God and Archangel Michael are supporting you as you face fears, challenges, and setbacks. Know you are safe.
You must be prepared to make changes in order for the miracles you need to be brought to you.
Angel wisdom is encouraging you to share the truth that you have been holding in your heart. Openness will allow divine guidance in.
Angels are encouraging you to be clear about your plans and intentions so that you can be guided and supported.
It’s time to let go of the need to control your life and let angels guide you toward brilliance, support, and love.
Big changes are occurring at this time so that you can be more aligned with abundance and expansion.
Angels are encouraging you to align with the energy of care and compassion. Ignore any thoughts of attack.
Expressing your spiritual gifts will allow a wave of spiritual support into your life. Call on archangels for help in embracing your gifts.
Spiritual healing is surrounding you at this time to sustain you as you continue on your pathway of growth.
Your angels are encouraging you to prepare for miracles.
God is encouraging you to take extra care of yourself at this time, as it is crucial you are energized for the next phase of your journey.
Know that your internal vision of yourself can be healing. Continue to lovingly encourage yourself from within.
You are being encouraged to cut the cords between you and relationships that are not supporting you or making you feel whole.
Your angels are encouraging you to do all you can to love and care for your body. This will clear the road ahead.
Your angels are with you now. Welcome their help and rely on their support.
Your experience of miracles is down to your capacity to believe they are possible and you are worthy of them.
Your angels are encouraging you to gather more information before proceeding further.
Your angels are reminding you that you have the capacity to manifest miracles in your life. Believe in your magic.
Your angels are supporting you. Know that they are clearing lower vibrations from your energy and life.
You are in direct connection with an important aspect of what you have to learn. Be open to information rising up from within.
God and angels are helping you understand universal mysteries at this time.
Your angels are reminding you of your power to be a leader, teacher, and healer on the Earth. Know that your gifts were given to be shared.
Your gifts cannot be gifts unless you give them to others. You are being encouraged to share your talents with the world.
Your angels want you to know that forgiveness is an important lesson to learn before the next phase of your journey unfolds.
Your angels are supporting the manifestation of your dreams. Have unwavering faith.
With change and power comes great responsibility. You are being invited to stay grounded and connected with God as you move forward.
Your angels are guiding you to face your fears and ask yourself what they are teaching you. Know that the love within you can overcome anything.
You are connected to the energies and laws of manifestation at this time. Imagine that your prayers have already been answered in order to experience the reality.
Your angels are encouraging you to connect with the Earth. Get grounded in order to feel back on track.
Angel guidance is encouraging you to unleash your inner teacher in order to realign yourself with your highest good.
Nothing is happening by chance. Trust that the road ahead is leading to your highest good.
Angels are helping you reconnect with previous lessons so that you do not have to repeat old patterns.
Your angels are encouraging you to follow your path and do what is working for you, rather than making your dreams small to accommodate those of others.
You are here to grow, and this won’t occur without mistakes. But your angels want you to know that you are loved no matter what. Surrender your guilt to God.
You are being encouraged to trust in the kingdom of heaven. Your angels are working on your behalf and are standing close to you now.
You are being reminded that you were born to love and be loved. Remove yourself from situations that do not support this truth.
Your angels are encouraging you to remember that “No!” is an answer. You should use it more often.
Your journey entails you being a teacher, leader, and spokesperson. Stand up and be heard.
Your angels are encouraging you to know that to teach is to learn. You are being encouraged to shine.
Your angels are waiting for you to arrive at the cave of your heart, so take time to go within. Love is waiting for you there.
You are aligned with your higher self and guided by God.
Angels are grateful for you and see you as a beacon of light.
Your angels are encouraging you to take time to breathe. Be cool, calm, and collected before you move forward.
You are being connected with your loved ones in heaven. Know that those you pray to regularly are protecting you just like guardian angels.
Your angels are encouraging you to express the real you. It’s time to stop holding back from who you really are.
You are being encouraged to make the changes you know your soul needs in order to grow. You were born to feel bright and shiny.
Connect with what brings you closer to God and to love. Let go of all that is not serving you.
Your energy is opening up and new opportunities to experience harmony are being presented to you.
You are in a sacred space where you are increasing your self-awareness and connection with your truth. Know you are being guided along the path you are walking.
Your angels are directing you through your inner voice and intuition. Trust the information that is rising up within you at this time.