’t sell Telstra.

Do you mean we won’t care about it?

We won’t bother about it. We won’t be able to.

Why not?

We won’t have the money to do it.

Won’t the environmental problems still exist?

What environmental problems?

Global warming. The hole in the ozone layer. Emission controls.

Never heard of them. What’s your question?

What are you going to do about them?

Sell Telstra.

What if you can’t?

We won’t do anything about them.

Do you have any plan for funding environmental policies other than selling Telstra?


So what is your environmental policy?

To sell Telstra.

What’s your portfolio?

Minister for the Environment.

And what’s your job?

To sell Telstra.

And what if you can’t?

Maybe we’ll have a new Minister for the…



What will that person’s job be?

Sell Telstra.

But that’s not an environmental policy.

Yes it is. I’m the Minister for the Environment and that is my job.

I give up.

Good lad. They said you would.

Thanks for your time.

Can you lend me forty cents?

What for?

I want to make a quick environmental policy.