Dressed in the ragged sailcloth of dead ships,

Flecked gray with the smokes of outlawed coasts,

The white flock swelled, the swarms of gulls cried out:

Alarm! Alarm! There’s something overboard.

They crowded tight to form a signal flag

That, fluttering, reads: Look sharp! There’s booty here!

So the gulls steered across the water-widths,

Blue pastures striding in the waves’ white foam,

A streak of phosphor straightway to the sun.

But Vainomoinen on his ancient journeys

Sparkles on sea swells in the ancient light,

His horse’s hooves so swift they’re hardly wet.

And back of him the green forest of his songs:

The oak tree poised to leap a thousand years,

A great mill turned by birdsong, and the wind

Imprisons each of the trees in its own roar.

Immense pinecones glimmer in the moonlight

When the sentinel pine ignites and flares.

It’s then the Other rises with his galdar;

The arrow springs from the bow; it sees with song

In the flash of its feathers like a flock of birds.

A dead second when the horse abruptly stiffens,

Then breaks above the gray-blue waterline

Like storm clouds under thunder’s quick antennae.

And Vainomoinen heaves in to the sea

(A firemen’s net the compass points unfurl).

Alarm! Alarm! Gulls swarming where he falls.

So too the man who stands without anxiety,

Bewitched at the center of his fortune’s wheel,

With his eleven grain-sheaves gold and bowing

And Trust’s alpine heights humming in the ether,

Three thousand meters up where the clouds are holding

A regatta. Sleek, well-fed, the shark wallows

In the waves, silent laughter and an open mouth

(Death and rebirth trade places in the breaking wave)

And the wind cycles peacefully through the leaves.

Drums then, on the horizon, a muffled thunder

(A buffalo herd racing from a prairie fire).

The tree’s shadow tightens into a fist

And the man at the center of his fortune’s wheel,

Bewitched there, is thrown down. The heavens glow

Behind the wild boar’s mask of an evening sky.

His doppelganger has grown envious

And made a secret bargain with his sister.

And the shadow, gathering fast, becomes a wave,

A wave in flood, dark, gulls riding aslant

The foam and the port-heart hissing in the crest.

Death and rebirth trade places in the breaking wave.

Dressed in the ragged sail-cloth of dead ships

Flecked gray with the signal fires of outlawed coasts

The white flock swelled, the swarm of gulls cried out.

The gray gull is a velvet-backed harpoon.

Up close, it looks like a snow-covered hull

With a pulse keeping time to a hidden beat.

Its flier’s nerves in balance, it lifts and wafts,

It dreams, footloose, hanging in the heavy wind,

Its hunter’s dream, its quick, sharpshooter’s beak

Plunges, ravenous, toward the surface of the sea

And wriggles around his prey like a gray sock

And tugs and jerks and lifts it like a spirit.

(Rebirth is power’s blind métier, a context

More mysterious than the eel’s migrations,

An invisible tree blossoming, and as the seal

In its fathoms-deep sleep rises gliding

Toward the ocean’s skin and takes a shuddering breath,

Then dives, still sleeping, to the bottom,

So now the Slumberer inside me has,

Secretly, returned, having joined itself to that

While I stood with my gaze fastened to something else.)

And the diesel engine throbbing in the swarm

Past the dark skerry, past the bird-infested cliffs

Where hunger’s blossoms are the gaping mouths.

You can still hear them as the dark comes on:

Undevelopedness’s music, the tentative sounds

The orchestra makes before the piece begins.

But still on his ancient ocean Vainomoinen

Drifted, shaken in the sea’s enormous pincers

Or sprawled in the calm’s still mirror where the birds

Are magnified. And from a waste seed, very far

From land, at the sea’s end, from the heave of waves,

From banks of shrouded sea fogs, it shot up:

An enormous tree with scaly bark and leaves

Utterly transparent, crystalline, and behind them

The billowing sails of distant suns glided

Forward in a trance. And an eagle lifts into the air.