
affective trust, 110111

Affordable Care Act, 83, 8687

Airbnb, 22, 27, 29, 32

algorithms, 1120

data inputs for, 1718

decision making using, 1120

goal setting and, 1415

incomplete information and, 13

limitations of, 1214, 1819

myopia of, 1617

risks of using, 1112

uses of, 1920

Alibaba, 22, 26

Amazon, 27, 121

Android platform, 27, 32

Apple, 2123, 32, 4243, 129

artificial intelligence (AI), 143, 147. See also automation, of knowledge work

assets, for pipelines and platforms, 2425

augmentation, with machines, 144156

defined, 144146

employers and, 154155

strategy, 145154

vs. automation, 144146

automation, of knowledge work, 143156

Barton, Dominic, 125142

BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), 105

behavioral change, to manage collaboration, 56

Berg (start-up), 147

Bernanke, Ben, 151

big data, 18, 146. See also data

Blockbuster, 4142

blockchain technology, and finance, 29

Bree Collaborative, 103

bribery, 121122

burnout, of employees, 1, 118

business models

of disrupters, 4243

of health plans, 104

of pipeline businesses, 23, 2425

of platform businesses, 2425

process, 42

solution shop, 42

value-chain model, 23

Carey, Dennis, 125142

causation, vs. correlation, 19

change management, 5758

Charan, Ram, 125142

Chatroulette, 32, 33

chief executive officers (CEOs), 53, 6061, 125126, 130, 135140

chief financial officers (CFOs), 125126, 133, 135140

chief human resources officers (CHROs), 125141

as member of G3, 135140

performance measurement of, 133134

predictions by, 127130

prescribing actions to add value, 131133

problem diagnosis by, 130131

redefining role of, 126133

Choudary, Sangeet Paul, 2134

Christensen, Clayton M., 3550

cognitive trust, 110111

collaboration, 19

burnout and, 1

demands for, 25

managing, 59

redistribution of, 57

rewarding effective, 79

women and, 8

collaborative resources, 25, 6, 8

collaborative work

distribution of, 12, 8

redistribution of, 57

communication, in negotiations

cross-cultural, 105115

of disagreement, 106107

compassion fatigue, 118119. See also empathy


in platforms, 25, 2729

predictions about, by CHROs, 129130

resource-based view of, 2425

in supply-side economies, 26

competitive advantage, 22, 30, 5557

computer algorithms. See algorithms

consumer-driven health care, 81

consumer needs, 55, 6667, 7273

consumers, in platforms, 23, 24, 25, 27

contracts, for negotiations, 114115

core interactions. See platforms

Corning, 89

correlation, vs. causation, 19

creativity, in knowledge work, 154155

Cross, Rob, 110

cross-cultural negotiations, 105115

emotional expression in, 107109

expression of disagreement in, 106109

trust building in, 109111

upgraders vs. downgraders in, 107

verbal cues in, 107

written contracts and, 114115

yes-or-no questions during, 111114

cultural bridges, 112113


big, 18, 146

collection, 2930

diversity of, 18

inputs for algorithms, 1718

Davenport, Thomas H., 143156

decision making, using algorithms, 1120

decision rights, shifting of, 67

design freedom, in emerging markets, 6970, 78

design leaders, 53

design principles, for reverse innovation, 6676

design thinking, 5161

developed markets, 7475

developing economies, product development in, 6379

disagreement, in cross-cultural negotiations, 106109

disengagement, of employees, 4, 6

disruption theory, 3536, 44, 4650

disruptive innovation, 3550

anomalies, 4749

business models, 4243

evolution of thinking about, 4650

idea of, 3637

identification of, 4041

in low-end and new-market footholds, 3739, 47

mainstream customers and, 3940

misunderstandings about, 4144

model, 38

as process, 4142

quality and, 3940

responses to, 4344, 46, 4950

Uber as, 3741, 43, 4445

Dow Chemical, 132

downgraders, in cross-cultural communication, 107

Drucker, Peter, 151

eBay, 19

economies of scale, 2526, 65

elder care, automation in, 150

emerging markets

constraints in, 7576

design freedoms in, 6970, 78

negotiations in, 111

product development in, 6379

stakeholders in, 7374

technical landscape in, 7273

technical requirements of, 7072

emotional self-expression, in cross-cultural negotiations, 107109

empathy, 117124

burnout and, 118

employee turnover and, 118

ethics and, 121122

limitations of, 118122

overcoming excessive, 122124

Empathy Belly, 117, 124

employee turnover, 1, 4, 118

employer-led health care collaboratives, 81104


employee, 4

in platforms, 33

ethics, 121122

evidence-based health care, 83

expertise, building, 147148

Facebook, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33

failure, of new products, 5557

finance, external networks in, 29

five forces model, 26, 27

Ford Motor Company, 117, 124

frugal engineering, 79. See also reverse innovation

Gap (retailer), 1617

Gardner, Howard, 148

Gillette, 7679

goals, when using algorithms

myopia and, 1617

soft, 1415

Gongos, 146

Google, 14, 17, 26, 2829, 32, 33

Govindarajan, Vijay, 6380

Grant, Adam, 110

GRIT Freedom Chair, 64, 71, 76

G3, 135140

Harford, Barney, 148

health care

administrative costs, 100101

consumer-driven, 81

costs of, 8182

employer-led transformation of, 81104

evidence-based, 83

metrics, 95, 9899

spending on, 83, 85

health care industry, and disruptive business models, 42

Healthcare Marketplace Collaborative (HMC), 82103

health plans, 89, 104

higher education, disruption in, 4849

human resources, 29, 125141

Ignatius, Adi, 5161

informational resources, in collaboration, 23, 6, 8

information technology (IT), 22, 28


design-led, 5161

disruptive, 3550

permissionless, 32

reverse, 6379

sustaining, 3940, 43, 44, 46

Intel, health care reforms by, 81103

interactions, in platforms, 22, 25, 27, 30, 3132, 33

internal optimization, in pipelines, 25

international negotiations, 105115.See also cross-cultural negotiations

internet economy, 26

inversion, of functions in pipeline firms, 2829

iPhone, 2122, 4243

isolation chambers, for employee breaks, 123124

John Deere, 66

just-in-time inventory, in operations and logistics, 29

Kirby, Julia, 143156

Kleinberg, Jon, 1120

knowledge work, 143144, 145, 147154

knowledge workers, 143144, 146156

Leveraged Freedom Chair (LFC), 64, 6768, 6970, 7276

local markets, product design for, 6679

Logan (car), 75

low-end footholds, and disruptive innovation, 3738, 47

loyalty, and empathy, 121

Luca, Michael, 1120

marketing, external networks in, 28

market segments, in product creation in developing countries, 66

Martin, Lindsay A., 81104

McDonald, Patricia A., 81104

McDonald, Rory, 3550

Mechanical Turk (Amazon online marketplace), 121

Mecklenburg, Robert S., 81104

medical classification codes, defining, 102103

meetings, and managing collaboration, 6

metrics, 3234, 84, 95, 9899, 102103, 128129

Meyer, Erin, 105116

monopolies, 2526

Mullainathan, Sendhil, 1120

multiple intelligences, 148, 150151

Murdoch, Rupert, 34

myopia, of algorithms, 1617

MySpace, 34


cross-cultural, 105115

disagreements during, 106107

trust building in, 109111

yes-or-no questions during, 111114

Netflix, 11, 1819, 27, 4142, 133

network analysis, in identifying collaborators, 2, 5, 7

network effects, in platform strategy, 22, 2526, 2829, 3334

new-market footholds, and disruptive innovation, 39, 47

niche work, 152153

Nooyi, Indra, 5161

not-even-mine inventory, in operations and logistics, 29

office placement, and managing collaboration, 6

online education, 4849

open architecture, in platforms, 3132

open governance, in platforms, 3132

operations, external networks in, 29

Orbitz, 148

outsourcing, 28

owners, in platforms, 22, 24

Parker, Geoffrey G., 2134

PepsiCo, 5161

permissionless innovation, 32

personal computers, as disruptive innovation, 49

personal resources, in collaboration, 25, 8

physician leaders, in employer-led health care collaboratives, 8889


customer value and, 25

focus of, 30

metrics used by, 3233

outsourcing by, 28

vs. platforms, 2325

strategy in, 23, 2427, 30

platforms, 2134

access and governance in, 3032

assets of, 2425

competition and, 25, 2729

core interactions and, 30

ecosystem value, 25

ecosystems, 2730

external interaction in, 25

financials of, 3334

focus of, 30

interactions in, 22, 25, 27, 30, 3132, 33

inversion of functions in, 2829

metrics used by, 3234

network effects and, 2526, 2829, 3334

vs. pipelines, 2325

players in, 2223, 24, 27

rules and architecture, 3132

spillover effects and, 31

strategy in, 2734

structure of, 2223

PlayPump, 7072

Porcini, Mauro, 52, 53, 57

Porter, Michael, 25

predictions, using algorithms, 1120. See also algorithms

preferential empathy, 120

problem definition, in product development, 6667

process business model, 42

producers, in platforms, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 3132

product development, in emerging markets, 6379

product launch, 5557

profit margins, 5859

prototyping, 5556

providers, of platforms, 22, 24, 27

purpose, of company, 5859

Rapid Integrated Lean (RIL), 93, 99100

Raynor, Michael, 3550

Rebele, Reb, 110

resource-based view, of competition, 2425

reverse innovation, 6379

robots. See artificial intelligence (AI); automation, of knowledge work

Rovio, 32

SAP, 29

self-expression, in cross-cultural negotiations, 107109

social media, and algorithms, 1113

social resources, in collaboration, 23, 6, 8

soft goals, when using algorithms, 1415

soft skills, 123

solution shop business model, 42

spillover effects, and platforms, 31


in health care reform, 92

in product design, in developing countries, 7374

steel industry, and disruption, 49


augmentation, for knowledge workers, 145154

design thinking and, 5161

five forces model and, 26, 27

in pipelines, 23, 2427, 30

platform, 2734

reverse innovation and, 64

in supply-side economies, 26

supply-side economies, 2526

sustaining innovations, 3940, 43, 44, 46

Tata Communications, 137138

technical landscape, behind consumer problem in developing countries, 7273

technical requirements, of emerging markets, 7072

technology, collaborative resources and, 6

Tesla Motors, 49

Toyota Production System, 82, 93


affective vs. cognitive, 110111

building, across cultures, 109111

turnover, of employees, 1, 4, 118


as disruptive innovation, 3741, 43, 4445

as platform, 22, 27, 29, 3134

UberSELECT, 45

upgraders, in cross-cultural communication, 107

user experience, in design-led innovation, 54

utility players, 7

value-chain model, 23

value creation, 25, 26, 27, 3031, 32

value streams, in health care reform, 92, 100

Van Alstyne, Marshall W., 2134

verbal cues, in cross-cultural negotiations, 107

Virginia Mason Medical Center, 82, 85, 9394, 95

Waytz, Adam, 117124

“wetware,” 154

whistle-blowing, and empathy, 121

Winter, Amos, 6380

women, collaborative work and, 8

work redistribution, to manage collaboration, 57

Xerox, 39

Yelp, 1718

yes-or-no questions, during negotiations, 111114

Zynga, 27, 32