God is restoring your energy at this time. Take time to breathe and feel replenished.
You are being guided to connect with your center. Take time to be honest and patient with yourself. This is a time for recuperation.
It’s important to find time for friendships and relationships. You will benefit from seeing others and you have much to give and share.
You are experiencing a surge of psychic and spiritual awareness at this time. Know that your insights and visions are divinely inspired. Trust the messages you are hearing.
Your angels are adding loving energy to your energy. It’s important to take time to feel topped up and replenished.
Your access to abundance isn’t blocked, but you are being invited to get real about your intentions, as you have let yourself be sidetracked.
Bring your vision, goals, purpose, and finances into alignment with God and you will be sustained by the power and presence of love.
You are being brought into alignment with the magic and power of your soul. Feel ignited by the knowledge that you are connected to heaven and Earth.
You have an opportunity to make a change. Know that you are being given a chance to start a new venture and vision.
You are receiving an important soul download. Take some moments to be still and receive the messages that are coming to you from within. Past-life information and healing can be accessed now.
Your energy is being aligned with God’s and your soul’s purpose. You are doing the right thing and following the right path.
Your heart, soul, and life are expanding through the sacred awareness that you are connected and aligned with the life and light of all that is and ever will be.
Your heart requires you to be unreserved and honest in your relationships. Release the pressure that you are holding within.
Honesty with yourself is necessary for your expansion. It’s important to check in with yourself and stop avoiding anything you have been putting off with regard to your wellness and self-care.
Your angels are encouraging you to reconnect with yourself and your needs before proceeding further. It’s important for you to feel replenished with energy before you take on anything else.
Abundance is a natural expression of universal energy based upon your capacity to see your worth. Angel wisdom is encouraging you to dive deep within and realize you are deserving of abundance.
The universe is encouraging you to do what is best for your mental and emotional wellbeing. Make space for yourself.
The next door will not open for you until you close a door to the past. Angel wisdom is encouraging you to lovingly release all that is standing in the way of your joy and growth.
Your angels are encouraging you to connect with what brings you joy and pleasure before moving ahead. If you have to choose between joy and grief, you are being especially encouraged to choose joy.
You are being reminded that your power lies in your actions, “non-actions” and choices. Take control of your current situation so that you can direct its outcome.
You are overcoming disruptions to your personal spiritual connection. God is glad to have a relationship with you once more.
Your relationship with yourself has improved radically and you are in a miraculous space of self-respect now. Know that you deserve this.
Harmony and balance are being brought to your personal relationships at this time. All obstacles to love are being cleared.
There’s a feeling of moving up and moving on around you. Any blocks to communication and understanding are being removed.
Your angel team is drawing close and encouraging you to do what you love. Now is the time for you to spread your wings and fly high.
Your angels are encouraging you to let go of the need to control events in your workplace or creative outlets at this time. When you take a step back, you allow the guidance of heaven in.
Your angels are guiding you to practice extreme self-care at this time. Move your body, do what brings you balance and make mental space for clarity.
Your angel guides are encouraging you to say “No” to opportunities you know will cause you pain and concern. Then you can say “Yes” to yourself and your growth.
Angel wisdom is reminding you that your function is to experience and express happiness. You are being guided to do what lights you up and sparks great joy in your heart.
Thank you for taking the time to gather your thoughts and energy and concentrate on your wellbeing. Your soul is now full of light and inspiration and your efforts will be rewarded.
Angels are reminding you that you don’t always have to be on the frontline doing the hard work. Give yourself credit and realize that the changes you have made recently, both internally and with others, are pleasing God and supporting the divine plan.
You are in a cave of energy at this time and it’s important for you to drop into your heart and listen to the information that is being revealed to you. Remember, divine love is always within you.
Your sense of alignment and balance will be restored when you are honest in your relationships. Surrender your need to people please and share your authentic truth.
Ascended masters are upgrading your energy system at this time. You are experiencing clarity and connection in your spiritual vision and spiritual gifts.
Your angels want to thank you for taking the time to balance your energy system, as this has strengthened your connection to heaven and the spiritual realms.
Your angels are guiding you through the energy of change at this time. Know that you are being encouraged to make the decisions you know are necessary to move closer to joy and express your gifts.
Welcome home to yourself. It seems you are finally in a loving space with yourself once more. Angels are dancing around you in celebration of your self-acceptance.
Know that your intentions and manifestation prayers are being noted and answered in the perfect time–space sequence for your soul and the highest good of the world. Your angels are encouraging you to trust and be patient.
The point of your journey on Earth is to expand your consciousness and come into alignment with higher purpose. In previous lives or previously on this current journey you have experienced a great disconnect from God and spirit. Now it’s time to recreate and strengthen that bond.
You are being encouraged to take time to receive. Sometimes the greatest sense of connection comes from accepting the world as it is before moving forward.
God and angels are opening your heart and energy so that you can experience and express divine love. You are here to gift the world with your presence.
Don’t underestimate your gifts. You have a special light and talent to bring to this world. Angels are with you and encouraging you.
Your angels are encouraging you to realize the answer you are seeking is actually in you. Stop searching outside and go within.
What is coming from within is right and correct. Angel wisdom is encouraging you to trust in the messages that have been rising up inside you and follow them.
Your angels are expanding your heart chakra so that you can experience a deeper love and connection with them and with the guides and ancestors who are there for you.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael are with you now. Know that you are protected and surrounded by healing energy.
Angels are encouraging you to take time to breathe and contemplate where you are before proceeding further. You are reminded that carefulness and patience are qualities of spirit.
Your angels are encouraging you to move forward. Stop waiting for permission. Take matters into your own hands. You are on the cusp of a miraculous moment.
Your path is clearing rapidly. All challenges, roadblocks and concerns are being removed so that you can feel in alignment once more.
Your angels are encouraging you to honor the feelings that are coming up for you at this time. They are actually messages from your soul about its growth.