Benjamin’s Breasts


Benjamin was eleven.

One day,

As he checked out his willy,

He found he had breasts.

Benjamin was confused.

His mum told him he was a boy,

But Benjamin thought –

Only girls have titties.

Benjamin was not going to tell anybody.

He kept it a secret.

But then his breasts got bigger and bigger.

And then they got even bigger.

Benjamin was upset.

At night, before sleeping he cursed his breasts.

He thought breasts were supposed to feel nice,

But Benjamin’s breasts began to hurt.

Benjamin was getting ready for football

In the school changing room,

And all the boys started to laugh at his breasts.

Benjamin began to hate his breasts.

Benjamin was sure he was becoming a girl –

A girl with some boy bits.

So Benjamin told his mum,

And she told the doctor.

Benjamin was told that he had


‘Gyne-co-whatia?’ he asked.

‘Such a big word,’ he said.

Maybe big tits need big words, he thought.

Benjamin was excused from swimming.

Benjamin was excused from PE.

Benjamin was always excusing himself from girls.

Benjamin was always excusing himself from boys.

Benjamin was told he must have an operation.

His two breasts were sliced.

Just around the nipples,

So no one could see.

Benjamin was happy then.

He began to play football,

He began looking at girls’ breasts,

But he never did learn to swim.

Benjamin was a poet,

He forgot about his breasts,

With his nipples that do nothing.

Because all men have them.

Benjamin was forty.

One day,

As he checked out his willy,

He found he had a breast.

Benjamin was unhappy.

One of his breasts had grown back.

The doctor said he had



Just one this time.

Benjamin was told he must have an operation.

One breast was sliced.

Not around the nipple (like before).

Right around the muscle, for all to see.

Benjamin was told the doctor had no choice.

Slight complications.

Benjamin was not going to tell anybody.

He kept it a secret.

Benjamin was doing stuff

With his girlfriend. (She had breasts).

She looked at Benjamin’s breast and asked –

‘How did you get that scar?’

‘I got it in a fight in Brixton,’ said Benjamin.

‘You poor thing,’ she replied. ‘Let me rub it.’

‘It’s nothing,’ said Benjamin.

‘You should see the other guy.’

Benjamin was wondering,

How will she feel when she reads this book?