Affordable Care Act, 83, 86–87
incomplete information and, 13
artificial intelligence (AI), 143, 147. See also automation, of knowledge work
assets, for pipelines and platforms, 24–25
augmentation, with machines, 144–156
automation, of knowledge work, 143–156
BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), 105
behavioral change, to manage collaboration, 5–6
Berg (start-up), 147
Bernanke, Ben, 151
big data, 18, 146. See also data
blockchain technology, and finance, 29
Bree Collaborative, 103
business models
of health plans, 104
of pipeline businesses, 23, 24–25
process, 42
solution shop, 42
value-chain model, 23
causation, vs. correlation, 19
chief executive officers (CEOs), 53, 60–61, 125–126, 130, 135–140
chief financial officers (CFOs), 125–126, 133, 135–140
chief human resources officers (CHROs), 125–141
performance measurement of, 133–134
prescribing actions to add value, 131–133
Christensen, Clayton M., 35–50
burnout and, 1
women and, 8
collaborative resources, 2–5, 6, 8
collaborative work
communication, in negotiations
compassion fatigue, 118–119. See also empathy
predictions about, by CHROs, 129–130
in supply-side economies, 26
competitive advantage, 22, 30, 55–57
computer algorithms. See algorithms
consumer-driven health care, 81
consumer needs, 55, 66–67, 72–73
consumers, in platforms, 23, 24, 25, 27
contracts, for negotiations, 114–115
core interactions. See platforms
correlation, vs. causation, 19
creativity, in knowledge work, 154–155
cross-cultural negotiations, 105–115
emotional expression in, 107–109
expression of disagreement in, 106–109
upgraders vs. downgraders in, 107
verbal cues in, 107
written contracts and, 114–115
yes-or-no questions during, 111–114
diversity of, 18
decision making, using algorithms, 11–20
decision rights, shifting of, 6–7
design freedom, in emerging markets, 69–70, 78
design leaders, 53
design principles, for reverse innovation, 66–76
developing economies, product development in, 63–79
disagreement, in cross-cultural negotiations, 106–109
disengagement, of employees, 4, 6
disruption theory, 35–36, 44, 46–50
evolution of thinking about, 46–50
in low-end and new-market footholds, 37–39, 47
mainstream customers and, 39–40
misunderstandings about, 41–44
model, 38
responses to, 43–44, 46, 49–50
Dow Chemical, 132
downgraders, in cross-cultural communication, 107
Drucker, Peter, 151
eBay, 19
elder care, automation in, 150
emerging markets
negotiations in, 111
technical requirements of, 70–72
emotional self-expression, in cross-cultural negotiations, 107–109
burnout and, 118
employee turnover and, 118
employer-led health care collaboratives, 81–104
employee, 4
in platforms, 33
evidence-based health care, 83
failure, of new products, 55–57
finance, external networks in, 29
frugal engineering, 79. See also reverse innovation
Gardner, Howard, 148
goals, when using algorithms
Gongos, 146
Google, 14, 17, 26, 28–29, 32, 33
GRIT Freedom Chair, 64, 71, 76
Harford, Barney, 148
health care
consumer-driven, 81
employer-led transformation of, 81–104
evidence-based, 83
health care industry, and disruptive business models, 42
Healthcare Marketplace Collaborative (HMC), 82–103
higher education, disruption in, 48–49
informational resources, in collaboration, 2–3, 6, 8
information technology (IT), 22, 28
permissionless, 32
Intel, health care reforms by, 81–103
interactions, in platforms, 22, 25, 27, 30, 31–32, 33
internal optimization, in pipelines, 25
international negotiations, 105–115.See also cross-cultural negotiations
internet economy, 26
inversion, of functions in pipeline firms, 28–29
isolation chambers, for employee breaks, 123–124
John Deere, 66
just-in-time inventory, in operations and logistics, 29
knowledge work, 143–144, 145, 147–154
knowledge workers, 143–144, 146–156
Leveraged Freedom Chair (LFC), 64, 67–68, 69–70, 72–76
local markets, product design for, 66–79
Logan (car), 75
low-end footholds, and disruptive innovation, 37–38, 47
loyalty, and empathy, 121
marketing, external networks in, 28
market segments, in product creation in developing countries, 66
Mechanical Turk (Amazon online marketplace), 121
Mecklenburg, Robert S., 81–104
medical classification codes, defining, 102–103
meetings, and managing collaboration, 6
metrics, 32–34, 84, 95, 98–99, 102–103, 128–129
multiple intelligences, 148, 150–151
Murdoch, Rupert, 34
MySpace, 34
yes-or-no questions during, 111–114
Netflix, 11, 18–19, 27, 41–42, 133
network analysis, in identifying collaborators, 2, 5, 7
network effects, in platform strategy, 22, 25–26, 28–29, 33–34
new-market footholds, and disruptive innovation, 39, 47
not-even-mine inventory, in operations and logistics, 29
office placement, and managing collaboration, 6
open architecture, in platforms, 31–32
open governance, in platforms, 31–32
operations, external networks in, 29
Orbitz, 148
outsourcing, 28
permissionless innovation, 32
personal computers, as disruptive innovation, 49
personal resources, in collaboration, 2–5, 8
physician leaders, in employer-led health care collaboratives, 88–89
customer value and, 25
focus of, 30
outsourcing by, 28
access and governance in, 30–32
core interactions and, 30
ecosystem value, 25
external interaction in, 25
focus of, 30
interactions in, 22, 25, 27, 30, 31–32, 33
inversion of functions in, 28–29
network effects and, 25–26, 28–29, 33–34
spillover effects and, 31
Porter, Michael, 25
predictions, using algorithms, 11–20. See also algorithms
preferential empathy, 120
problem definition, in product development, 66–67
process business model, 42
producers, in platforms, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 31–32
product development, in emerging markets, 63–79
providers, of platforms, 22, 24, 27
Rapid Integrated Lean (RIL), 93, 99–100
resource-based view, of competition, 24–25
robots. See artificial intelligence (AI); automation, of knowledge work
Rovio, 32
SAP, 29
self-expression, in cross-cultural negotiations, 107–109
social media, and algorithms, 11–13
social resources, in collaboration, 2–3, 6, 8
soft goals, when using algorithms, 14–15
soft skills, 123
solution shop business model, 42
spillover effects, and platforms, 31
in health care reform, 92
in product design, in developing countries, 73–74
steel industry, and disruption, 49
augmentation, for knowledge workers, 145–154
reverse innovation and, 64
in supply-side economies, 26
sustaining innovations, 39–40, 43, 44, 46
technical landscape, behind consumer problem in developing countries, 72–73
technical requirements, of emerging markets, 70–72
technology, collaborative resources and, 6
Tesla Motors, 49
Toyota Production System, 82, 93
affective vs. cognitive, 110–111
building, across cultures, 109–111
turnover, of employees, 1, 4, 118
as disruptive innovation, 37–41, 43, 44–45
as platform, 22, 27, 29, 31–34
UberSELECT, 45
upgraders, in cross-cultural communication, 107
user experience, in design-led innovation, 54
utility players, 7
value-chain model, 23
value creation, 25, 26, 27, 30–31, 32
value streams, in health care reform, 92, 100
Van Alstyne, Marshall W., 21–34
verbal cues, in cross-cultural negotiations, 107
Virginia Mason Medical Center, 82, 85, 93–94, 95
“wetware,” 154
whistle-blowing, and empathy, 121
women, collaborative work and, 8
work redistribution, to manage collaboration, 5–7
Xerox, 39