The changes that have been occurring have been created and curated by God. Have faith in the bigger picture.
You are being guided to be the master of your own mind. Focus on what you desire and set your sights high.
You are being guided to face anything that is standing in your way, because once you have done so, the magic you have been dreaming of will be revealed. Stay focused.
Expanding your soul requires you to do some diving within and facing fear. But know that you are on the verge of major spiritual changes. Soon you will be flying high.
Your angels are encouraging you to care for yourself as you move through changes. Be compassionate to yourself and give yourself credit when required.
You are unlocking a profound truth and this is creating powerful changes that will unleash your spiritual self. Reveal your gifts to experience abundance.
The hard work that you have put in is now paying off and a sense of balance is being restored. What you give—and have given—you will get.
Stay devoted to your dreams, visions, and intentions—you are closer than you have ever been to seeing them manifest. Know that your commitment will pay off.
You are surrounded by supreme protection and are being encouraged to know that you are safe even if things get bumpy. There may be some turbulence at this time, but soon everything will be smooth once more.
You are being called to action. Heaven is guiding you to take your purpose and share it with the world. You have an opportunity to lead by example. Take it.
God is encouraging you to know that the inner work you have been doing has cleared old blockages in your energy and your family lineage. Old wounds have been healed.
Your light is being activated. Shine with all of your might and know that you are aligned with the highest.
Take time to consider all those you love and are connected with before setting any intentions for your future. You are being guided to become more aware of who and what is important.
Emerge from the cave. You have something important to share. Follow your inner call. Let the teacher out.
You are making powerful psychic connections at this time. Your angels are speaking through your intuition and it’s important to trust what you are hearing.
You are being guided to stop being so attached to the material at this time, as you are blocking the energy of abundance that is trying to bless your life. Surrender and let the magic in.
In order to increase your awareness, be radically honest with yourself.
Your truth is your teacher. Know that when you stand up for what you believe in, you will manifest experiences that will allow you to be more supported by God and angels.
Your angels are encouraging you to reveal your sensitive side. You are in a space of radical self-acceptance now. Let what’s good about you be seen and accepted by others too.
Your soul is curating opportunities for you to experience powerful shifts at this time, as your energy is golden and aligned with the energies of divine alchemy and magic.
God is encouraging you to know that the next phase of your journey requires deep self-love and acceptance.
Divine guidance is encouraging you to choose loving thoughts. Recognize your own divine worth. Love is yours to have, share, and experience.
Taking time to recharge is important for you now. You are being guided to honor your sensitivity, too, as being able to manage your vulnerable side will help you support others.
Angels and ascended masters are placing a golden light of wisdom around you. You are being guided to realize that the answer you are seeking is actually within you.
Your angels are encouraging you to know that you are at the end of one phase or cycle and are asking you to trust them as they guide you to the next. Old illusions are being revealed and released now.
Trust in the power of heaven. Your angels are close to you.
You are being encouraged to remember the universe is with and within you. When you remember how connected you are, a cloak of spiritual protection will hold you in a space of love.
The power and energy of life and magic are moving through your life now. Call for the miracles you need and prepare to receive them immediately.
Your dharma, your path of righteousness, is unfolding excellently. Take one step at a time. Happiness awaits.
You are releasing ties, bonds, chains, and karmic attachments that have held you back from stepping into a place of power and light.
God is directing you on your journey. Know that your path is in alignment with divine love.
You are rediscovering your own power and light. Welcome home to the real you.
You are experiencing relationship harmony and peace at this time. All your previous concerns and challenges are being washed away and replaced with love and acceptance.
Reconnect with Earth energy. The next phase of your journey requires you to be grounded.
Your angel team is encouraging you to speak up and to make sure that your heartfelt truth is heard. Be radically honest—this is required if you are to be respected.
Justice and divine order are being brought to your current situation. Angel guidance is encouraging you to do the right thing for everyone involved.
You are in a powerful space for higher learning to unfold. Know that your current experience is a powerful teaching moment.
Angel guidance is encouraging you to stay calm and trust that everything is unfolding as it needs to in order for you to experience abundance and magic.
Your angels never want you to underestimate the significance and power of your life. You have something special to share.
You are in touch with something important. Obstacles are being cleared and challenges released, and you are moving into a space of personal transcendence.
You are on the path of light and love. God is encouraging you to remember you are never condemned and always loved, forgiven, and encouraged.
Reconnect with heaven. Take time for prayer and contemplation. Ask and you shall receive.
Know that heaven is also within your relationships and any previous challenges are now being cleared so that you can love fearlessly.
Divine intervention is occurring. Know that you are being guided toward happiness and purpose.
Angels are supporting you as you unlock and connect with divine vision. Be willing to see the world through the eyes of love and forgiveness.
The universe knows exactly what you need in order to rise up. Your process of ascension is moving forward at this time and you are rising above darkness.
Waves of inspiration and love are moving through you and emerging from you now. Share your gifts with the world in order to experience grace.
Your life is aligned with your purpose and with higher purpose. Nothing you have done up to this point has been by accident. Now experience the magic of who you are.
Your intentions to grow and heal have been manifested. Rejoice in who you have become.
The Divine Mother Mary is supporting you as you move back to a sense of wholeness. Welcome home to your heart.