
For the past several years, I’ve been lucky to be part of a wonderful community of writers. I’ll thank you in person, but also want to mention you in my debut novel and say I’m glad you came on this adventure with me. Presented here in alphabetical order, with fingers crossed that I remembered everyone:

Shelby Bach, Jennifer Bosworth, Marla Bowie, Teri Brown, Laura Byrd, Bill Cameron, Miriam Forester, Robin Herrera, Amber Keyser, Fonda Lee, Susan Hill Long, Laura Marshall, Kristina Martin, Nadine Nettmann, Lisa Nowak, Jenn Reese, Heidi Schulz, Lisa Schroeder, Mary Elizabeth Summer, Chris Struyk-Bonn, Sonja Thomas, and Cat Winters. Also, a shout-out to Mark Vanderzanden for his help brainstorming screen names that would appeal to teenage basketball players.

I’ve left two friends off of the list above, as they need extra-special recognition: Kim Winternheimer and Nevin Mays. If writing is a marathon, not a sprint, they must feel like ultra-marathon support staff by now. They’ve read all of my work and celebrated my successes with me, while offering pep talks when needed. I’m lucky to have both of you in my life.

Thank you to Ellen and Poisoned Pen Press for taking a chance on me and Harper.

Last but not least, thank you to Jim, as none of this would have been possible without you.

If you’ve enjoyed The Last To Die, feel free to drop me a line on my author page on Facebook (@writerkellygarrett) or at my website,