

Angels are real. I had to start out by saying that, although you probably know it already. For thousands of years these divine beings have been making their presence known to those who walk the Earth.

In fact, since time began, people in all four corners of the world have believed in divine beings who connect this realm with the next, help people with everyday tasks and challenges, and support souls in crossing over when they’re ready to return to the spirit realm. Aboriginal tribes painted them on the walls of caves, depicting them with big light-covered faces, large eyes, and halos of light surrounding their heads. In Japanese Shintoism today there are beings of grace and compassion known as kami, who are said to move through the air “as if they have wings” and to be forces of nature that are able to help those who call on them. There are similar beings in Tibetan Buddhism called bodhisattvas—beings of pure compassion who are dedicated to helping all those who call on them to overcome suffering and be free of their deepest fears. Robert Thurman, Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University in New York, describes bodhisattvas as “the Archangelic beings of Buddhism.”

In almost every spiritual and religious tradition there is a similar force of love and light, though it takes many different forms. In India there are deities with the faces of animals, the wings of birds and the bodies of humans. The Hebrew Bible relates how the prophet Ezekiel had a vision of an angelic being with the faces of a child, a bull, a lion, and an eagle. Such beings were later described as “spheres of fire” (what we call “orbs” today) and “the Burning Ones,” I think because at the time they didn’t have electric light and the common way to light something up was through fire.

In my opinion, the way angels have appeared over the years has been perfectly in line with people’s knowledge, experience, understanding, and beliefs at the time, wherever they have been in the world. And although there’s no hard scientific evidence to prove these beings exist, basic sociology has shown that belief in divine messengers passing between the realms was common worldwide way before long-distance communication was even possible.

Today, belief in angels is getting even stronger. In 2016 a survey of 2,000 Britons revealed that one third believed in angels and 1 in 10 believed they had encountered an angel, and recent polls in the USA have shown that 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels. This is so exciting!

It’s no wonder that so many of us are receiving what can only be described as signs and messages from heaven at this time, because these beings want us to know that they are here for us.

Some of these messages are coming through numbers. For thousands of years numbers have been considered auspicious and a way of understanding the universe. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that numbers had vibrational values that corresponded to those of musical notes. He created a system that was able to reveal information about a person’s personality and outer expression based solely on the numerical values of their name, date, and place of birth. This system is referred to as Pythagorean Numerology.

In contrast, modern-day numerology focuses on the numerological values of your name (to reveal your destiny number) and date of birth (to reveal your life path number). Through the information revealed a person may understand their sense of calling toward a particular purpose, why certain personality traits are stronger than others, and what challenges they are here to face during this lifetime.

Although angel numbers and the Key Codex revealed in this book may contain similar ideas and information to Pythagorean Numerology, the information about each angel number in this book is divinely inspired and channelled rather than calculated.

Using the information revealed in this book you can combine angel numbers with numerology to help gain a more spiritual perspective around the calling of your soul and how the angels want to support you on your life journey.

As someone who has studied spirituality for the last 16 years, I have spent a lot of time looking into the true meaning of numbers. My conclusions have been influenced heavily by my years studying the Tarot and the Western mystery tradition. When I came to write this book, I also spent a great deal of time in meditation, inviting angels to reveal to me the messages and vibrational values of particular numbers. This has helped shape the interpretations I am presenting to you here.

In this day and age, our understanding of the cosmos and how the Earth is moving through it is all calculated using numbers, so it’s no wonder that angels, the universe’s greatest messengers, are using them to send us messages from the heavens.

For example, there’s a good chance you have seen number sequences appearing time and time again in your life—on license plates, purchase receipts, flight numbers and of course your phone—and these numbers aren’t just numbers, they’re angel numbers. They are angel messages and calls to action.

Now that we are living in what can only be described as a digital age, angels are using the numbers we see on digital clocks, such as 11:11.

Seeing 11:11

I was a teenager when I first noticed 11:11 appearing everywhere I looked. I remember looking at my first cell phone and seeing it appearing time and time again. I wondered if I was going crazy, or imagining it, or even unconsciously looking at my phone at that particular time, but what happened next was undeniable: I told my mum and some of my friends about it, and it started happening when they were with me too. Other repeating number sequences kept appearing as well, and not just on cell phones. We’d go to the store for groceries and the bill would be £11.11, or we’d order coffee and cake, and it would come to £4.44. It was the same wherever I went.

I was fairly new to spirituality then, but I took some time to pray and ask about what was happening. I remember saying something like, “Angels, if it’s you sending me these numbers, I want to see them three times today, so that I know you’re trying to tell me something.” And the numbers kept coming—I knew that angels were sending messages.

But what were they saying? I had no idea. I remember Googling “What does 11:11 mean?” and reading several interpretations. Many people said the numbers indicated that this was a time to “make a wish” or “set an intention,” while others said they meant that angels were encouraging us to align our thoughts with the highest. So I did what I always do when Google doesn’t have a definite answer: I meditated.

During my meditation I remember saying a simple prayer like: “Angels, thank you for revealing to me what I need to know about seeing 11:11,” and in a flash I saw lots of images and scenes like movie clips in my mind, including images of Jesus and the Buddha, and heard the words “We are all one.” As my vision continued, I saw Muslim friends praying to Mecca and again heard “We are all one.” Then I saw a video of Bob Marley singing “One Love” and just felt encompassed by unity. I was one with angels, one with ascended masters and one with God!

So, 11:11 is a message we’ve received time and time again through the ages: it’s a reminder that we are all one. We are interlaced and interconnected with the field of energy that creates and cultivates the universe.

But it doesn’t end there. For me, this recurring message isn’t just “You are one with all that is,” and that’s it. It’s a call to action. It’s almost as though the universe/God (same thing to me) is inviting us to be fully aware that the power and light of the universe are within us. Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” So, if the power and light of the universe are within us, what we choose to do in our life affects that energy. And so 11:11 is a call to align ourselves, our intentions, and our actions with the highest. That’s what it means to be a lightworker or an Earth angel.

Angels Always Have an Answer

Yet again angels had provided the answer. They always do. And just as we all have the power of the universe within us, we all have angels with us. I believe we all have at least two angels working with us at all times. There’s the guardian angel that’s been with us for lifetimes and there’s at least one other angel as well, for different angels work with us at different times, depending on where we are on our journey and what we are working on or working through. Wherever we are, angels are there for us and love to guide us and support us. They always act in accordance with divine law, however, and so they generally cannot move into our life and help us unless they have our permission.

The only times angels can intervene on our behalf without permission are what I call “moments of Grace.” Basically, these are when we are in a situation which could divert us from our highest goodness and truth, or when we have begun a life mission but not yet completed it and are in a life or death situation. It’s at these moments that our angels can become our saving grace.

We don’t have to be in such extreme circumstances to receive help from our angels, of course. Whenever we pray to them for guidance, they will have an answer. It’s just that we might not hear it. I believe that this is because many of us haven’t listened to ourselves for years, let alone anyone else, and have ignored the guidance that’s been coming from within. Quite simply, angels are as loud as our willingness to listen. Or to look. Because now, as I mentioned earlier, they’re using digital media to send us messages and reminders of their presence.

I have written about these number sequences in some of my other books, in particular Raise Your Vibration, which was actually inspired by my constant witnessing of the numbers 11:11 and 22:22. Now I have asked the angels to allow me to understand the messages and themes behind repetitive number sequences more deeply, so I can write about them here and you can gain insight into what angels are saying to you through numbers and receive the answers to your questions and prayers.

How to Use This Book

As a Guide

In this book, first of all I look at four-number sequences from digital clocks, such as those on your laptop or cell phone, and then I provide an interpretation of every number from 0 to 999.

If you can’t find the exact number sequence you keep seeing, I recommend you break the number down into two or three groups and then look at the angel messages for each group and put them together. For example, if you are seeing 67891 everywhere, look at the messages for 67, 89, and 1 and put them together to get the full message.

Just in case you were wondering:

What an inspiring message. I hope all the messages here will inspire you. As you go through the book, you’ll find that many are different from one another, but many are similar. That’s because those number sequences represent different aspects of journeys that have a similar theme.

As you move forward on your own particular journey, different numbers may come to your attention. You may initially see 332, for example, and then 334. You’ll see that 332’s message is: “Your relationships are moving into a space of growth in order for you to feel content,” and 334’s message is: “Your guides and angels are circling around you, offering divine love and protection.” So these two numbers could show you making progress on a journey to happiness.

You can also create your own interpretations of the numbers in your life using the key that the angels gave me.

Say, for example, you are seeing 123 repetitively. This is a message that you are aligning with love and expanding on your journey. Try your own number sequences for yourself.


Angel Numbers Key Codex

  1. 0.New Beginnings. Doors opening. God.
  1. The Self. Oneness. Higher Self. Universal connection.
  2. Union. Connection to others. Aligning with love.
  3. Expansion. Higher power. The Masters.
  4. Angels. Communication. Gifts expanding.
  5. Changes. Effort. Action and input required.
  6. Balance. Intention required. Carefulness.
  7. Magic. Manifestation. Divine Inspiration.
  8. Journey. Growth. Spiritual lessons.
  9. Self-mastery. Union with higher self. Divine feminine.

As an Oracle

The book you are holding in your hands is also an oracle. Any time you are in need of guidance or support, you can ask the angels listening in to send a message to you through it. All you have to do is spend some time in meditation and contemplation, center yourself with some deep breaths and say a simple prayer along the lines of:

Thank you, God, Holy Spirit, and angels,
for revealing a message of significance to me
through these numbers and this book today.

Open the book up at random and trust that the first number sequence you see is the message that you need to receive.

Why not try it now? Or look at a digital clock and then read on…