About the Contributors

RON ADNER is a professor of strategy and entrepreneurship at Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business, where he holds the David T. McLaughlin D’54, T’55 endowed chair.

SCOTT BERINATO is a senior editor at HBR and the author of Good Charts: The HBR Guide to Making Smarter, More Persuasive Data Visualizations (Harvard Business Review Press, 2016), from which this article is adapted.

TOM BLASER is a managing director at The Greatest Good Group (TGG Group).

PETER CAPPELLI is a professor of management at the Wharton School and the author of several books, including Will College Pay Off? A Guide to the Most Important Financial Decision You’ll Ever Make (PublicAffairs, 2015).

FRANK DOBBIN is a professor of sociology at Harvard University.

LINNEA GANDHI is a managing director at TGG Group.

FRANCESCA GINO is a professor at Harvard Business School, a faculty affiliate of the Behavioral Insights Group at Harvard Kennedy School, and the author of Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed, and How We Can Stick to the Plan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2013). She cochairs an HBS executive education program on applying behavioral economics to organizational problems.

MARCO IANSITI is the David Sarnoff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.

DANIEL KAHNEMAN is the Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Princeton University. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2002 for his work (with Amos Tversky) on cognitive biases.

ALEXANDRA KALEV is an associate professor of sociology at Tel Aviv University.

ROBERT S. KAPLAN is a senior fellow and the Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development, Emeritus, at Harvard Business School. He is the coauthor (with Michael E. Porter) of “How to Solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care” (HBR, September 2011).

RAHUL KAPOOR is an associate professor of management at the Wharton School.

A.G. LAFLEY, the recently retired CEO of Procter & Gamble, serves on the board of Snap Inc. He is the coauthor (with Roger L. Martin) of Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works (Harvard Business Review Press, 2013).

KARIM R. LAKHANI is a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School and the principal investigator of the Crowd Innovation Laboratory at the Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science.

ROGER L. MARTIN is a former dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. He is the coauthor (with A.G. Lafley) of Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works (Harvard Business Review Press, 2013).

RITA GUNTHER MCGRATH, a professor of management at Columbia Business School, is a globally recognized expert on strategy, innovation, and growth with an emphasis on corporate entrepreneurship.

MICHAEL E. PORTER is a University Professor at Harvard, based at Harvard Business School in Boston. He is the coauthor (with Robert S. Kaplan) of “How to Solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care” (HBR, September 2011).

STEVEN PROKESCH is a senior editor at Harvard Business Review.

ANDREW M. ROSENFIELD is the CEO and managing partner of TGG Group.

ANNA TAVIS is the academic director of Columbia’s program in human capital management and the Perspectives editor at People + Strategy, a journal for HR executives.

JOAN C. WILLIAMS is Distinguished Professor of Law and Founding Director of the Center of WorkLife Law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. Her newest book is White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America (Harvard Business Review Press, 2017).