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Christmas morning arrived. Mitch and Chris managed to get the day off, and the four of them had just finished making lattes in the kitchen, gathering in Lauren and Zoe’s living room.
With Lauren’s help, Annie had opened her Christmas stocking, stuffed full of catnip, food treats, and a feather wand. They’d taken turns to dangle the green feather in front of Annie.
Zoe gave Lauren a loom knitting kit, plus three balls of brightly striped wool.
“To help you with your knitting mojo,” Zoe informed her with a grin. She also ‘helped’ Lauren by setting up the tool and weaving the wool around the plastic pegs, engrossed in the task. Lauren wondered if she would eventually get a turn.
The loom was forgotten when Lauren gave Zoe a present from her and Annie – pretty, dangly earrings featuring shining red stones that she knew her cousin had hankered for. Zoe put them on right away, seemingly delighted with them.
They remembered the guys – Lauren gave Mitch a new wallet, while Zoe presented Chris with a stainless-steel bracelet that was actually a clever multi-tool. “It’s got screwdrivers, wrenches and even a lock pick!” Zoe enthused.
Mitch gave Lauren a bottle of perfume that she’d spritzed on herself a couple of months ago in a department store, the heady scent of rose and vanilla teasing her senses.
Zoe ripped open the red wrapping paper from Chris’s gift – her eyes lighting up at the sight of a large pottery book.
“These pottery pieces are amazing,” she breathed as she flipped through the glossy color photos. “Thank you.” She looked like she wanted to kiss Chris right there and then – and keep on kissing him.
Mitch gave Annie a pink cushion covered in velvet.
“It’s practically the same shade as our new sofa,” Lauren complimented.
“I hope she likes it,” Mitch replied.
“Brrt!” Annie pounced on it, then wriggled against it, her back brushing against the soft velvet as she closed her eyes. “Brrp.”
Chris had offered Annie a catnip filled ball, which she’d played with earlier, chasing it around the room.
“Look at all these gifts!” Zoe’s eyes now lit up as she gazed at the brightly wrapped presents still left under the Christmas tree.
“I thought we’d exchanged all our presents,” Lauren replied.
“Me too.” Zoe’s gaze met Lauren’s and they exchanged a quizzical look.
Maybe Mitch and Chris were responsible for the extra packages?
“Here’s one for you, Annie.” Lauren showed her a package wrapped in red paper and decorated with pictures of Santa Claus. She turned to Zoe. “Did you buy her this?”
“Nope.” Zoe shook her head.
She gingerly unwrapped it for Annie, aware of Mitch’s questioning gaze.
“Brrt!” Annie pounced on the big, fluffy toy mouse.
Jingle! Jingle!
She picked it up by the scruff of its neck.
Jingle! Jingle!
“Brrt!” Annie put it down on the carpet and stared at the furry gray toy for a second. Then she batted it with her paw.
Jingle! Jingle!
“Did you give it to her?” Lauren asked Mitch, although she was pretty sure the answer was no by the expression on his face.
“I wish I’d thought of it,” he said ruefully.
“Me too,” Chris added, sitting beside Zoe on the floor.
Zoe grabbed a purple and red wrapped gift that had Zoe written in large letters on a tag.
“I love opening presents,” she declared, a big grin on her face. She tore off the paper with a crackle and gasped. “Pottery glazes! Oh, Lauren, how did you know I’ve been wanting these?”
“I didn’t,” Lauren confessed, crinkling her brow.
“Maybe it was from me,” Chris joked.
“Was it?” Zoe looked like she was going to launch herself into his arms.
“Unfortunately not.” He looked regretful.
She picked up the tag. “It just says Zoe on it.” She glanced at Mitch.
“No. Sorry.”
“Huh.” Zoe spotted a large flat package near her. “Lauren, this has your name on it.”
“It has?”
Zoe handed her the green and gold wrapped parcel. The tag just said Lauren.
She opened it slowly, glancing at Mitch, who shook his head.
“Ohh.” A book with the most delicious cupcakes on the cover caught her attention. “I’ve been wanting this book for months! But it’s so expensive. I was saving up for it.”
“You never told me,” Mitch murmured.
“Because I was going to buy it myself,” Lauren replied softly.
They gazed at each other, smiling, until Zoe fake-coughed to get their attention.
“There are two more presents here.” She pointed to a couple of packages with blue and cream wrapping.
Mitch reached under the tree and pulled them out.
“Mitch.” He read the tag on one. “Chris.” He handed it to his friend.
“Did you?” Chris asked Zoe, and then Mitch.
“No,” Zoe replied. “I gave you yours earlier.” She grinned.
“Just like I gave you yours.” Chris smiled. The paper crackled as he tore it. “The latest thriller by my favorite author.” He stared at the hardback. “I thought this was sold out – I couldn’t find it anywhere, and it’s not available as an eBook yet!”
Mitch unwrapped his small gift. There was a box inside. He carefully lifted the lid, his face breaking into a smile.
“How did you know?” He looked at Lauren.
“I didn’t,” she replied, bewildered.
“My watch broke yesterday,” he told her. “I’ve had it for years. And this—” he lifted a silver watch out of the box “—looks exactly the same.” He gently touched the glass face. “It has the same features, including a calendar and a compass. Everything I need.”
Lauren’s phone rang.
“Hello?” she answered, wondering who it could be.
Mrs. Wagner’s voice sounded.
“Oh, Lauren, I must thank you and Zoe for my new rosebush. I have no idea how you managed to find that particular rare species, but it’s just perfect. It’s exactly the same as the one Jay destroyed.”
“It wasn’t me,” Lauren told her, “but I’m glad someone gave it to you.”
“Maybe it was your daughter,” Zoe leaned over Lauren’s shoulder and spoke into the phone.
“Oh, yes, of course,” Mrs. Wagner replied. “That must be it. Have a wonderful day, girls.”
“This has been a totally strange morning,” Zoe stated. “Mysterious gifts under the tree, and someone gave Mrs. Wagner a replacement rose bush.”
“You said it could be from her daughter,” Lauren reminded her.
“Brrt!” Annie ran to the window and stretched up, resting her front paws on the narrow ledge. Her head tilted back as she looked out.
“What is it?” Lauren hurried over. The morning was gray and drizzly but she thought she caught a glimpse of a moving blur in the sky.
A jingle filled the air. But Annie was right next to her – not playing with her new toy mouse.
Was that a red sleigh near the clouds? Were there brown shapes in front of it?
“Reindeer!” Zoe breathed, rushing up beside her. She squinted. “I’m totally sure they’re reindeer.”
“Ho, ho, ho.”
Lauren caught the faint sound, and her eyes widened. If Santa Claus was real, then the mysterious gifts under the tree made sense. Could today become even more magical?
It could.
Since they were having Christmas dinner together, they all helped prepare the food. Zoe and Chris had gone outside to pick herbs, leaving Lauren and Mitch alone in the kitchen. Annie played with her new toy mouse in the living room.
“I didn’t get a chance to say this earlier today.” Mitch took a deep breath. “I’m in love with you, Lauren Crenshaw.”
Lauren’s heart filled with joy.
“And I’m in love with you, Mitch Denman.” She touched the gold L necklace he’d given her a while ago.
They smiled tenderly at each other, before Mitch cupped her face and kissed her.
A faint “Ho, ho, ho,” echoed in the background.
Yes, this Christmas Day was indeed magical.
I hope you enjoyed reading this mystery. Sign up to my newsletter at www.JintyJames.com and be among the first to discover when my next book is published! Stay tuned for book 10 in 2021!
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