The jungle at night was menacing. It was dense and hulking and smelled of rotting vegetation. Mabel kept her gaze transfixed on the swaying blackness of the thicketed interior; purposeful; alert; right eye peering down the barrel, the other clamped shut; finger feathering the trigger. There had been activity up ahead, she’d been sure of it. Straining, she stared beyond the tangle of vines dangling from the tall mass of trees.

There was sound all around her. Somebody had once told her that the jungle was quiet at night. They were dead wrong. The tree frogs were like a brass band; the cicadas the percussions.

She made a low whistle by fizzing air through her front teeth and Bong, five yards to her left, whistled back. His spectacles caught a glint of moonlight. Once more her finger feathered the rifle trigger. Scribbles of movement seemed to bend against the forest floor. Mabel waited, feeling the perspiration trail down her forehead. The salt stung her eyes. The topsoil felt damp on her elbows. All about her snarls of tubers and rootstock chafed the flesh of her body.

Somewhere out there leaves skittered along the scrub and trees creaked. The sounds of tree frogs piped louder. Little explosions of noise amplified a hundredfold in the dark. Then, in the near distance, a branch snapped. Craning her neck, immediately Mabel’s gaze snagged on a small hunched figure – a ball of grey against the black backdrop, like the contours of a man moving on all fours across the ground. She wanted to shout Bong’s name aloud; instead she forced another stream of air through her teeth. Breath control, she said to herself. She was peering through the rifle sight aligning her target. Her finger curled itself tighter around the trigger. She mouthed a whispered prayer. Muscles began to twitch along her cheek. She inhaled lightly and held her breath.

The night drew in closer. Time folded in on itself.

Suddenly, out of the mouth of the dark clearing, a bearded pig came shuffling and snorting into the open. Snout to the ground, it was scavenging for discarded fruit; bits of rambutan and mangosteen tossed out by the monkeys.

Thankful, Mabel exhaled and lowered the gun. Her neck muscles felt like sprung coils. Although she carried a weapon, Mabel was in fact the company medic; she had never fired her gun in anger. The thought of maiming or killing somebody appalled her. Rolling on to her back, her eyes drifted towards Bong. She made out the metal rims of his round glasses. The glint of ivory betrayed his beleaguered smile.

She’d been asleep in the wet, dark place, in a basha, a temporary shelter made of attap, where toadstools grew and gibbon excrement peppered the overhanging leaves, when Bong had roused her, shaking her shoulder. She’d slept for no longer than an hour but already her clothes were damp with mist. He’d heard a rustling in the trees, he said. Earlier they’d been tipped off by local tribesmen that the Security Forces were near. The entire camp had been put on high alert. Along the perimeter they’d set up man-traps and spring snares out of vine, wire and supple willow trees.

It was another three hours until dawn.

All around her was raw nature – leaping, crawling, slithering, flapping. None of which Mabel could see. Spiders scuttled across her hands. Mosquitoes buzzed her ears. Each time she nodded off a fly or stinging bug would land on her and creep across her mouth, waking her with a jolt. The jungle, where everything was food for something else, had nibbled at her for months; now it threatened to eat her alive. She began to dream of mutton rendang washed down with iced lemonade, soft pillows made of Indochine cotton, the easy feel of toilet paper on her skin, the simple delights of clean, cool water in her hair. It was at moments like these that she wanted to return home.


With daybreak came the mass choir of voices. A troop of gibbons sang high up in the trees, repelling their infringing rivals. This was quickly followed by an orangutan’s rich baritone.

Mabel washed in the yellow river, her bathing sarong wound under her armpits. She was a bag of bones and had lost her natural stockiness yet she still went about her business with a muscular air. Sharp collarbones protruding, there were insect bites all over her arms and legs. She cupped her hands and scooped water on to her throat. The water clawed at the inflamed parts of her unsoaped skin. Looking up, she saw a sprawling chalky sky, dawn light shimmering at the jungle’s edge, the world still thick with shadow. Two kingfishers were flying overhead. A hundred yards upriver, crab-eating macaques were splashing in the shallows, noisily celebrating the capture of her hand mirror from her bag some time in the night.

Pinching her nose, Mabel submerged her head under the cool, muddy water. Her dark hair flowed about her like a cloud of ink; she ran her fingers through to work out the tangles and pick out bits of leaves and earth.

The day had started with roll call at 6.45 a.m. Earlier, Bong, their unit commander, had gone around poking the sleeping with a stick to wake them; prodding them as he would an injured, weary horse to see if it might flinch. Next, together with her band of communist insurgents, Mabel breakfasted on fresh water prawns and arak. Dressed in rubber boots, khaki uniform and peaked cap with a red star, the guerrillas then conducted an hour of weapons training and drill. Afterwards, some of the men kicked a small rattan ball about in an impromptu game of sepak raga. Others lounged on string beds, hidden behind palls of woodsmoke. A few sat under trees, dozing, hands propped on cheeks.

Being a mobile unit, they had erected a temporary shelter. Shacks were crafted from bamboo, planks and beams held together with coir and coconut-husk fibre, palm fronds were spread across everything to hide them from enemy planes. When they decamped, drinking water was strapped to shoulder blades in stoneware jars. Ceramic bowls and metal cooking pots were held in rice-straw bales to prevent them knocking against each other during transport through the jungle.

As soon as everyone was ready to move out, Bong called them to form a large circle. They were a ragged crew of underfed, filthy irregulars, pocked with scabs and scars and gunshot lacerations. As the medical officer, Mabel could almost hear the scuttling of lice in the seams of their clothing. She stood at the front, amongst the elongated shadows, doing up her hair with wooden pins. A hunter’s green medic’s bag was hitched across her back, a Chinese-made rifle hung from her shoulder. She wiped the perspiration from her brow with her sleeve. Her hair was damp with sweat. The heat was already cutting into her skin.

Bespectacled and well-spoken, Bong started off by handing out the monthly allowance per man of M$26, raised by extorting villagers, then proceeded with a pep talk.

‘‘Great social change,’’ he began, putting his Sten gun down and adjusting his round glasses, ‘‘such as the abolishment of slavery, the end of colonial rule, the overthrowing of capitalism, the striving towards a higher social order, all start with public awareness. It was us, the MNLA, who first advocated the end of British rule. It was us who formed the trade unions in Selangor. The people out there in the kampongs’’ – he pointed beyond the jungle, puffing out his chest – ‘‘are all behind us. Soon they will all rise up against the white running dogs. Remember we are freedom fighters, not rebels! Bolshevik Warriors, fulfill your duties to the last. Long live Mao Zedong! Long live the Malay Communist Party!’’

He touched his spectacles once again, leaving rifle grease on the lenses. He removed them and wiped them with the end of his sleeve.

Behind him, birds cawed and something in the distance screeched. Suddenly, a huge palm tree frond dropped from the sky and came crashing down on to the ground. ‘‘Also remember,’’ he added, raising a hand and drawing a finger across his throat. ‘‘More people die of falling trees than snake bites, crocodile attacks and drowning in mud. So keep vigilant! And if the water in your bowl wriggles don’t drink it.’’